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WHY Pakistanis don't like the US?

I think the basic reason for the Pakistani distrusting America is because Pakistanis are too emotional to understand that America has and always had and always will have its own interest in mind first. .............. Pakistanis completely misread America and I fear Pakistani may completely misread China one day in the same vein.

It is not just USA. ALL nations put their own interests first and foremost, no one else's. Emotion has nothing to do with understanding that at all.
I think the basic reason for the Pakistani distrusting America is because Pakistanis are too emotional to understand that America has and always had and always will have its own interest in mind first. Pakistanis thought they could get the American weaponry and economic concessions in the three great alliances (50's, 80's, and 2000's) AND also claim America's strategic support. Wrrrongoo! Nobody forced Pakistan to join America's alliances--okay, may be the phone call by Armitage to Musharraf was an exception; may be an exception. Anyway, anytime Americans didn't offer the strategic support the Pakistanis cried foul: Ayub Khan had to write 'Friends, not Masters' for a reason.
America is like a giant corporation. It is driven to achieve its financial goals. Morality and friendship are secondary, except in case of Israel where America's interests don't align with being so pro-Israel (for that you will have to read Mearsheimer and Walt's 'The Israel Lobby'). Pakistanis completely misread America and I fear Pakistani may completely misread China one day in the same vein.

there are many reasons but few stand out.

1- There is no serious think tank/intellectual group in Pakistan who is willing to do honest analysis of USA. For that matter there is none about India or China either. So the discussions and policies adopted by Pakistan towards USA have been based on bazari loag and their street discussions (PDF is an example of such discussions).

2 We expected from Americans (aka Goras) as if they should take care of us just like Britishers (very similar goras from Pak pov) took care of us. That's why Gen. Ayub $tupidly cried "Friends be friends, because you seem like master"

3. Our intellectuals who do write about USA are dominated by 2 groups. Punjabi-Muslman group, and Urdu-speaking Bihari/UPite group. They both are closet commies (a la Faiz) but they want to show others they are Islamists (a la Iqbal). Just ask a commie from Bihar, Bengal about USA. They will spit out the same sentences that Pakistanis do.

4. Our Slavery to Arab socialists and fascists. They too are anti-Americans and anti-West, so we must be. We are pakka pakka Muslims (even though Arabs don't think so).

Point #1 and 2 are valid but 3 and 4?! Are you kidding about the 'closet commies'? And 'Arab Socialists'? WTH? If you hate Arabs then come up with something else but this was so bizarre.

BTW, anti-Americanism is globally rampant! I have ran into Swedes and Serbs, and some in between, and seen there is anti-Americanism. If you ever follow travel blogs then you will some times see that some Americans put Canadian flags on their backpacks to avoid negative receptions even in Europe; such things were more common right after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and may still be around. I also tell you one thing: When Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 Canadians would cheer shooting down of American helicopters or American deaths--I am eyewitness to that.
Also, being a superpower does cause a lot of jealousy and envy. It doesn't help that NeoCons are cold blooded arrogant pricks.
Maybe because the US has stabbed Pakistan in the back too many times. They tell us to fight the taliban but then start making peace deals with them and when we want to make peace they start crying that we aren't doing enough to help the WOT.

Their diplomats are causing havoc in Pakistan, lets not forget how that b@stard Raymond Davis killed many innocent people in Lahore.

America continuously blames us for playing a double game and that we are somehow on the taliban's side even though Pakistan has lost thousands of civilians and soldiers to America's unneeded war.

They cry about our nukes everyday but somehow forget that their b@stard child Israel possesses nukes as well and is the only country on the face of the earth that has disallowed inspections of its nukes.

They have killed thousands of innocent civilians including women and children in Pakistan through drone attacks. These drone attacks are killing Pakistanis and also turning the families of victims into taliban sympathizers.

I can go on and on but I'll leave it at that.
Point #1 and 2 are valid but 3 and 4?! Are you kidding about the 'closet commies'? And 'Arab Socialists'? WTH? If you hate Arabs then come up with something else but this was so bizarre.

Meengla dear, this is not just you. Pakistanis jump up with a mirchi :chilli:, as soon as someone tells them they are talking like a socialist or communist. It is part of our psyche that we have adopted all the commie concepts in the name of Hazrat Umar's welfare state. But heavens would fall if someone tells us the reality. Remember if one talks like a commie, and walks like a commie, then it is a commie. Our gods are chomsky and carl marx, and not Adam smith. That puts squarely in the middle of Surkhas (reds and pinkos).

Arab bath party movement and Islamism a la Syed Qutab is older than you and I. So you have to read it to understand what I am saying. If you haven't read about Middle Eastern history from multiple authors and different perspectives, then it is logical that you will consider the reality as "bizarre".

I don't think you even realize that Pakistani Islamists and leftie commies were burning down American Embassy in 1979 when there was no invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and Prez Bush was most likely still in school/college. So don't be naive to bring in one of the leftie tactic of accuse-Bush-accuse-America, Thank you.

...... anti-Americanism is globally rampant! I have ran into Swedes and Serbs, and some in between, .

People can hate America and people can love America. But only in the land of Moooolllies and Ayatullies that Americans are hounded and their embassies are attacked and their diplomats are captured and killed.

So do not support our jangli and primitive tribal behavior by comparing us to Swedes (oh the blonds and their easy going ways :lol:).

Please try to understand that I am not picking on you. Just describing who we are as a group.

peace to you. peace to all,
Maybe because the US has stabbed Pakistan in the back too many times. They tell us to fight the taliban but then start making peace deals with them and when we want to make peace they start crying that we aren't doing enough to help the WOT.

Their diplomats are causing havoc in Pakistan, lets not forget how that b@stard Raymond Davis killed many innocent people in Lahore.

America continuously blames us for playing a double game and that we are somehow on the taliban's side even though Pakistan has lost thousands of civilians and soldiers to America's unneeded war.

They cry about our nukes everyday but somehow forget that their b@stard child Israel possesses nukes as well and is the only country on the face of the earth that has disallowed inspections of its nukes.

They have killed thousands of innocent civilians including women and children in Pakistan through drone attacks. These drone attacks are killing Pakistanis and also turning the families of victims into taliban sympathizers.

I can go on and on but I'll leave it at that.

Speaking like a true Pakistani living in North America. I have met so many of you during my visits, all belching flames, all cursing the very land that you guys have taken refuge in. This is I say is "true loyalty". Yes burn down the host, destroy those who welcome you. This is the only way you can bring "good" name to Pakistan. Shabash.


peace to you brozer, peace to you.
Speaking like a true Pakistani living in North America. I have met so many of you during my visits, all belching flames, all cursing the very land that you guys have taken refuge in. This is I say is "true loyalty". Yes burn down the host, destroy those who welcome you. This is the only way you can bring "good" name to Pakistan. Shabash.


peace to you brozer, peace to you.

Woah there boy. Do I look like an American to you? Do my flags say I am American? So how the **** is your retarded @ss going to say I'm cursing the country I am living in? I'm a proud Pakistani-Canadian and I don't believe I have ever insulted my country Canada before.

It's funny you say "don't burn down the host". Scumbags like yourself should have actually tried to follow this because then you would not have been stabbing Pakistan in the back on every opportunity. I'm happy I have insulted and showed the reality of your master USA, now go back to Express Tribune and keep spewing anti Pakistani ***** there.
Meengla dear, this is not just you. Pakistanis jump up with a mirchi :chilli:, as soon as someone tells them they are talking like a socialist or communist. It is part of our psyche that we have adopted all the commie concepts in the name of Hazrat Umar's welfare state. But heavens would fall if someone tells us the reality. Remember if one talks like a commie, and walks like a commie, then it is a commie. Our gods are chomsky and carl marx, and not Adam smith. That puts squarely in the middle of Surkhas (reds and pinkos).

I had to 'thank' you for entertaining me!
However Pakistanis are obsessed with hating the US. So the hatred is likely more due to religion.

I dont think they obsessed. I also dont think this has anything to do with religion.

Atleast 50% of India doesnt favor the US, because there is distrust about the American political establishment. Because they let us down a lot of times in the past. Pakistan has been associated with the US for a long time, and I feel they do have genuine reasons.
Woah there boy. Do I look like an American to you? Do my flags say I am American? So how the **** is your retarded @ss going to say I'm cursing the country I am living in? I'm a proud Pakistani-Canadian and I don't believe I have ever insulted my country Canada before.

It's funny you say "don't burn down the host". Scumbags like yourself should have actually tried to follow this because then you would not have been stabbing Pakistan in the back on every opportunity. I'm happy I have insulted and showed the reality of your master USA, now go back to Express Tribune and keep spewing anti Pakistani ***** there.

Excellent reply.

Woah there boy. Do I look like an American to you? Do my flags say I am American? So how the **** is your retarded @ss going to say I'm cursing the country I am living in? I'm a proud Pakistani-Canadian and I don't believe I have ever insulted my country Canada before.

It's funny you say "don't burn down the host". Scumbags like yourself should have actually tried to follow this because then you would not have been stabbing Pakistan in the back on every opportunity. I'm happy I have insulted and showed the reality of your master USA, now go back to Express Tribune and keep spewing anti Pakistani ***** there.

Read again meray dear. Read again.

I said North America, and not America.

North America includes both USA and Canada. They are two cousins joined at the hip for their foreign policy, economy, and military policy.

USA trusts Canada more than any Islamic brother-hood-hood can ever trust the other hood-hood.

In that scenario, your garbage spewing is going to show you as one of the less shiny jewel in Canadian chest.

That's all

peace to you.
I dont think they obsessed. I also dont think this has anything to do with religion.

Atleast 50% of India doesnt favor the US, because there is distrust about the American political establishment. Because they let us down a lot of times in the past. Pakistan has been associated with the US for a long time, and I feel they do have genuine reasons.

As I said, one can differ from the other country's policies.

But Jangali, wehshee, and primitive Islamist tribals cross all bounds of humanity when they hound ordinary Americans, attack Embassies, and capture / kill diplomats.

Had Pakistani lefties and commies and their Islamist comrades left it to non-violent means, things would have been OK.,

But even in 1979, Pakistani mobs burned down the Embassy in Islamabad, and ransacked American installations in other cities.

This part of piggish and thuggish tendencies of Islamists are the ones that I am denouncing.

Look at the Taliboobies in Wazirastan. Same thing. Then if the Americans come by to say hello using drones, then these very islamists jump up and down, dekho dekho mujhay marta hai. Well if you don't want to get your @rse blown up and bunch of civilians around you blown up, then do not attack Americans. Period.

well the Pakistanis might not be liking the US nowadays,now that they are getting bombed by the US drones every now and then and the Pakistani media highlighting that.But they used to like them a lot starting from the 50s all the way upto the 90s----just the same way they like the Chinese now.

My Pakistani friends may not like my comment,some may say I am trolling,some may say my comment is inflammatory,but just think about it....the attitude has not changed..not even a single bit.Back in the 60s 70s Pakistani people would have sworn by their Western allies and proclaim the friendship would last thousands of years.Things have changed drmatically now.But,no lesson has been learnt so far.Now US is gradually getting replaced by China.Its the same olod story all over,yes it is...it started like this only the last time.

What kind of self-reliant nation decides to act like a climber plant to grow and sustain with help from other bigger nation.No matter big or small,one deserves to be treated as an equal.That is called self-respect,in case you dont know.Dump the habit of piggy-backing,stop being totally reliant on others,establish relations on equal terms,compete and see yourself flourish.
Pakistanis 'hate' the U.S. but it STILL doesn't stop them from moving to the U.S. A bit hypocritical, no ? Maybe if the Pakistanis routed out the nest of terrorists up in the 'tribal areas' (WTF is up with that, anyway ?) then the U.S. wouldn't have to do it.:pakistan:
Read again meray dear. Read again.

I said North America, and not America.

North America includes both USA and Canada. They are two cousins joined at the hip for their foreign policy, economy, and military policy.

USA trusts Canada more than any Islamic brother-hood-hood can ever trust the other hood-hood.

In that scenario, your garbage spewing is going to show you as one of the less shiny jewel in Canadian chest.

That's all

peace to you.

Canada is an independent country. Our foreign policies, military and economy are not the same. Canada's foreign policy is much more relaxed than USA's. Canada does not have ambitions to take over the world. Canada does not take part in drone strikes in Pakistan. Canada does not have a track record of invading and occupying countries. Canadian diplomats do not kill innocent people in foreign countries. Canadian soldiers do not go around mass murdering innocent people. They don't go around torturing people. Canada does not detain people due to their religion or skin colour.

Even today Canada and America have many disputes. Just because I am supporting and standing up for innocent people does not mean I am spewing garbage and I don't care about Islamic brotherhood so don't try to lecture me on that. Get off the drugs!
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