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We(Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pak should not be our enemy either - Netanyahu


Sep 20, 2014
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Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his country and India "have some understanding" should India decide to unilaterally carry out combative action across the Line of Control against UN-designated terrorists, a statement that is indicative of an endorsement of India's right to defend itself.
In an exclusive interview with Times Now, when specifically asked if Israel would back such an action, Netanyahu said, "Well, let's say this, we have some understanding and I don't think I have to add beyond that," before adding that the Indo-Israeli partnership is not directed against any specific country.

"We (Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pakistan should not be our enemy either," he said.

Asked about the Palestine issue, he said, "Israel does not claim to be a perfect country. I don't know any country which is without problems. But, we extend our hands in peace to our neighbhours. It is unfortunate that at least on the Palestinian side, we haven't seen a reciprocal response." He also claimed, "Israel is no longer viewed by most Arab countries as an enemy, but as an indispensible ally in their battle against radicalism."

He also described India-Israel ties as a 'partnership of civilizations and of democracies.' Netanyahu said, "I was in one of the centres of excellence in Gujarat, where Israeli agricultural know-how is being transmitted to Indian farmers. Five farmers told me growing vegetables had helped increase their income four-five-fold. I said, 'this is tremendous'. If we can have that multiplied for all, it means we just raised the living standard of a massive number of Indians."

Zionism aside, Muslims and Jews are the closest to each other (or should be). Of all the places of worship, a masjid is the only place, outside of a Synagogue, where a Jew is allowed to observe his prayers. This is because both Islam and Judaism are the only two strictly monotheist religions.

The problem for Israelis is that they are so wedded to the issue of Zionism, they cannot break away from the Palestine issue. For the Muslims, they see the relationship with Jews solely through the Palestine prism and this is why neither side can get past these issues and come to realize how much more in common the two people have. If we go back in time/history, for the most part, Muslims and Jews have co-habited peacefully and actually benefited from each other considerably. Now this narrative is completely removed from the mainstream and the only narrative that exists is one of how both sides decidedly are against each other.

There are some good scholars (both on the Muslim and Jewish side) out there who are digging into the past both from a theological and historical standpoint and their insights are quite telling.
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pakistan doesn't recongize Israel or Armenia. Idk why they fight other people's battles. KSA, iran, GCC, Azerbaijan all recognize and trade with India even though pakistan has dispute with India, so why can't pakistan recognize Isreal and Armenia??? What does not recogizing those countries get them?
"We (Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pakistan should not be our enemy either," he said.
on the face of it, its an encouraging statement from otherwise a Hawkish prime minster of Israel.

Jews and Muslims have coexisted in Middle east and antisemitism was not the way it turned out after the way Israeli state was made on the corpses of Palestinians. if there is an honorable and peaceful resolution on Palestine issue then indeed such hostility felt by Pakistanis for Israelis and vice versa will recede over time.
some time ago Saudis led the way in off erring Israel recognition, trade and ease in military build up in return for Palestinian resolution but Israelis rejected that offer its early 2000s

Pakistanis find themselves obliged to count Israeli state as its enemy for its actions otherwise I agree there is no personal feud
I cant believe i will ever say this but i agree with Israeli PM here ..we should recognize Israel and Israel should stop Funding BLA , and supporting Proxies in Pakistan ..
pakistan doesn't recongize Israel or Armenia. Idk why they fight other people's battles. KSA, iran, GCC, Azerbaijan all recognize and trade with India even though pakistan has dispute with India, so why can't pakistan recognize Isreal and Armenia??? What does not recogizing those countries get them?

We take concept of Ummah little too seriously and our own interests much less lightly.
"We (Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pakistan should not be our enemy either," he said.

Read this -- we israelis know most of the Muslim countries are cowards and incapable of defending themselves. However, we are scared shi.t of only one country, and its Pakistan cause we have been trying for decades to destabilize it, and it is still standing. We have tried everything and we can't seem to get anywhere.
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We have some understanding, that should be enough for all to understand should be enough to open eyes , in any-case Pakistan has nothing against Israel and Israel shouldn't have nothing against Pakistan simply.
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We take concept of Ummah little too seriously and our own interests much less lightly.
Well... at least this ummah countries... ain't selling Armement and Know-How that could destroy every Pakistani assets... in a war...
Everyone on earth do Biz with India... even Pakistan himself around 4-4.5%... (China 23+%)

We have some understanding, that should be enough for all to understand should be enough to open eyes !!in any-case Pakistan has nothing against Israel and Israel shouldn't have nothing against Pakistan simply.
Zionism aside, Muslims and Jews are the closest to each other
Actually the worst enemies of Muslims and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were Jews.

Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe “the Jews” and those who are polytheists [5:82]

Jews are badly cursed in holy Quran :

And certainly Allah made a covenant with the children of Israel, and We raised up among them Twelve Caliphs; and Allah said: Surely I am with you; if you keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and believe in My apostles and assist them and offer to Allah a goodly gift, I will most certainly cover your evil deeds, and I will most certainly cause you to enter into gardens beneath which rivers flow, but whoever disbelieves from among you after that, he indeed shall lose the right way. [5:12]

But on account of their breaking their covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they changed our words from their right places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others). [5:13]

Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque (Kaaba) to the remote Mosque (Masjid al Aqsa) of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs in Mosque Masjid al Aqsa (Palestine); surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [17:1]

And We had made known to the children of Israel in the Book: Most certainly you will make mischief in the land twice, and most certainly you will behave insolent [17:4]

So when the promise for the first of the two came, We sent over you Our servants, of mighty prowess, so they went to and fro among the houses, and it was a promise to be accomplished. [17:5]

So when the second promise came (We raised another people) that they may bring you to grief and that they may enter the Mosque (Masjid al Aqsa) as they entered it the first time, and that they might destroy whatever they gained ascendancy over with utter destruction. [17:7]

It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, and if you again return (to disobedience) We too will return (to punishment), and We have made hell a prison for the unbelievers. (Jews and their supporters) [17:8]
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