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Wikileaks:India, Iran Supported TTP

So let me understand this sir.

Pakistanis are ready to believe, opinion of an unnamed UAE official for TTP support allegations on India when UAE is co-accused(again as per some persons's opinion and part of the wikileaks) in the Balouch insurgency.

Is it me or this sounds really weird to all ?
So let me understand this sir.

Pakistanis are ready to believe, opinion of an unnamed UAE official for TTP support allegations on India when UAE is co-accused(again as per some persons's opinion and part of the wikileaks) in the Balouch insurgency.

Is it me or this sounds really weird to all ?

every thing is wrong which reveals India and Every thing is credible which demonify Pakistan

Indians are great

There is a difference between "evidence" and discolsure... People really need to learn to read!

Secondly the INDIANS here or atleast the more tempesteous ones need to have humble pie that such embarrasing discolsures apply to both countries liberally.

But apparently as soon as somthing is posted about India, they jump on thier "Evidence" "Evidence" "where is the proof" "this is nonsense" bandwagon.

Hazam karne mey masla hain to Hajmola kha loo... But learn to accept there are "2" sides to a DEBATE!

Sorry, sounds a good sound bite but this is not about a fair debate and what source you refer to..Sarkozy made some remarks about Pakistan today in Mumbai, but yu will argue he did it to please India..as did Obama.So wikileaks is a good source to point out things that you normally do not accept as US is cagey to publically say things that it can in its cables.

One comment here or there doesnt matter much.Anyhow, UAE and Britain and China and Saudi Arabia are expected to side with Pakistan. No surprises.

Plzzz...there is NO equavalence here.Pakistan uses terror as OFFICIAL FOREIGN POLICY'.There is no ambiguity about it.EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT IT.
Plzzz...there is NO equavalence here.Pakistan uses terror as OFFICIAL FOREIGN POLICY'.There is no ambiguity about it.EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT IT.



Your proof?


you mean india? And people don't know what you lot are doing in Sindh and Baluchistan?

Please... Besides this quartet of statements have come from foreign delegates "visiting" india... So what can we take away from that ;)
Pakistan should support the Kurdish sepratists in iran

clam down bro. calm down !!

this is the real face of Iran... Iran was/is supporting pkk terrorists since 1984 against Turkiye...

That's why nobody likes Iran at this area !! So we don't want it has nukes and this is the biggest reason for Saudis to beside of US .... You cant believe and trust to Iran !!!
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Wake up call for some Pakistanis who consider iran as our "friends and brothers"

no need to be emotional here. when it comes to national policies and regional goals.. there is nothing brotherly about it.. hence we have Arab countries fighting each other (e.g. Saudi vs Yeman).. iraq vs Kowat and Iran vs Iraq.

if this allegation is true then Iran is only following what Saudis have done in the past and are still doing.. supporting Sipah Sahabah and other extrimist Deobandi organisations.

by the way it is strange that Iran would be supporting the organisation that are known for their utter hatred for Shia and Beralwis.. these people have desecrtated shrines pulled out the dead from the graves..

this is similer to NATO's allegations that Iran is supporting taliban because there were Iranian made weapons found which are easily available.

by the way.. Wikileaks also say that Pakistan's ISI is supporting and funding the taliban who are destorying Afghan infrastructre..

what do you say about that? finally I will repeat again.. there is no such thing as brotherhood or friends when it comes to countries
the intersts start and end with self..
Pakistan should support the Kurdish sepratists in iran

Are you an Idiot or a fool?
do you know what you are talking about? do you think doing so will make us better than India or Iran?
do you have any clue about the Kurdish struggle?
this land is divided among Iraq, Iran and Turkey too..

what do you have to say to other two countries?

the only possibility of Iran helping any terrorists would have been the BLA.. but those b@stards are also a big pain in Iran too and they habitually kill people in mosques and other public gatherings in the name of greater Balochistan.

this leak is as sacred, authentic and holy as the allegation on ISI of supporting lashker Toibah in Indian occupied Kashmir and Afghan Taliban.
So let me understand this sir.

Pakistanis are ready to believe, opinion of an unnamed UAE official for TTP support allegations on India when UAE is co-accused(again as per some persons's opinion and part of the wikileaks) in the Balouch insurgency.

Is it me or this sounds really weird to all ?

some of us are just being selective here mate..
if you ask them to accept the so called leaks of ISI support of groups fighting in Indian Occupied Kashmir and supporting Haqqani group in Afhganistan fighting the NATO forces then they will refute that with full force.

we are just selective of what we want to believe.
So let me understand this sir.

Pakistanis are ready to believe, opinion of an unnamed UAE official for TTP support allegations on India when UAE is co-accused(again as per some persons's opinion and part of the wikileaks) in the Balouch insurgency.

Is it me or this sounds really weird to all ?

Ahh Indians are questioning wikileaks when India is mentioned as a state carrying out terrorism in Pakistans But you are ready to accept wikileaks as authentic when it come to blaming Pakistan and ISI and even Kiyani lolzz who is the most apolitical person in the history of Pakistani top brass officers.

So lets first clear it once of all

A. Either wikileaks are true entirely and there should be NO denial from any country

B. Or wikileaks are Lies entirely and NO one should believe it.

So come up with your stand first and i will debate this believing and non-believing later
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