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A conversation between Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Soldiers on border

Man wtf. They shoulda lit those faggots up.

Eh izzat bana chuki es Bajwa kothi de puttar ne...

This is it.

Until you are constantly aggressive against people like this, they think they are the big dog.

These people are incapable of living in peace until you regularly subdue them with violence. It is our fate until eternity to have neighbours that need regular chittar.

PTI supporters be like; why did we give Americans airspace to conduct drone strikes? Afghani our brothers....

You were singing the same song.
May be Bajwa knows the ground reality and you don't. Its a fight Pakistan cannot win

Cannot win?

Are you retarded my bharti fraaand?

Is that why the Afghan is shouting behind the fence like a little bitch?

You bhartis and Afghans are the same like little bitch dogs that bark behind the safety of a fence. :lol:
Afghan Taliban has many types of groups part of it. TTP is an ally of Afghan Taliban. Pakistanis have been singing songs on PDF for the last 20 years but now are criticising Taliban etc. I blame the Pakistani government, we have millions of Afghans in Pakistan for the last 40+years but we could not change their mindset, the reality is our governments don't care and are busy looting, and are corrupt. Spreading hate against Afghanistan will bite us hard. We need to be clever, I mentioned here many times that the groups in Afghanistan who are pro Pakistan or anti Taliban need to be part of the Afghan government and Pakistan needs to support this but instead Pakistan is busy praising Taliban whilst anti Pakistan narrative is being spread in Afghanistan. In 15 20 years time they will become a big force. Pakistan governments have no plans to deal with these problems and they don't care.
Why do you think the Pakistani shoulder was mellowed down , you can stand infront of a army post of pakistan and abuse them and see what happens.

Use logic my Bakistani friend.

I thinks those abuses is the reason your soldiers were dying few days ago. Wake up they are killing your soldiers

Afghan was shouting through fence not taking it down. Pakistani Soldier had to maintain professionalism and not shoot over the border at a retarded man.

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