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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israel is willing to accept this equation. Israel will occupy Gaza as Gaza resources are limited if there isn't a wider scale intervention.


Hebrew sources: A Kornet missile was launched from Lebanese territory towards a military site in northern occupied Palestine.

It is freedom of expression to draw a disgusting caricature of our beloved Prophet(sav), but it is forbidden to draw even a very moderate caricature of the murderer Netenyahu. Even if you are one of the most respected cartoonists in the world, your career is ruined.

Burning Korans is free and freedom of conscience. But burning the Israeli flag, which symbolizes the Euphrates and Nile rivers, is forbidden and punishable by 5 years in prison. If you want to burn a Koran, you are protected by 10 policemen in that country.
Israel is willing to accept this equation. Israel will occupy Gaza as Gaza resources are limited if there isn't a wider scale intervention.


Hebrew sources: A Kornet missile was launched from Lebanese territory towards a military site in northern occupied Palestine.

Why Israel is taking so much time for ground operations? Is ground operations cancelled for only airstrike attacks?
No aid has entered Gaza yet. Despite reports they would be allowed to at 9AM. It's almost noon in Gaza. Israeli's may be threatening Egypt with war crimes to bomb emergency medical supplies to go into Gaza

Occupied Palestine: Activist Sabah: The crossing is still closed, noting that aid trucks are still stopping on the Egyptian side without obtaining permission to pass yet.

Why Israel is taking so much time for ground operations? Is ground operations cancelled for only airstrike attacks?
I'll answer your questions which you can show me you're a objective human being. Otherwise, you're wasting your energy.

He’s derailing the thread.
No I am not derailing, I am focusing on a very important topic of why countries aren't supporting Palestine and Muslim Unity. But enemies of Unity are nefariously at work undermining Muslim strength. The biggest question in terms of Islam is why large Countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey aren't helping to militarily settle the matter. They have the logistics , they have the weapons technology and the manufacturing base, the people support Palestinians but the will of the people is being blocked by the corrupts.
Israel called up 300,000 reserves

Massed at the Gaza border and yet not going in

USN has 2 Cartier strikes Groups and amphibious ready group on the way

Yet no invasion ?

Hezbollah said if ground invasion happens they will go all in 150,000 rockets hitting Tel Aviv will kill 35,000 Israeli

And Israel has no chance with Hezbollah on the ground so US will just bomb southern Lebanon

Iran said if US hit Hezbollah then this brings Iran into the war and we all know what that means

Seems like a big victory for Iran and Hezbollah if ground invasion doesn’t happen

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