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World Is Embracing Islaam

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the fact is that muslims have fallen on the wayside. in the early part of last millennium when strength , horse back riding and cheating used to determine power, muslims were dominant. later on as brainpower became more important that position is gone. tell me one smart muslim country .. there is none. tell me one liberal muslim nation.. none again.. on all parameters muslims are at the end of human development.
I guess i am gonna start a thread with the title starting with

"Hinduism is the best religon of the world"

And hope moderators and fasih khan wont have problems with that....

Awaiting :D
Hope it will be a pure discussion and not be a troll thread for others!!
I've got no problem with Islam, or any religion for that matter. But what really, really gets down my nose is the preaching/force feeding done by many religions. Just yesterday I was volunteering at a hospital when some Christian came up to me, handed me a leaflet on how great Jesus is and told me to read it carefully. Now she asked me of I was a Christian which I responded "no" and she still give me the leaflet! This kind of praying on the unaware is just sickening. Now what right does any religion have to say it is better than any other religion? What right does any religion have to go out and try and convert others? I have always been told throughout my life that religion is a choice of an induvidual and every person is free to chose their own path and that ultimately all religions are different paths to the same end- this is what Sikhi believes and is why Sikhism has no such thing as missionaries. Now this intolerance of other relgions that spurs on missionary work is the same intolerance responsible for the slaughter of millions in the name of relgion over the years.
i agree... i myself have had these guys come up to me in US and ask such questions. but belives it or not there are people who fall for such sh1t.
the fact is that muslims have fallen on the wayside. in the early part of last millennium when strength , horse back riding and cheating used to determine power, muslims were dominant. later on as brainpower became more important that position is gone. tell me one smart muslim country .. there is none. tell me one liberal muslim nation.. none again.. on all parameters muslims are at the end of human development.

Nothing like that... there have been many muslim scholars to whom the world owes a lot.

The deeds of Abul Kalam at the time of partition and APJ abdul kalam azad to our own nation cannot be ignored.
I guess i am gonna start a thread with the title starting with

"Hinduism is the best religon of the world"

And hope moderators and fasih khan wont have problems with that....

you need not start a thread about what everyone knows and agrees upon
Awaiting :D
Hope it will be a pure discussion and not be a troll thread for others!!

Yes and we can claim also that finally the eyes of the world have opened ...... as otherwise they were doomed in hell where in god will burn, roast and torcher you but in fact he loves you. (I guess he loves in sadistic sense)
the fact is that muslims have fallen on the wayside. in the early part of last millennium when strength , horse back riding and cheating used to determine power, muslims were dominant. later on as brainpower became more important that position is gone. tell me one smart muslim country .. there is none. tell me one liberal muslim nation.. none again.. on all parameters muslims are at the end of human development.

There is no need to generalise mate...
Turkey malaysia indonesia are proof of liberalism ans smartness !!
Malaysia is a developed economy mate !!
Nothing like that... there have been many muslim scholars to whom the world owes a lot.

The deeds of Abul Kalam at the time of partition and APJ abdul kalam azad to our own nation cannot be ignored.
i am not talking about indivuduals. i am talking about the big picture.. as a race and community these people were once the most powerful and they kept on losing ground to the western christians.
There is no need to generalise mate...
Turkey malaysia indonesia are proof of liberalism ans smartness !!
Malaysia is a developed economy mate !!
malaysia is not tolerant. the hindus there feel oppressed. i live in singapore and have seen it first hand.
indonesia too is not. turkey i cant comment on as i ve never been there..
Malays are the dumb their country is pushed forward by the chinese.
malaysia is not a developed economy.its a mid income economy with low development.

Not everyone... dont get me started on hinduism mate...
okay most of the world
i agree... i myself have had these guys come up to me in US and ask such questions. but belives it or not there are people who fall for such sh1t.

I know and, more often than not, it is the marginalised or vulnerable who fall for this nonsense and more often not are specifically targeted for this. There is a reason many people in Western jails "find religion" which bares a strong relationship to the number of Christian and Muslim missionaries who go into these places with the exploit intent of converting people. if you ask many of these converts why they converted you will see they are still incredibly ignorant to the relgion and do nothing more than repeat what they have been told with little understanding of what any of this means. Don't get me wrong- this is a generalisation and I'm sure there are many who convert for genuine reasons through genuine understanding but many don't m
i am not talking about indivuduals. i am talking about the big picture.. as a race and community these people were once the most powerful and they kept on losing ground to the western christians.

If we go by that logic the Indian sub continent was majorly more of less hindus only. And today its maily in India and Nepal..
India was called the golden sparrow....
So we guys also fcked up
so whats ur point come again....
Is the world really embracing Islam? That's news to me! I think it's more to do with the rapid population expansion of the Muslim communities around the world as Muslims consider birth control a sin. Is that true?
I know and, more often than not, it is the marginalised or vulnerable who fall for this nonsense and more often not are specifically targeted for this. There is a reason many people in Western jails "find religion" which bares a strong relationship to the number of Christian and Muslim missionaries who go into these places with the exploit intent of converting people. if you ask many of these converts why they converted you will see they are still incredibly ignorant to the relgion and do nothing more than repeat what they have been told with little understanding of what any of this means. Don't get me wrong- this is a generalisation and I'm sure there are many who convert for genuine reasons through genuine understanding but many don't m

lol yeah,,.. there was one guy in the zakir naik conversion video who said that the kheer that is made in eid is sweeter than what is made during his hindu (or was it sigh) fetival and thats why he is converting.
Such numbskulls these guys convert and no wonder the qualuty of the religion base is going down.
malaysia is not tolerant. the hindus there feel oppressed. i live in singapore and have seen it first hand.
indonesia too is not. turkey i cant comment on as i ve never been there..
Malays are the dumb their country is pushed forward by the chinese.
malaysia is not a developed economy.its a mid income economy with low development.

okay most of the world

That most of the world constitutes mostly India and Hindus....

lol yeah,,.. there was one guy in the zakir naik conversion video who said that the kheer that is made in eid is sweeter than what is made during his hindu (or was it sigh) fetival and thats why he is converting.
Such numbskulls these guys convert and no wonder the qualuty of the religion base is going down.

Dont base your thinking on the basis of Jackasses....
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