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Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days: Samson

Can you please backup your claim by any facts on grouds. Kindly give me comparision of following:

Oil reserves (required to run tanks)
Weapon reserves (required for fight)
Foreign currency reserves (required for replenishment of ammunition)
Number of BVR missiles ?
Number of ships ?

Lets assume our soldiers are atleast three times more cometent than India and in terms of soldiers we can defeat a 2 time economy but how will they fight ?

Do you know to fight a war in offensive mode you need atleast twice the fire power of the adversary?

You are comparing a fight over hill (in the name of freedom fighter) with fight for a whole province and that too for the area whose people dont belong to you?

No logical arguments, no facts, just big claims.
That’s why military tactics are taught in war colleges. Where terms like
blitzkrieg, preemptive strike and shock and awe are born and Discussed.
Pakistan should only make move in 2 kinds of situations
1. If there is a war between China and India. In that scenario india will have to move its most force towards east, specially in Sikkim area otherwise they will loose Assam. In that situation it will easier for Pakistan to take not all but some of thestrategic positions in Kashmir.
2. If India start limited war with Pakistan for face saving after humilation from china. Pakistan should at least missile the bridges on rivers to cut of Kashmir from rest of india and attack multiple front specially from Sialkot and kargil to gain areas to get upper hand this time so slowly it would make it hard for indian soldiers to move in and out plus cutting their supply lines. Kashmiri youth needed to be armed rapidly to create panic from in and out. anti aircraft missiles needed to be installed all over LOC.
Itna asan hota to kargil na le lia hota.

Political will was not there.

He is a retd Brigadier, he had been among the planners in PA. He knows what he is talking about. Listen to him carefully. He didn't boosted. He laid down some cold hard facts.

Anyone with little knowledge, research knows that Pakistan had taken Kargil from India. General Musharaf plans were excellent. He had take very strategic area from Kashmir, which would have resulted in the freedom for all the Kashmir. But traitor Nawaz couldn't take political pressure applied by India through President Clinton.

As he said, PAF wasn't used at all. Nawaz wanted to withdraw the army from Kargil, which eventually happened, while Indians were using their air power against Pakistanis soldiers on height.
Nawaz is firmly responsible for the death of Pakistani soldiers in Kargil. Otherwise Indians were killed in great numbers by Pakistani snipers from the height. If we had used PAF the story would have been completely different and we could have liberated whole of Kashmir by now.
Nawaz continued his treacherous behaviour until the end.
Have you failed to notice since Nawaz gone, the atmosphere and dynamics have completely changed for India!!

Why you think this is happening now!!

I salute your patriotism brother
After 2 days of nonstop cheerleading for China, Pakistanis seems to think they have become as powerful as China. Lol.
In 2019, it took only two days: 26th feb and then 27th feb, it was all over after that.

Pakistan in those 2 days was not just standing against India but also few other technologically and militarily advanced countries of the world - some of whose members were sitting in Indian C4I structures.

Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

Interesting if Pakistan gets military access to land acceded to China in 1963 and makes a pincer move from the north to enter Ladakh. Also there is French connection (not just Rafale induction in PAF) involved against Pakistan as far as i listened to the interview.
You are wrong here bud.
Mussraf didn’t claim but Pakistan as a country claimed, for whatever geopolitical reason Existed at that time.

Kashmir isn’t Indian Airspace and when you start an operation, your priority is to protect your troops and accomplish the mission. Pakistan technically invaded Indian territory, what does it matter of it penetrate Airspace.

True reserves matter if you plan on prolonging the war and could not keep your Country economy operational during war. But no one is fighting like Taliban.

Before Indians can make its way deep into Nukes will start flying. And let suppose Pakistan wasn’t nuclear, Indian still would have need 10x more troops to cover land mass and population centers.
u havent read about kargil war. u should read firdt specially about the meeting with PAF chief before start of war.

so u want to risk nuclear war over ladakh which dont even belong to u. good

The rule of traitor Nawaz just ended two years ago. In the five years, the traitor had run Pakistan to the ground purposefully and by design.

While courting Modi by sending Saris, inviting him to Pakistan on personal invitation, leaving the "State of Pakistan" and its departments in a limbo. Only traitors do that. Nawaz is a confirmed and certified traitor.

What Dar did with Pakistan and its finances is definitely treason. He should be tried and hanged with Nawaz for treason.

Sure, the next "Noble peace prize" is yours. Happy!!
exactly so we need to rebuild the country first

Stopped reading after such propaganda filled garbage.

IOK airspace is not Indian. IOK is a disputed territory recognized by the world.
i didnt know we controlled sirinagar airport?

if u really want kashmir build war reserves like israel otherwise keep day dreaming
QUOTE="arjunk, post: 12448472, member: 199367"]After years of nonstop ridiculous claims which have been debunked and obsession for fair skinned people, Indians are still under the delusion they're a superpower.

Best course of action is to ask India to peacefully withdraw, if they dont or if they attack Pakistan then Pakistan can take Ladakh[/QUOTE]

We are scared, we'll vacate Kashmir like we vacated the Longewala.
Go and search the Battle of longewala.
"We are Eagerly waiting for another mistake like operation Gibraltar",
You know the main reason for current problems of Pakistan is just lack of Good Economists.
Those who know economy are labelled as traitors.
Do you know why Indians always provoke Pakistani soldiers for CFV.
Because every shell & ATGM fired by Pakistan army creates huge dent in Pakistani exchequer's pocket.
And for India it's just testing of shelf life of the old ammo.
India is eagerly searching for a reason to create a conflict with Pakistan.
War is fought by Men, Dollars & Oil not by Bullets, Guns & Aircrafts.
Pakistan lacks all of them.
Do you know what will happen when after a little conflict PKR touches 220-250 per USD.
India will save it's currency by selling dollar & Imports.
What will pakistan do, another loan?
1 USD= 250 PKR means folks will literally either start mass looting & rioting like Somalia or Weimar Republic.
Success comes to those who grab it by the horns.

This is a golden opportunity, if China and India go to war.

Did Taliban wait for their economy to fix before resisting foreign troops?

We keep waiting and Kashmiris will be massacred until they are no more.

India started this conflict, but we can end it.
I dont see china going to war with india. they may bully india into getting some land but fullscale war is out of question when USA is waiting for china to make that mistake.
Success comes to those who grab it by the horns.

This is a golden opportunity, if China and India go to war.

Did Taliban wait for their economy to fix before resisting foreign troops?

We keep waiting and Kashmiris will be massacred until they are no more.

India started this conflict, but we can end it.
Success comes to those who grab it by the horns.

This is a golden opportunity, if China and India go to war.

Did Taliban wait for their economy to fix before resisting foreign troops?

We keep waiting and Kashmiris will be massacred until they are no more.

India started this conflict, but we can end it.
Do you guys really want to convert your country into Afghanistan.
Taliban's fought on their own land & you guys are planning to invade country who is 10 times of your size & have 100 times larger foreign reserves.
It took just few Ossa class missile boats and a dozen P-15 Termit Missiles of 70KM range (Pakistan rejected both when USSR offered it to You) to burn whole Karachi port to ashes.
Do you know what will happen when 100s of Brahmos missiles will start raining over Pakistan.
India is messing with China coz it can take on it we have neck of China in our hands.
Just Blocking 6 degree channel & Malacca strait will force China to come on roads.
That's why China is wasting money on CPEC.
Do you what will happen with China when 99% of Chinese trade will be blocked.
Looks like this ret. Pakistani general is out of mind. One thing is for sure Pakistan can't win a full scale war with India for sure. Let Pakistani puppets first support their economy rather than going for a all out war.
-0.4% GDP growth rate =LOSERS
I think its china who get india from neck in Sikkim area, non of the neighbors will support india. not even bangladesh.
pakistanies never planned to invade india. we just will liberate kashmiris as the local population is fed up of india.
Do you guys really want to convert your country into Afghanistan.
Taliban's fought on their own land & you guys are planning to invade country who is 10 times of your size & have 100 times larger foreign reserves.
It took just few Ossa class missile boats and a dozen P-15 Termit Missiles of 70KM range (Pakistan rejected both when USSR offered it to You) to burn whole Karachi port to ashes.
Do you know what will happen when 100s of Brahmos missiles will start raining over Pakistan.
India is messing with China coz it can take on it we have neck of China in our hands.
Just Blocking 6 degree channel & Malacca strait will force China to come on roads.
That's why China is wasting money on CPEC.
Do you what will happen with China when 99% of Chinese trade will be blocked.
99% of Chinese trade will be blocked by blocking degree channel and Malacca strait.- can you explain this statement?
Secondly how and if India can block these chicken neck positions of China?

Do you guys really want to convert your country into Afghanistan.
Taliban's fought on their own land & you guys are planning to invade country who is 10 times of your size & have 100 times larger foreign reserves.
It took just few Ossa class missile boats and a dozen P-15 Termit Missiles of 70KM range (Pakistan rejected both when USSR offered it to You) to burn whole Karachi port to ashes.
Do you know what will happen when 100s of Brahmos missiles will start raining over Pakistan.
India is messing with China coz it can take on it we have neck of China in our hands.
Just Blocking 6 degree channel & Malacca strait will force China to come on roads.
That's why China is wasting money on CPEC.
Do you what will happen with China when 99% of Chinese trade will be blocked.
99% of Chinese trade will be blocked by blocking degree channel and Malacca strait.- can you explain this statement?
Secondly how and if India can block these chicken neck positions of China?
GO & check 6 degree Channel in Globe,
The Great Channel in the Indian Ocean separates Great Nicobar Island of India and Aceh Province of Indonesia where Subaang port is located this channel is just 163 KM wide.
One side has landing ground for IN & IAFs P8i Neptune & Su-30 capable of carrying Brahmos on the Sabaang side there is a deep sea port operated by India.
Where India can deploy anything.
And Indonesia is also an enemy of China.
Nawaz continued his treacherous behaviour until the end.
Pandit nawaz: hum sub ek he, ye baader dushman angraiz ne banakar hum ko ilahida kia. ab ye zalim fouji hum ko akhand nahin hone dete (it is on video, look for it on youtube)
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