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Interfaith marriages

Ultimately any second spent on this earth is a seed we are sowing.. I mean is an action we are performing whether it is by our body, through our speech and/or via our thoughts.. and you will be punished or rewarded for it.. Every action has an opp. and equal reaction kinda thing...

Now if I tell you that by banging your head against the wall will make you smarter.. is a wrong belief and then what will practise do?? except giving you a massive head bump... but if you used discrimination you would realise that this is a wrong belief and this practise will result in a broken skull...

Belief is the most necessary component.. and if you truly have belief... practise will definetly follow.. and if that practise is followed with discrimination/intellect it is all the more better...

Belief/motivation is the cause of action... what you think shaped by your beliefs, what you do is shaped by your beliefs, what you say is shaped by your beliefs and what you practise is shaped by your beliefs.. and by adding discrimination and intellect in the mix you channel and refine your beleifs and consequently your practise....

You are hard to convince :hitwall:

But i will answer for the last time on the subject.......

The belief we have is so strong that We can die in the name of GOD ... But the practice of Islam is so thin with most of us that we know the teachings of ISLAM but yet we donot follow it as required....

Its the belief which makes us understand the TRUTH but it is the Practice that succeeds you infront of ALLAH....... Ture that belief is the basis of all practice but what good a belief is when it doesnot derives you to act .....

People who donot have total practice of Islam (like me also) try to justify their actions with Belief but you please understand that this is not true ... GOD is most merciful but in the end the only thing that will count will be the followup of ISLAMIC Teachings by us (practicing ISLAM)...

ISLAM is not a belief only, it gives you a path for life if you believe it.
If you follow the path then you are a muslim... If you just believe and not follow then you are muslim at its immature state ..i.e. believes but not implements..........

Ture Belief is Implimentation of ISLAM in your Life.

I tried my best to make you understand but in the end we all have our ideas about life and Understanding of ISLAM........

Explanation can be given for all bad deeds and for not properly following the teachings of ISLAM for entire life spending but its hard to admit that we lack the implementation of rules and lessons given to us by GOD as a guidence for his happiness.

May GOD help us all.
You are hard to convince :hitwall:

I thought this was not a debate.. but a place where we voice our opinions and learn about other..

But i will answer for the last time on the subject.......
The belief we have is so strong that We can die in the name of GOD ... But the practice of Islam is so thin with most of us that we know the teachings of ISLAM but yet we donot follow it as required....

Then belief is still weak or usually we have forgotten God and our untimely lives we live as invicibles usually.. the moment you realize you are gonna get punished or rewarded, there is God and that we can die any second things start rolling..

Its the belief which makes us understand the TRUTH but it is the Practice that succeeds you infront of ALLAH....... Ture that belief is the basis of all practice but what good a belief is when it doesnot derives you to act .....People who donot have total practice of Islam (like me also) try to justify their actions with Belief but you please understand that this is not true ... GOD is most merciful but in the end the only thing that will count will be the followup of ISLAMIC Teachings by us (practicing ISLAM)...ISLAM is not a belief only, it gives you a path for life if you believe it.
If you follow the path then you are a muslim... If you just believe and not follow then you are muslim at its immature state ..i.e. believes but not implements.......... Ture Belief is Implimentation of ISLAM in your Life.

I agree...

I tried my best to make you understand but in the end we all have our ideas about life and Understanding of ISLAM........

Explanation can be given for all bad deeds and for not properly following the teachings of ISLAM for entire life spending but its hard to admit that we lack the implementation of rules and lessons given to us by GOD as a guidence for his happiness.

May GOD help us all.

after opening this topic I goggled for "Interfaith marriages in the UK" and look what I found.

I have observed that the Pakistanis and Indians in UK mostly are far worse than their middle class urban counterparts at home... :angry: UK messes up their brains big time. Those guys are Backwards yep Backwards with a capital B...

sorry if I violated any rule;site looks a bit tricky and abusive.

why do muslim girls never happy with their own men - Topix

Actually can be quite a fun read .. if you have people from both countries sit together esp when not sober... :toast_sign:
after opening this topic I goggled for "Interfaith marriages in the UK" and look what I found.sorry if I violated any rule;site looks a bit tricky and abusive.

why do muslim girls never happy with their own men - Topix
Hey that's a whole different issue when you are talking about US/UK.

Every other 'desi' would be hooked up with a Black dude in America (for that matter every other girl). Two reasons: 1. Black dudes know how to spend on their girls. 2. Many of them are an easy access to drugs.

Otherwise there are some very genuine reasons too. At least from my Pakistani perspective America is filled with so many paindus who are such an unfit to the modern American society. They live in isolation within America and then when they have kids, they goto school and live like real Americans. They find their parents stupid and backward and then they consider all Muslims to be the same.

They probably never even became Muslims. Just by having Muslim parents doesn't mean they are Muslims.
Hey that's a whole different issue when you are talking about US/UK.

Every other 'desi' would be hooked up with a Black dude in America (for that matter every other girl). Two reasons: 1. Black dudes know how to spend on their girls. 2. Many of them are an easy access to drugs.

Otherwise there are some very genuine reasons too. At least from my Pakistani perspective America is filled with so many paindus who are such an unfit to the modern American society. They live in isolation within America and then when they have kids, they goto school and live like real Americans. They find their parents stupid and backward and then they consider all Muslims to be the same.

They probably never even became Muslims. Just by having Muslim parents doesn't mean they are Muslims.

Correct I would say........

But its true that a lot of Muslim women are now marrying Non Muslim Men..
They must have their reasons i suppose, but as per religious thinking these are no way close to be Muslim........Being Born muslim doesnt necessary mean that you will act like Muslim also .........
But its true that a lot of Muslim women are now marrying Non Muslim Men..
the reason given is Non-Muslim treat them more nicely,behave better,better income,progressive,liberal,likable,etc.
take a peek at one of the posts,I guess what a Muslim woman is talking about Muslim men here:

Agreed, a few Muslims may have made a name in history, but do remember that so have Christians and so have Hindus, in larger numbers than Muslims have. However, what I’m talking about is not from a “celebrity” perspective, but more from a general perspective. If you’re finding what I’ve said hard to digest, then I’d like you to visit any Muslim locality, and you’ll realize why I’m saying what I am. Muslim men just don’t go for an education. They don’t work. They just hang out on the streets in clusters till late in the night and do absolutely nothing. Their only interest, apparently, is girls, and that’s the only thing they’re good at – chasing them. Today, a Muslim girl can pass through a Hindu locality with ease, but through a Muslim locality, she’s the target of lustful glares and what not. It’s, frankly, an embarrassment to walk through a Muslim locality. Muslim men are too narrow-minded and too restrictive. The last thing they’d want is for their women to have an education or for their women to work. Take a consensus. Ask a group of Muslim men if they’d allow a woman from their household to work. You’ll get the answer.
Compare that to the Hindu male. A Hindu man has an education. A Hindu man holds a good job or has his own business. A Hindu man is much more financially secure than a Muslim man. A Hindu man is open-minded and more accommodative to things like a woman working and a woman having an education. The list, I’m sure, will go on, and the Hindu man will outdo the Muslim man in almost every aspect.
So in short, a Hindu man has all the qualities that can make a Muslim woman happy that a Muslim man lacks in a serious way. And for that same reason, Muslim women have started seeking affairs with Hindu men. I’ve witnessed several such cases myself. Hindu men are just more desirable to Muslim women at present.
And if you don’t like it, which I’m sure most Muslim men don’t, then it’s high time you lot started changing yourselves. Give your women the happiness every woman needs, and they won’t be looking elsewhere for it. That’s all I have to say.
maybe more about Indian Muslim males I guess.
the reason given is Non-Muslim treat them more nicely,behave better,better income,progressive,liberal,likable,etc.
take a peek at one of the posts,I guess what a Muslim woman is talking about Muslim men here: maybe more about Indian Muslim males I guess.

Who posted that BS HK47?? :crazy: :crazy:
These posts look like kids fighting??
I don't think it's complete BS.there's some truth IMO.

Our societies are going to turn like Western ones in due time and the time is nearer than we anticipated...... Muslim women marrying non muslims because ...it is not the Lack of good treatment from Muslim men but i would say the concepts of these men are not truly based on Islam......... They are not good with their wives (some of them) the reason doesnot justify the marriage for women since she also is away from Islamic concept and wants to share the westernism......... those women who are more western influenced do this rather than the women with understanding of Islam.......

In todays world you will be shocked to see so many muslims which say they are muslims yet they are ... GOD knows who........may be they donot know themselves since they are born muslims and non pacticing ones..

This is a diease which is among us ........ Which has weaken our faith and belief....... Because we are not Implementing the teachings of Islam on our life..

Non Practicing muslim Syndrome ..........
Our societies are going to turn like Western ones in due time and the time is nearer than we anticipated..
Why this "them" and "us" . the present civilisation ( western) has evolved with the contribution of everyone of us .
so dont give credit to "westeners"

Muslim women marrying non muslims because ...it is not the Lack of good treatment from Muslim men but i would say the concepts of these men are not truly based on Islam......... They are not good with their wives (some of them) the reason doesnot justify the marriage for women since she also is away from Islamic concept and wants to share the westernism......... those women who are more western influenced do this rather than the women with understanding of Islam.......

Humanity ( beyond and "ism")
interfaith marriages are totally not allowed in Islam. it is only allowed when the non muslim bride or groom converts to Islam. it is a disgrace that muslims men and women are marrying non muslims...i dont mean to offend any person or religion, but its just very disturbing. i know some people might add that were noy muslims and we would be happy if we married someone who is muslim, but u being from whatever religion and being OK with this only proves that ur religion is incomplete. muslims can only marry muslims...end of story. and this is not what im saying, this is what Islam says...
interfaith marriages are totally not allowed in Islam. it is only allowed when the non muslim bride or groom converts to Islam. it is a disgrace that muslims men and women are marrying non muslims...i dont mean to offend any person or religion, but its just very disturbing. i know some people might add that were noy muslims and we would be happy if we married someone who is muslim, but u being from whatever religion and being OK with this only proves that ur religion is incomplete. muslims can only marry muslims...end of story. and this is not what im saying, this is what Islam says...

Donot give statements which are baseless... Please!

Interfaith marriage for Muslim Men is allowed with women of religion which has the book of GOD... (christians and Jewish)... For women it is not allowed.. Its not what you think that makes the rules...

Search, ask, find and know.... Before you speak on Islam. :crazy:
There is no compulsion in any ism, I would happily have a relationship with a person I like, irresp of faith.. though I would like to marry a sufi woman, if possible.

There is no compulsion in any ism, I would happily have a relationship with a person I like, irresp of faith.. though I would like to marry a sufi woman, if possible.


In Islam there is a compulsion for women not to marry non muslim before they convert to Islam but for men it is allowed to marry non muslim women (christian or jew)... Islam is not about what people think, it is about what you have been told and then Obey...

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