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Saudi Arabia, UAE condemn Turkey's actions in Syria

Saudi and UAE should take a look in the mirror. UAE is interfering with oil money from Afghanistan to Libya via proxies. Saudi Arabia has destroyed Yemen fighting a proxy war with Iran. At least the Turkish actions are targeted towards a terrorist group and they have no intention to setup a shadow government or claim Syrian territory as their own.

But it seems no governments support Turkey in this world by now, everyone is condenming Turkey.

The people of Pakistan support Turkey.
But it seems no governments support Turkey in this world by now, everyone is condenming Turkey.

Who cares. The people that matter support Turkey. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia these three coutries alone have about 600 Million Muslims, we support Turkey. Turkey also has about 80 Million Muslims. All up that's almost half the Muslim population. I am not even counting the other non-Arab Muslims around the world.
Nobody gives two shits about what Arabs say. Arabs are widely considered as incompetent, self serving hypocrites in the Muslim world.
Nobody cares about what they say, but everyone cares about their money. please get real, not just bragging and chest thumping.
Nobody cares about what they say, but everyone cares about their money. please get real, not just bragging and chest thumping.

No bragging. You were talking about their support. They don't have any support in the Muslim world against the Turks. They also have money only, no influence or power.
Nobody gives two shits about what Arabs say. Arabs are widely considered as incompetent, self serving hypocrites in the Muslim world.

A lot of people think since we are Muslims we have to worship the Arabs.
Does China have a dog in this fight? Why is China concerned with Turkish actions?
China has a permanent seat in UNSC,that makes every international conflict China's obligation to voice her position.
China has a permanent seat in UNSC,that makes every international conflict China's obligation to voice her position.

China should stop trading with Saudi, they have destroyed Yemen.
China should stop trading with Saudi, they have destroyed Yemen.
That's a different matter, China and US now are at each other's throats, but still it won't stop two countries doing business.
China has a permanent seat in UNSC,that makes every international conflict China's obligation to voice her position.
Which is fine; but that doesn't answer my question. Does china have any say in this conflict? Is china taking sides?
That's a different matter, China and US now are at each other's throats, but still it won't stop two countries doing business.

But can’t China denounce Saudi at the UNSC as well? They do have influence with the Saudi leadership. Yemen has been ruined by them & UAE
Who cares. The people that matter support Turkey. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia these three coutries alone have about 600 Million Muslims, we support Turkey. Turkey also has about 80 Million Muslims. All up that's almost half the Muslim population. I am not even counting the other non-Arab Muslims around the world.

Personally I dont support Turkey this time. I think Turkey should let Kurdish alone in Southern Syria.

Quran sūrat An-nisāa (The Women)
Verse (4:93)

"But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment."

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