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Pakistanis be ready, time of action is here and now.

We need to be ready to launch a massive offensive, especially using irregulars. We need them to target cities, infrastructure, public places to spread fear and force thier public out onto the road.

Because Pakistan changed its policy, and irregulars are kept out, the Kashmiri movement is now called "indigenous."

Pakistan should respond only through "regular" means, and a befitting reply is being given.

In the mean time, the Kashmiris should decide how long they plan to live under the current regime.
Because Pakistan changed its policy, and irregulars are kept out, the Kashmiri movement is now called "indigenous."

Pakistan should respond only through "regular" means, and a befitting reply is being given.

In the mean time, the Kashmiris should decide how long they plan to live under the current regime.
What reply is being given other than National Security Comittee's meeting is called
And what kind of government/army/Air Force would still be blind, which had big birds landed on its soil stayed there for almost an hour its engines running, where the whole area could see them, hear them!
By the way show me some proofs that Chinooks were stealth.
I don’t have to show you any proof accept it or not I do not care. I was replying to Mastan Khan.
Rest ask Zardari and Kyani
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Yep, I agree with @MastanKhan, "showing restraint" was a big mistake on part of Pakistan. Indians would have gone for kill whenever opportunity presented itself. Just look at the 1999 Atlantique shootdown incident. I remember the counter-argument was that such and such would have been act of war. lol, as if the IAF crossing the international border to strike wasn't an act of war?

Even now, you'll hear analysts on television saying that Pakistan should highlight Kashmir and current stuff for international community to see. lol. I'm surprised why international pressure means so much to Pakistan when it means nothing to major powers. If international pressure or community meant anything, that india would have held the plebiscite in Kashmir already, Israel wouldn't be bulldozing houses, Russia would have vacated Crimea, etc.

Apparently, it's even war-fighting doctrine for PA, capture land, wait for "international pressure" to force IA to ceasefire. What was the freaking point of Kargil when PAF lacked BVR? To force international pressure on India?Land is a finite resource. Once someone takes it, there is no giving it up. I think these thoughts on "international pressure" needs to be removed from Pakistani military doctrine. There is a need to teach cadets that they need to fight to win wars, that there is no runner up in love & war, don't give a crap about international community. If there isn't a paradigm shift in the thinking at GHQ in how wars should be fought & won, blunders like Kargil or Fall of Dhaka will continue to be repeated.
Well said.
Apparently, it's even war-fighting doctrine for PA, capture land, wait for "international pressure" to force IA to ceasefire. What was the freaking point
Not apparently, but in reality.

Ammo and fuel (alongside appetite for war) is presumed to last around two weeks for both countries; hence all their war plans are based for that time period. No one cares for plan B in Pakistan to begin with. If something unexpected happens, then there will be only knee jerk reactions as we all know how good of a decision makers these guys are. Out of box thinking is not their forte.

Luckily for us, their counterparts are equally if not more incompetent. Their numbers and finances however can make up for their incompetency.

What was the freaking point of Kargil when PAF lacked BVR
The genius who came up with that idea later said that the Indians "over reacted" by bringing in airforce and bofors.
He didn't consult with airforce or navy before launching an operation which jeopardized Indian position in Siachen and along the Chinese frontier, hence pushing them in a corner. Maybe he thought that since we didn't involve PAF in Siachen, IAF would be kind enough to reciprocate the gesture for an operation which was the Pakistani version of meghdoot.

There was another genius who boasted that he has MANPADS on every peak. SOB was unaware about high altitude precision bombing, carried out with Israeli modifications to mirage2000.

PAF should have had BVR by then but it took another 10 years or so to BVRise our fleet.

Now when we had them where we wanted on 27th, we let the prey escape. Image building was more important than national security.
I beg your pardon,
If Laden was not in abbotabad, If Pak Military was fully involved;

Then why Dr Shakeel Afreedi is rotting in jail ???
It's highly outrageous, unjust and utter violation of human rights.
My dear brother...

Politics is a very dirty business.
Now seal team 6 has all but been killed as well. Wonder why....could it be there was OBL and someone really didnt want the truth to come out.
Also a helicopter crashes and the americans are allowed out without a firefight....this is abbotabad. A garrison town and home to the elite military academy
The reason was Pakistan's official stand in international community, that it is not involved in the Kargil, and fighting militia is a mix of muzahidin and local rebels.
That's why it could not cross LOC by land, sea or air to help these so called Mujahidins.
It was accepted not much later that regulars were involved.

It was even proposed to open a new front to relieve pressure from troops which were cut off supplies.

A BVR force and a non-BVR force are not in the same league.

The underestimation of enemy reaction in the mind of general Musharraf was that airforce will not be used.
Well said.

Not apparently, but in reality.

Ammo and fuel (alongside appetite for war) is presumed to last around two weeks for both countries; hence all their war plans are based for that time period. No one cares for plan B in Pakistan to begin with. If something unexpected happens, then there will be only knee jerk reactions as we all know how good of a decision makers these guys are. Out of box thinking is not their forte.

Luckily for us, their counterparts are equally if not more incompetent. Their numbers and finances however can make up for their incompetency.

The genius who came up with that idea later said that the Indians "over reacted" by bringing in airforce and bofors.
He didn't consult with airforce or navy before launching an operation which jeopardized Indian position in Siachen and along the Chinese frontier, hence pushing them in a corner. Maybe he thought that since we didn't involve PAF in Siachen, IAF would be kind enough to reciprocate the gesture for an operation which was the Pakistani version of meghdoot.

There was another genius who boasted that he has MANPADS on every peak. SOB was unaware about high altitude precision bombing, carried out with Israeli modifications to mirage2000.

PAF should have had BVR by then but it took another 10 years or so to BVRise our fleet.

Now when we had them where we wanted on 27th, we let the prey escape. Image building was more important than national security.
It seems the same mistakes are not only being repeated in real-time war scenarios, but even in weapons procurement. I've written post here before
Ships like OPV, Swift, F-22P are floating pieces of scrap metal for barrage of BrahMos and the rest of IN firepower. I see no justification in wasting precious money in acquiring these ships. At a time when the enemy is building aircraft carriers, SSBN, destroyers, frigates, many corvettes, and investing heavily in sub-hunting fleet like P-8, PN has the bright idea to become an anti-drug & anti-piracy force?

I don't think so. Higher ups running military are not above error. History shows otherwise.

I think people need to start asking questions. otherwise, Pakistan will keep repeating costly mistakes like East Pakistan, Kargil, OBL Raid, etc.
It's like the war-fighting ability, itself, is being sabotaged.

You are correct in saying that the only reason why Pakistan is lucky is because Indian military is even more incompetent. The moment PA fought a more competent foe, like TTP, it had to resort to peace deals so that little girls can go to school. Eventually TTP was ousted not through strategies and tactics, but through superiority in firepower and numbers. Let's not even get into how helpless GHQ was against US Mil during OBL Raid. "Radars were shut off" lol!
If it wasn’t for Nawaz Sharif, we probably would've had a completely different outcome. Our Pakistani soldiers are the real mujahideen and they had Indians from the throat during kargil. I started hating Nawaz sharif since, he’s a traitor. He should be hanged for acting against nations interests.
Ganja was the scapegoat.

The real culprit responsible for the disaster was Musharraf.
Our troops couldn't be resupplied, were pounded by LGBs and bofors and were left to their fate.
Well said.

Not apparently, but in reality.

Ammo and fuel (alongside appetite for war) is presumed to last around two weeks for both countries; hence all their war plans are based for that time period. No one cares for plan B in Pakistan to begin with. If something unexpected happens, then there will be only knee jerk reactions as we all know how good of a decision makers these guys are. Out of box thinking is not their forte.

Luckily for us, their counterparts are equally if not more incompetent. Their numbers and finances however can make up for their incompetency.

The genius who came up with that idea later said that the Indians "over reacted" by bringing in airforce and bofors.
He didn't consult with airforce or navy before launching an operation which jeopardized Indian position in Siachen and along the Chinese frontier, hence pushing them in a corner. Maybe he thought that since we didn't involve PAF in Siachen, IAF would be kind enough to reciprocate the gesture for an operation which was the Pakistani version of meghdoot.

There was another genius who boasted that he has MANPADS on every peak. SOB was unaware about high altitude precision bombing, carried out with Israeli modifications to mirage2000.

PAF should have had BVR by then but it took another 10 years or so to BVRise our fleet.

Now when we had them where we wanted on 27th, we let the prey escape. Image building was more important than national security.

What I see most of the time are dithering cowards scared to take tough decisions.
Look at the situation of the taxes in the country. All the traders are refusing to pay taxes, even the sales tax they collect on the name of the state. In which other country they could have got away with it for so long!!
What I see most of the time are dithering cowards scared to take tough decisions.
Look at the situation of the taxes in the country. All the traders are refusing to pay taxes, even the sales tax they collect on the name of the state. In which other country they could have got away with it for so long!!

Now it seems that the entire nation will as usual pay the price of their cowardice.

I normally don't answer to indians---but will make an exception for you---.

It is not the size of the dog but the fight in the dog that counts---.

you do not seem to be smart. dogs die (they have a short life). countries do not unless they want to commit suicide

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