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War Scenario : India attacks Terrorist Camps In Pak-Occ-Kashmir

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How long can those old mirages serve? In 2015 they will be quite old and I wonder their if their sorty rate will be less than 1 per day. Comparing that with IAF I would say PAF doesnt stand too much ground on BVR terms. Also BVR has been recently inducted and PAF will take time to learn its use.

For starters you dont have ability to produce a 200 ton nuke. Secondly India wont occupy Pakistan but a disputed territory known as Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

Sir please try to bring in relevant variables into the equation and lets hope that we dont derail this threat by posting rheotorical statements

you can dream more my brother 2015 is not enugh to learn a bvr.and we already use bvrs.thats i told you come occopy why you guys waitinf from 1948 after we free kashmir now 60 years.:p:tdown:
Nopes nuking delhi wont serve any pupose. That would be just cause for civilian deaths nothing more than that. none of the objectives would be achieved apart from escalating tensions to the nuclear level.

he want to occopy our country and wanna sungery us:D we have every right to answer the enemy or su-30 come bomb us and blck52 fc-20 sleep tight.he is thinking only army navy air force india has others are here for got salalry and wair uniform as he thinking we have no waipons no missile no bvr and our forces sleep in home they come attack occopy after 2 weeks pakistan army wakeup and look around:lol:
Arey bhai its not about underestimating anyone and certainly I dont underestimate anybody let alone an adversary. That is why time and again I am stressing on three crucial factors necessary which are surprise , speed and firepower.

With most of PA deployed against the IA over the length of the border , the PA lines in Pakistan occupied Kashmir will be relatively thin and also due to tough terrain there PA wont be expecting a major thrust coming from that direction.

these three we have also you are going to attack but you think defence forces sleeep? pakistani forces have speed retleate quick response and broke the legs who inter pakistan .abut LOC you don't know any thing.there is full scale army every time 24\7.
you can dream more my brother 2015 is not enugh to learn a bvr.and we already use bvrs.thats i told you come occopy why you guys waitinf from 1948 after we free kashmir now 60 years.:p:tdown:

Arey yaar WAR is not good and should never be fought but the sad reality is that in some cases it is unavoidable.

Well lets just say that this thread is about just analyzing a war scenario rather than pelting stones at each other. Dont bring rhetoric into it and keep the discussion logical.

As far as mastering a certain technology goes then definitely it will take a lot of time and btw I dont think those mirages have aim-120 . Only a few f-16's will have them. In BVR PAF needs catching up to do and because the sorties will be flown over a constrained environment the numbers that IAF can keep in air as compared to PAF will be far greater. Technology and numbers go to IAF. Though I must add that battles are decided not on tech and numbers but also tactics and training. Whose are better will only be decided when the two foes face each other.
I believe JF-17s will all have BVRs and also F-16 C/D. So there will be plenty of BVR capable planes around.
Arey yaar WAR is not good and should never be fought but the sad reality is that in some cases it is unavoidable.

Well lets just say that this thread is about just analyzing a war scenario rather than pelting stones at each other. Dont bring rhetoric into it and keep the discussion logical.

As far as mastering a certain technology goes then definitely it will take a lot of time and btw I dont think those mirages have aim-120 . Only a few f-16's will have them. In BVR PAF needs catching up to do and because the sorties will be flown over a constrained environment the numbers that IAF can keep in air as compared to PAF will be far greater. Technology and numbers go to IAF. Though I must add that battles are decided not on tech and numbers but also tactics and training. Whose are better will only be decided when the two foes face each other.

now i told you one thing go search who many extreamst your army kill and who many pakistan army .check who many civils killed here in pak by extreamsts and who many in india.we lose much much then you.our militry is busy to cleen this whole mess but your gov and media will never ever tone a single word abut pakistani forces in history.its your problim .every day extreamst attack on us still we sporrt them? 98% pakistanis now full against extreamst no matter who they are.your militry need funds blame pakistan you have election blame pakistan and attack blame pakistan what you never blame us remember?you ppl are blind in hate of our forces.you know one thing if you are my enemy still we have respect but its only indian media and gov who insult again and again enemyes for show down them.other wise enemy mean he has guts like you.a baby can't be a enemy of man.
Thread should be closed down because the assumptions and moreover the scenarios is ridiculuous

Also your grand assumption that it will be over before pak has even the chance to mobilize, are you serious do you have any idea at all ?

it took india a MONTH to get its troops ready, our boys were airborne, tanks fired up, guns loaded in less than 24 hours

and thats full fledged mobilization, just look at the map as to where our airbases are where the infantry is deployed and such
Hello friends

I am starting this thread to analyze/debate possible situation & consequence of Indian land forces attacking terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. ( Surgical Strikes are not included in this analysis).

Year 2015

Trigger:LeT terrorist carry out heinous operations in some of the major cities of India targeting civilian population.

Plan : India has been waiting for such kind of foul play and want to teach terrorists a lesson.Some brigades of IA have been deployed specifically for the purpose of ingressing into the very land where these terrorists are trained.

The plan calls for IA is to deploy its assets all along the border ( ala Cold Start in a day or two). This will serve as a deterrent for a full blown war and a decoy to a small conflict. As soon as assets are deployed massive air strikes are carried out including surgical strikes.
IN places itself tentatively close to Pakistan's water and gives an appearance of blockading Pakistan's major port in event of escalation. Troops are air-dropped while the land forces start making their way into Pakistan occupied Kashmir. On the day 5 of the assault with all its objectives achieved with the major cities of Pakistan occupied Kashmir captured,India calls a unilateral ceasefire.

1. Pakistan cannot and doesn't go nuclear as the territory is a disputed one.

2.International pressure has been building on Pakistan for more than 5 years now and there is little she can do in terms of escalation.

3. India will procure all the equipment necessary for such an assault such as light artillery, attack helos and build a formidable armada and air force to acheive naval and aerial supremacy.

4. Pakistan's economy wont be able to support a major war.

Issues with the approach

1.Treacherous landscape

2. A small theater of operation will mean India will have to sacrifice its number advantage to a certain extent.

3. Pakistan can be suicidal and a full blown war can impact India's economy severely.

Major Advantages for India

1. Terrorist organizations cant have there camps in a disputed land but will have to shift to Pakistan's sovereign land to carry out their operations.

2. Improved standing in the world

If the operation doesn't succeed then the Sh*t will definitely hit the fan.

My question is:

Is such an operation possible? What are the other variables that must be kept in mind ( I haven't added a detailed view of logistics and landscape due to my lack of knowledge in the same but I know that these will be very important factors for India to succeed)

You are poking the hornets nest, this is going to be good ! :D

I am ready with my :pop:
Explaining virtues of PA in fighting terrorists

Sir just one question:

Where was PA for the last 15 years ? Terrorists have existed in Pakistan held kashmir for over 15 years now and still your armed forces did nothing about them, instead your armed forces did a KARGIL on us. Today if your forces are fighting terrorists then its because they are killing your own people. Dont think for a moment that you are fighting for this world because nothing can be farther from the truth. Your armed forces are fighting for the very survival of your nation and your values.

When all is done and dusted , is there any gurantee that LeT and JeM wont be there. No sir there is none and for that India should prepare.

@SMC : J-17 is a long shot for now as I dont think there has been any credible tests of it as a weapons platform. Also I think a BVRM of aim-120 's calibre cant be installed on JF-17 due to lack of good radar and stuff.
Thread should be closed down because the assumptions and moreover the scenarios is ridiculuous

Also your grand assumption that it will be over before pak has even the chance to mobilize, are you serious do you have any idea at all ?

it took india a MONTH to get its troops ready, our boys were airborne, tanks fired up, guns loaded in less than 24 hours

and thats full fledged mobilization, just look at the map as to where our airbases are where the infantry is deployed and such

I am all ears about your outlook on the map. Care to explain in detail?

Cold start is the answer to rapid deployment.
wow we have experience in BVR??????? over 200 pilots of the PAF went to the f 16 block 60 of uae and trained in em.... loool we have no experience .... i mean it will be preety funny when we will have hq 9 locking on thoes su 30 .... good times .....
wow we have experience in BVR??????? over 200 pilots of the PAF went to the f 16 block 60 of uae and trained in em.... loool we have no experience .... i mean it will be preety funny when we will have hq 9 locking on thoes su 30 .... good times .....

Sir ji training is one thing and flying one sortie after the another every second day of the month and every month of the year is different. Its good that PAF had its 200 pilots trained but how many hours would have they logged in total? Not a lot you see. There are no substitutes to hands on experience. Training can just give you knowledge but experience comes from flying day in and day out.

Su-30 can track F-16 and wont even be in the range of F-16 AFAIK. Su-30's can track targets in Pakistan from miles within India. F-16 stands very little chance against Su-30's. A strike package of Su-30's Mig-29's & a few mirage 2000 thrown in backed with AWACS will be a problem for any air force let alone PAF.
I am all ears about your outlook on the map. Care to explain in detail?

Cold start is the answer to rapid deployment.

Go read up cold start and the answer to this entire cold start thing i've posted it already..Read it before making comments

you can click on the link given its a detailed report with other stuff in it


as far as the map if i have time i'll find the article where the author analyses the infantry developments along the indo/pak border but thats general knowledge if your starting a thread like this, that should have been the first thing in your homework
J-17 is a long shot for now as I dont think there has been any credible tests of it as a weapons platform.

dude we're talking about JF-17 here not LCA lol, the first squadron is up and running and is participating in the PAF exercise High Mark
as far as the map if i have time i'll find the article where the author analyses the infantry developments along the indo/pak border but thats general knowledge if your starting a thread like this, that should have been the first thing in your homework

I did read all those, just that I didnt get into the specific details of how far(in kms) is gilgit from srinagar and what all routes can the IA take etc etc. I am no defense person you see , I am hoping that some enlightened souls here will apprise me of the landscape and logistics situation ( Two things I mentioned at the very start of the thread)
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