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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

Block 70's will come, Nauman Akram will not.

Well you just summed it up, some fellow members can't just get it into their heads.

Accept it. Stay humble. And move on.

Only thing that makes us bear our loss is that The Guy is now at Peace, one day we will meet him for sure IA,, not here but hereafter.
Salute to Shaheed Bro

learn lessons from it. PAF entered the last 23 march parade with lot of pride at the success they achieved by the help of Allah almighty but they owed it mostly their "training and professionalism" and bragged about it through the entire year. words like "invincible" were used in documentaries and now 4 crashes in just 3 months. today unfortunately their best jet flown by their best pilot crashed just while preparing for a day which is meant to demonstrate the military capability of a country. where is this "training and professionalism" now? its time to do some soul searching specially by the PAF.
what's the fun of having this circus again and again on so many days in a year? today PAF is one short of their most capable platform and pilot and for what? they had this circus recently in last month. can a poor country afford a parade like this every year?
please read is Quran about the details of ghazwa e hunain. that was the first battle in which muslims had numerical superiority over their enemies and some of them became over confident of their capabilities. the battle started and the enemy surprised them and majority of them retreated but then the Prophet called them and the muslims realised their mistake . as a muslim we should keep our horses ready all the time. take every step to be battle ready all the time and then rely entirely on help by Allah almighty. and once victory is achieved we need to be humble and be thankful to Allah alone.
so last year Allah took the PAF to the skies by giving them a vicrory and now i think He is bringing them to the ground.
we must be professional, well equipped , well trained, confident ,brave but Humble as after all we are just humans and not God.

This is the best post on this thread..

But i feel real sorry for our brother Noman. May Allah give him high ranks in Jannat. Ameen
Great loss to PAF. Our Pilots are one of the best in the world. Its hard to replace them. May Allah Bless your sole Comrade.
On the other hand Any Future Procurement by PAF should come with local Assembly like JF17. Off the shelf purchases should be discouraged. Replacement can be a nightmare in war time situation in that case.
Aircraft serial number - 92-730 - 'A' model MLU.
That would mean both EDA single seat have now cashed.
The other one crashed on 17th Jul 2009.
Sadder still is the loss of an extraordinary aviator.
This is the best post on this thread..

But i feel real sorry for our brother Noman. May Allah give him high ranks in Jannat. Ameen
i am really feeling sad for him but i am sure he will rest in paradise for ever by the grace of Allah almighty. cant even imagine the feelings he had just before hitting the ground at such a high speed. tried to save the bird till last moment.
On this picture it clearly visible that plane hit the high tension wires (which are crosses shakarparrian beside parade ground)
Did PAF briefed the pilot Noman about those, even the planed dipped quite fast and steeped but he might have ejected safely if plane would not have hit the wires
Sad day for pakistan and pakistan air force. From Allah we come and to him is our return. armed forces people are ready to lay their lives for country and country men each minute of their lives.

i think he blacked out and lost conciousness for a few seconds after those high G turns. this has happened alot in Aggressive flying especially in Turkey, United states and Russia. i think pilot blacked out but could be a technical fault on single engine of F16 too. i wonder if it was old F16 or the C Block 52+.

feel sad for nauman akram's family wing commander a salute to you. i would take ur place gladly any day. made us proud. May Allah keep you with Him. Ameen.
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