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Why is India moving heavy weapons towards Pakistan border?

Dont worry Pakistan is also capable of defending its territory
I disagreed, Pakistan military is not very effective in defending its territory or national interests, as seen during the last 70 years.
Terrain in India is favourable to winter. The snow blocks Pakistani infiltrators and soldier vision whereas Indian side has an advantage during winter as the vision from Indian side is good even during winter.
wow never thought this logic in my whole life so weather know the borders :lol:
I disagreed, Pakistan military is not very effective in defending its territory or national interests, as seen during the last 70 years.
Apart from 71, we have defended it pretty well.
1 . indian ruppe is in free fall against dollar,

2 . XE.Com INR USD rate check plz

inflation is rising and so are oil prices.

3.2019 is a year of currency collapse ( pakistan, india , japan expected ) . a major financial crisis is upon us thanks to record levels of current acc deficit and trumps trade wars .
In my opinion,

Its a diversion tactic... The Indian government usually does this to give themselves cover over their internal issues. So for an example, when there's an investigation going on regarding the Rafale scandal, they play the Pakistani card and people being soooo, scared of Pakistan and the notorious ISI, would surrender all sense of logic...

India had also, taken a lot of US loans along with other developing nation such as Turkey and are now having to pay this back with higher interest rates and a falling currency. To add to this;

India has a big issue with regards to Oil imports, as they need to import approx 80% of this via by sea and the mere thought to connect India by an underwater pipeline, has remained just a mere dream. Also, India needs to pay for this in US Dollars thus with a falling currency, puts strain on the Indian economy...

Interesting reads:

War is a perfect scapegoat for Modi's government to get the people's minds off the dismal economic outlook they face...
wow never thought this logic in my whole life so weather know the borders :lol:
Do you think border is just line in between? There is something like high ground, low ground and terrain difference. For example, if you are climbing up, snow can be a serious problem. But climbing down may be easier in snow. Also, it will be difficult for terrorists to move in snow as they will slow down, making it easier to detect.

In my opinion,

Its a diversion tactic... The Indian government usually does this to give themselves cover over their internal issues. So for an example, when there's an investigation going on regarding the Rafale scandal, they play the Pakistani card and people being soooo, scared of Pakistan and the notorious ISI, would surrender all sense of logic...

India had also, taken a lot of US loans along with other developing nation such as Turkey and are now having to pay this back with higher interest rates and a falling currency. To add to this;

India has a big issue with regards to Oil imports, as they need to import approx 80% of this via by sea and the mere thought to connect India by an underwater pipeline, has remained just a mere dream. Also, India needs to pay for this in US Dollars thus with a falling currency, puts strain on the Indian economy...

Interesting reads:

War is a perfect scapegoat for Modi's government to get the people's minds off the dismal economic outlook they face...
The whole point is about war. It is a matter of when and how, not if. The restraint is only limited according to needs. Economy was never a means of politics except in last 20-30 years. It was after USSR collapse and globalisation of all countries that economy became a main factor. So, economy being main driver of election is a recent phenomena.
Lol. Where China ran away after India ordered it not to build a road. Some spanking that.
LOL we built a forward base at the stand off point after Indians retreated back to your side of the border. Modi's humiliation last year ended further fantasies of aggression against China.
India got their spanking from China last year so they need to take out their anger on Pakistan.
Pakostan was weak arpund 2002. Now pakistan is a nightmare for anyone..thats precisely why america didnt attack

I disagreed, Pakistan military is not very effective in defending its territory or national interests, as seen during the last 70 years.
And thats why india spends billions and cry at mere 8 f16s
But don't you think in winter any military adventure will be nearly impossible due to hazardous weather and terrain?
winter is a better season for war on indo pak border with exception of kashmir region. in border areas of south punjab and sindh it will be very difficult for any army to sustain its operations in scorching heat of the desert.
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According to the Russian media, the Indian army is deploying extra troops and war machines along the Pakistani border. Gunship helicopters, battle tanks, military cargo choppers, medium to heavy ammunition batteries and military ration depots along Line of Control (LoC) are being installed.

Recently there has been a series of statements from Indian Army chief and government representatives of a limited scale operation, which is often referred to as Surgical Strike. Concurrently India is also celebrating the second anniversary of what it called a Surgical Strike carried inside the Pakistani border to avenge the blood of soldiers killed in Uri attack.

Pakistan Army has achieved unprecedented success in the war against terror and it has been established that the terrorists are nothing but a proxy of India.

India has recently been very hostile toward Pakistan not only via belligerent statements but the incident of the Azad Jammu Kashmir’s Prime Minister’s helicopter being targeted by Indian troops along LoC also serves as an example to understand the Indian mindset. The incident took place in broad daylight when AJK PM Haider was going to visit one of his cabinet members to condole the death of his brother.

The prime minister was traveling with two ministers and his personal staff officer in the helicopter that narrowly escaped the attack near Abbaspur village. So far Indian officials have not confirmed or denied the news of extraordinary movement of weaponry and troops along the line of control.

Read more: Thrilled over BRICS, Indian army eyes on breaching the LoC when…

But since it is the two year anniversary of the alleged surgical strike inside Pakistan’s territory, news like this help to keep the general public pumped up toward the “significant other” and away from the real issues. India’s real economic growth under the directive of Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a plunge, from 10% in 2010 to a mere 4.5% in 2015, because of the ill conceived step of demonetisation.

Furthermore, the “Make In India” initiative which made headlines for the purpose of job creation for the Indians has not been able to yield any significant outcome. On the other hand, the Hindutva ideology where the religious minorities especially Muslims faced persecution at the hand of Hindu vigilantes was constantly in the news during Modi’s tenure. Going into the election next year, BJP wants the masses to look away from the real issues and create war hysteria against Pakistan.

The idea of limited scale war, powered by Cold Start doctrine under the threshold of a nuclear confrontation, is impractical at its core.

India has always used the pretext of “BAT” or Border Action Force to be the cause of alleged incidents of execution and body mutilation of Indian BSF soldiers along the line of control. It is nothing more than a creation of Indian media which, according to them, consists of Pakistan’s elite special force personnel and regular jihadis, who cross the LoC to carry out their activities and mutilate the bodies of Indian soldiers afterward.

Pakistan’s Special Forces especially the Special Services Group (SSG) are very limited in number and they are mostly active in the tribal areas against Indian sponsored militants. The possibility of them being used along the relatively cold and less intense Eastern border is absurd and tactically counterproductive. Therefore, it makes Border Action Force nothing but a “bogeyman” which India has used as an excuse for its warmongering attitude.

Read more: Impact of Kargil Conflict 1999 on Pakistan’s Current Security Perspective

The existence of BAT has never been countered by Pakistani Media nor it has been the part of a serious debate on the international forum, but it is the part of Indian news bulletins and talk shows making it ‘the proof” of the Pakistani villainy in the minds of the Indian population. Recent developments are an attempt to engage Pakistan’s armed forces at the eastern front.

Pakistan Army has achieved unprecedented success in the war against terror and that has been a severe blow to Indian designs for Pakistan and the region at large. Since the militants have been engaged and eliminated, which is evident in the drastically decreased number of attacks inside Pakistan, India wants Pakistani troops to shift the focus towards the eastern border.

Read more: Pakistan’s Cold War Technology shrinks the effectiveness of India’s S-400 ABM…

In this way, the western border, which is still porous to a great extent, will be used to infiltrate and reinforce a new force of militants into Pakistani territory via Afghanistan. The situation calls for a diligent and strategic understanding to counter Indian moves. The idea of limited scale war, powered by Cold Start doctrine under the threshold of a nuclear confrontation, is impractical at its core. Hence, Pakistan has a stark need to take care of Indian attitude on the diplomatic front, while remaining vigilant on the border.


Russia want to increase its arm sale, by posting such type of news.

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