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US forces had orders to target Indian Army in 1971

80,000 Chinese troops facing a mere 10,000-12,000 Indians troops isn't something to brag about especially when India inflicted about 50% of the casualties that China inflicted despite being outnumbered by about 68,000-70,000 troops. Simply put Indian troops had the far better kill ratio; however, they were simply overwhelmed by Chinese manpower.

and it was all political blunder and ill policies of govt.They refused to send supplies and rest of soldiers.
but chinese here live in la la land.It can be understood by any common person but chinese refused to understand it:help:
and it was all political blunder and ill policies of govt.They refused to send supplies and rest of soldiers.
but chinese here live in la la land.It can be understood by any common person but chinese refused to understand it:help:

Why blame the poor chinis.? They only get to know what their govt lets them to know.
The Gorkhas loved slicing up the chini heads with their khukris inspite of being outnumbered vastly.

If only the Nehru govt had decided to use the AF and had not got their head stuck up in Hindi-chini bhai bhai the results would have been so different. Actually if it had been the case Mao would not have invaded as that chap knew when,where and whom to pick a fight with.

Shaitan Singh and Joginder Singh killed dozens of Chinese soldiers by themselves Joginder Singh and his platoon only fell when they ran out of ammo
Its really amusing most of the population of Today's China carries either the Mongol or the Japanese genes........the pure Han gene has been lost and adulterated by the evil Mongols and the Japanese..........tsk tsk.....................

No such luck for evil short dark rice eating yindoos...................

Today's China should really thank the Mongols and Japanese ............they got the best from the both.............lol
"The world isn't for whiners but for doers, do something and get noticed, or be content being regarded as terrorists." Nice.. I removed my Email signature in my Official Outlook and included your line but changed "terrorists to Loosers" :cheers:
US should have bombed india in 1971 like how china annihilated india 1962.

china showed india how superior china is to india in every possible way.
indians are still living with the humiliation of being shat on by china.

In that ERA, USA even could not conquer Vietnam... Forget about India.. neway .. USA dint do so .. better foR USA only.

And as far '1962 beat down' is concerned, we learnt how a brother can back-stab you, so niether China gained anuthing in that war but we learnt a important lesson.
US should have bombed india in 1971 like how china annihilated india 1962.

china showed india how superior china is to india in every possible way.
indians are still living with the humiliation of being shat on by china.

Just another frustrated flaseflag solely created to troll in Indian section. Loser. :lol:

What is new there that you are asking others to save your back. Whether US then and now PRC.

---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

Even superpower US could not save you from this... :rofl:

Nixon was @#$%^, this was man equally responible for killing of 3million Bangladeshis.
admit that china is superior to india.
then i wont talk about 1962 national embarrassment for india.

Japan also embarrassed me yar..... where ur damn superiority that time...cant defend its land n people from Imperial Japanese army.....
lol US is going down the same path as greece. wont be long before the 2nd cold war empire crumbles.
US is at the mercy of china.
china dumps those bonds and the US is done.

u know why u keep talking about china in every media network in the US, because china is closing in on ur arse very quickly and u are sh!t scared about it even with the power u have now.

---------- Post added at 05:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 AM ----------

indians are a colony of britain.

david cameron is ur leader.

Ur also living in a colony ruled by CCP... one more important to tell How u are called People's republic of China which has no connection with real Republic.....
Excellent observation, though I doubt any Indian would agree with you. Indian leadership post Gandhi era has been desperate to get closer to the Americans waiting for the right opportunity to strike. They tried to get involved in in WoT right from the beginning in 2002 and even offered military and logistic support for US hoping USA would attack Pakistan along with Afghanistan but all in vain as Pakistan agreed to be "with us (USA)" and fitted better in US' perspectives at that moment.

But things are different now; India has become more important due rapid growth of Chinese economic, political and military influence in the region and 'serves' American interests better to contain China. Appeasement, concessions such as the 123 agreement and political support in global arena are the nice candies US is offering to get India in her camp. And they are doing a good job as it seems.

Dear dont get carried away by today's situation.... U people are the real winner... Bcoz u can fooled by any country except India.....
The war ended when India realized what was going on and pulled back. I guess India did have a smart leader back then.

Why dont you Google down how the war ended n armed forces pullback....
^ not unless your Israel
or have lots of OIL!

---------- Post added at 05:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------

Japan also embarrassed me yar..... where ur damn superiority that time...cant defend its land n people from Imperial Japanese army.....
even britain coulndt defenc its territories from the japs during ww2, and the japs even defeated russian in 1908 or was it 1904
Why dont you Google down how the war ended n armed forces pullback....

The war ended when India pulled back the forces because of the threat of the US navy. I'm certain that India didn't wanted to engage in any conflict with the US back then.

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