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Kashmir Hindus: Forsaken, forgotten for 21 years


Dec 2, 2008
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Kashmir Hindus: Forsaken, forgotten for 21 years

The Kashmiri Hindu community despite homelessness and horrendous ethnic cleansing has survived and will survive. It is the tenacity to weather any storm and belief in its values and morals that has kept the Kashmiri Hindu alive, says Lalit Koul.

January 19 is an insignificant day for most of the people around the world. It comes and goes and nobody notices. But for the last 21 years, for one community, it is the day that brings back frightening and dreadful memories.

It is the day when 21 years ago final nail in the coffin of forsaken community of Kashmiri Hindus was hammered. It was the day when Islamic terrorists and their sympathisers gave 24 hours eviction notice to Kashmiri Hindus. It was the day when the threats of Raliv, Galiv Ya Chaliv (Convert, die or escape) replaced the sounds of evening Azaan (prayers) from majority of mosques in the valley of Kashmir.

It was the day when so-called secularism died in Kashmir. It was the fateful day when humans lost and beasts took over. It was the day that will remain etched in the memories of Kashmiri Hindus worldwide because on this day they lost the most precious thing they had -- their homeland.

And did rest of the world care?

No. Not then, not now.

It has been 21 years since first shots of Kashmiri Hindus' ethnic cleansing were fired loud and clear from the ramparts of mosques in the Kashmir valley. And it has been 21 long years of neglect, apathy and carelessness on the part of all the successive governments both in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and the capital Delhi.

Kashmiri Hindu refugees who were overnight made homeless on January 19, 1990 have been moving from pillar to post, demanding their fundamental rights. But no one cares. No one has time for this community because they are too small a number to matter. It is a shame that the one and only symbol of India in the valley, the Kashmiri Hindus, are treated as pariahs by the government.

If it were not for Kashmiri Hindus and their steadfast belief in the Indian constitution and tricolour, Kashmir would have been lost two decades ago. Sadly that stark realisation is lost on the Indian polity and government.

It is not mere governments that have ignored this refugee community of patriots and nationalists. Even the media has forgotten its responsibility of highlighting the cause of those who do not have a voice. These days, the mainstream media is more interested in knowing what goes on inside the four walls of the Big Boss' house than fighting for the fundamental rights of those who have been wronged.

Some leading journalists instead of focusing on ethnic cleansing issues like those of Kashmiri Hindus' have converted the noble profession of journalism into tabloid yellow journalism and are busy lobbying for political parties. It is a shame that in a free country like ours with free press, half a million Kashmiri Hindus have been hounded out of their homes and hearths and mainstream media has continued to ignore this for 21 years.

But having said that, the Kashmiri Hindu is a survivor. Islamic terrorists thought they could annihilate and eradicate Kashmiri Hindu community from the face of this earth but they miserably failed in their mission.

The Kashmiri Hindu community despite homelessness and horrendous ethnic cleansing survived and will survive. It is the Kashmiri Hindu's tenacity to weather any storm and belief in its values and morals that has kept the Kashmiri Hindu alive. While Kashmiri Hindus are starting their 22nd year in exile, they will never give up their dream and demand of reclaiming their homeland.

In spite of extreme apathy shown by the world, Kashmiri Hindus will continue to fight for their fundamental rights and homeland in the Vale of Kashmir. Indian governments, Human Rights organisations, the media, and other world bodies might continue to ignore one of the largest ethnic cleansing in the recent times, but that will not shake off Kashmiri Hindus from their just path to their dream.

Nothing can or will break their will.

The dream shall live on. The fight will go on.

Lalit Koul is the president of Indo-American Kashmir Forum and editor of Kashmir Herald.

Kashmir Hindus: Forsaken, forgotten for 21 years - Rediff.com India News
The struggle for freedom can't be titled as Terrorists, Struggle for freedom & Terrorist these are absolutely different terms and meanings. Jammu & Kashmir fallen into unrest situation from 1947 because of the decision where majority is ignored and at the bases of minority area is handed over to India. India (except J&K) is sufficient big to give you place for living & you will not be ignored from your government.
The struggle for freedom can't be titled as Terrorists, Struggle for freedom & Terrorist these are absolutely different terms and meanings. Jammu & Kashmir fallen into unrest situation from 1947 because of the decision where majority is ignored and at the bases of minority area is handed over to India. India (except J&K) is sufficient big to give you place for living & you will not be ignored from your government.

j&k fell into unrest from 1989 due to obvious reasons:azn::azn:


pakistan is big enough to give space to the 1000 geelanis,so take ur property back and correct ur knowledge abt so called kashmir issue:lol::lol::lol:
75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2009 Regular Session
Senate Joint Resolution 23
The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject
to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor′s brief statement of the essential features of the
measure as introduced.
Expresses legislative support for efforts of Indian non-Muslim minorities to establish autonomous homeland within Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. Recognizes September 14, 2007, as Martyrs Day to acknowledge ethnic cleansing and campaigns of terror inflicted on non-Muslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir.
1.Whereas the nation of India contains 28 states, the northernmost one of which is the state of Jammu and Kashmir; and
Whereas the non-Muslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir constitute more than 20 percent of
the population of that state; and
Whereas the non-Muslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir have been subjected to ethnic persecution and violence over the past 17 years, due to efforts to establish Jammu and Kashmir as an
Islamic state governed by extremist principles, religious persecution and political subversion; and
Whereas this religious persecution and campaign of terror has forced nearly a million nonMuslim residents of Jammu and Kashmir to flee their homes, with tens of thousands of these individuals living in exile all over the world, including in North America; and
Whereas Indian and international authorities have paid little attention to this extraordinary
human tragedy, allowing exiled communities to live in temporary shantytowns without access to
jobs, health care, opportunity or hope; and
Whereas the practice of establishing a semi-independent, geopolitically autonomous zone to
serve as a homeland for a persecuted ethnic minority has historic precedent in India, and serves as
a viable way to preserve the unique ethnic culture of Kashmiri minorities and basic human rights
for its members; and
Whereas to draw the attention of the world to the human tragedies being endured by the nonMuslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir, and to pay homage to thousands of Kashmiris who have
lost their lives in ethnic cleansing and religious persecution, September 14, 2007, is being observed
by many as Martyrs Day; and
Whereas many throughout the world, including residents of the State of Oregon, who believe in
fundamental principles of freedom of religion and human rights are observing Martyrs Day to express their condemnation of the treatment of non-Muslim minorities of Jammu and Kashmir; and
Whereas observing Martyrs Day increases public awareness and consciousness about the plight
and human rights abuses of the non-Muslim minority populations of Jammu and Kashmir and serves
as a call to establish an autonomous homeland within Jammu and Kashmir to protect these peoples
and their culture; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon:

That we, the members of the Seventy-fifth Legislative Assembly, support the establishment of a
semi-independent geopolitically autonomous zone within the state of Jammu and Kashmir to serve
as a homeland for non-Muslim minorities of that state to protect them from ethnic cleansing, religious persecution and abuses of fundamental human rights, and further recognize September 14,
2007, as Martyrs Day, to condemn the religious persecutions and campaigns of terror inflicted on
non-Muslim Kashmiris

I think Jana wrongly thanked ajtr's post thinking it is about Oregon assembly moving a resolution on the sufferings of the Kashmiri Muslims at the hands of Indian Sec forces. :lol:

It is about the plight of the Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists at the hands of the Islamic extremists.

[p.s] The below post proves my point :rofl:
If ethnic cleansing of anyone happened in Country of Kashmir that is of Muslims at the hands of Indian invader army.

The Indian occupiers are for long have been trying to change the demography of occupied Jammu and Kashmir by coming up with false stories and also plans by Hindu extremist groups to plant hindu colonies in the valley to change the demography.

The only solution to Kashmir issue is that referendum should be held under neutral UN countries and Indian invader forces should leave Kashmir. Whomever the Kashmiris vote for should be accepted simple as that.

Till then Indian state terrorism will continue
I think Jana wrongly thanked ajtr's post thinking it is about Oregon assembly moving a resolution on the sufferings of the Kashmiri Muslims at the hands of Indian Sec forces. :lol:

It is about the plight of the Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists at the hands of the Islamic extremists.

[p.s] The below post proves my point :

I thanked her for her pro India post atleast you Indians may revoke her citizenship which you guys had not be accepting.
I think Jana wrongly thanked ajtr's post thinking it is about Oregon assembly moving a resolution on the sufferings of the Kashmiri Muslims at the hands of Indian Sec forces. :lol:

It is about the plight of the Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists at the hands of the Islamic extremists.

[p.s] The below post proves my point :rofl:
The thing to point out through that resolution is even non muslim minorities are seeking only autonomous zone not the merger with india which many a people claiming themselves to be kashmiri hindu over here propagandize that kashmiri pundits supports merger with india.
The thing to point out through that resolution is even non muslim minorities are seeking only autonomous zone not the merger with india which many a people claiming themselves to be kashmiri hindu over here propagandize that kashmiri pundits supports merger with india.

Go to Jammu during Independence day or Republic day to see for yourself what they want. :lol:

edit: I was there during 2007 Independence day during a visit to my friends house and it was no different from any average Indian city.

Or better ask Mirwaiz or Shabir shah what the Pundits want .....They recently got something from them.

I thanked her for her pro India post atleast you Indians may revoke her citizenship which you guys had not be accepting.

lol...good comeback after that inadvertant mistake. :tup:

I'm sure if the admins had not removed that feature that allows you to 'revoke your thanks' , that 'thanks' would have vanished by now.
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If ethnic cleansing of anyone happened in Country of Kashmir that is of Muslims at the hands of Indian invader army.

The Indian occupiers are for long have been trying to change the demography of occupied Jammu and Kashmir by coming up with false stories and also plans by Hindu extremist groups to plant hindu colonies in the valley to change the demography.

The only solution to Kashmir issue is that referendum should be held under neutral UN countries and Indian invader forces should leave Kashmir. Whomever the Kashmiris vote for should be accepted simple as that.

Till then Indian state terrorism will continue

Rants, rants and more rants. Thousands of Pandits have been forced to flee their homes and your deluded mind talks of ethnic cleansing and Hindu colonies in Kashmir. Seriously, where do you get these brain-haired ideas from?
Go to Jammu during Independence day or Republic day to see for yourself what they want. :lol:

Or better ask Mirwaiz or Shabir shah what the Pundits want .....They recently got something from them.
If pundits are such a force to reckon with then separatism would 've died long ago instead of being flared up every year.Ethnic division of J&K is not possible for 20% populaton 80% cannot be made to suffer hence either pandits have to support majority or move into india proper.
India has the unique ability to declare itself the victim for a problem created by India.

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