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Wow, the Indians are absolutely amazing!

They defend the Jews who have systematically cleansed most of Palestine of their native populations and bought themselves in from Europe and all other parts fo the word to take someone else's land.

You would have thought that Indians(primarily Hindus) would be on the Palestinian side as once they were made slaves by Muslims and Christians in the past.

You`d think you`d follow your own logic... Who would a reasonable person side with? The one that turned them to slaves as you say(Muslims), not to mention Pakistan being India`s worst enemy, or the ones that are rapidly becoming India`s closest friends and have lived with each in harmony for thousands of years?
...the territory beyond the ceasefire lines (formed when Israel fought off the attempt by five Arab armies to destroy it at birth in 1948-9, and now falsely deemed to be Israel’s ‘border’) is not Palestinian land. It is not land that is owned by the Palestinians in general, or to which they have any general right or title. On the contrary, it is land to which the Jews in general are legally entitled. All of it. This is not some crazed, ultra-nationalist dogma. It is a matter of historical fact, international law and basic justice.

This fundamental fact, which gives the lie to the anti-JNF libels and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign libels and the rest of the anti-Israel madness, was reiterated in the last few days in a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon from dozens of lawyers from Israel and North America, explaining why the proposed unilateral decision to establish a Palestinian State violates international law. The lawyers said:

1. The legal basis for the establishment of the State of Israel was the resolution unanimously adopted by the League of Nations in 1922, affirming the establishment of a national home for the Jewish People in the historical area of the Land of Israel. This included the areas of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, and close Jewish settlement throughout. This was subsequently affirmed by both houses of the US Congress.

2. Article 80 of the UN Charter determines the continued validity of the rights granted to all states or peoples, or already existing international instruments (including those adopted by the League of Nations). Accordingly the above-noted League resolution remains valid, and the 650,000 Jews presently resident in the areas of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, reside there legitimately.

3. ‘The 1967 borders’ do not exist, and have never existed. The1949 Armistice Agreements entered into by Israel and its Arabneighbors, establishing the Armistice Demarcation Lines, clearly stated that these lines ‘are without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party relating thereto’. Accordingly they cannot be accepted or declared to be the international boundaries of a Palestinian state.

4. UN Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973) called upon the parties to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and specifically stressed the need to negotiate in order to achieve "secure and recognized boundaries".

5. The Palestinian proposal, in attempting to unilaterally change the status of the territory and determine the "1967 borders" as its recognized borders, in addition to running squarely against resolutions 242 and 338, would be a fundamental breach of the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in which the parties undertook to negotiate the issue of borders and not act to change the status of the
territories pending outcome of the permanent status negotiations.

6. The Palestinians entered into the various agreements constituting what is known as the ‘Oslo Accords’ in the full knowledge that Israel's settlements existed in the areas, and that settlements would be one of the issues to be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations. Furthermore, the Oslo Accords impose no limitation on Israel's settlement activity in those areas that the Palestinians agreed would continue to be under Israel's jurisdiction and control pending the outcome of the Permanent Status negotiations.

7. While the Interim Agreement was signed by Israel and the PLO, it was witnessed by the UN together with the EU, the Russian Federation , the US, Egypt and Norway. It is thus inconceivable that such witnesses, including first and foremost the UN, would now give license to a measure in the UN
aimed at violating this agreement and undermining major resolutions of the Security Council.

...Abbas has reiterated that a future state of Palestine will have not one Israeli living there – by which he means, no Jews. (For sure, not many Israeli Arabs will be volunteering to live in ‘Palestine’ and thus sacrifice their human rights.) Every single person who supports the Palestinian cause should thus be asked why they are supporting a racist state committed to the ethnic cleansing of an entire people from such a state; and why they are supporting the establishment of such a state with a government comprising people committed to the genocide of the Jews...

Whatever casuistry these people employ to sanitise the fact that they are singling out Israel for a campaign of demonisation and delegitimisation, double standards, falsehoods and fabrications, blood libels and conspiracy theories which just happen to replicate exactly the unique tropes of Jew-hatred down through the centuries, the undeniable fact remains that they are currently promoting the cause of racist ethnic cleansers and genocidal Jew-haters. They are endorsing aggressors against their victims, reversing truth and lies, tearing up law and justice and turning history upside down.
Wow, the Indians are absolutely amazing!

They defend the Jews who have systematically cleansed most of Palestine of their native populations and bought themselves in from Europe and all other parts fo the word to take someone else's land.
Systematic cleansing:

1880 - 400 K Arabs in Palestine
1948 - 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine
2010 - over 5 million Arabs in Palestine
Wow, the Indians are absolutely amazing!

They defend the Jews who have systematically cleansed most of Palestine of their native populations and bought themselves in from Europe and all other parts fo the word to take someone else's land.

You would have thought that Indians(primarily Hindus) would be on the Palestinian side as once they were made slaves by Muslims and Christians in the past.

You converts are absolutely amazing. You think conversion made you part of your own invaders!

Every country in the world has fallen to invaders at one time or the other. Your Arab masters fell to the Mongols and Europeans as well. Check out what those Mongols did to your masters. Read about Genghis and Halaku Khan (and many others), Subodai, Jelme, Jebe et al.

As far as we are concerned, those primitive, barbaric, intolerant, uncivilized nomads were repelled, however long it took. The current choices we make have nothing to do with that past (which anyway you converts can't see in a balanced light).
Systematic cleansing:

1880 - 400 K Arabs in Palestine
1948 - 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine
2010 - over 5 million Arabs in Palestine

Since when have facts persuaded these people!

Systematic cleansing is what happened to minorities in their own countries. What happened in West Pakistan in 1947 and is happening in their own country Bangladesh even when the same Hindus saved their arse in 1971.
You`d think you`d follow your own logic... Who would a reasonable person side with? The one that turned them to slaves as you say(Muslims), not to mention Pakistan being India`s worst enemy, or the ones that are rapidly becoming India`s closest friends and have lived with each in harmony for thousands of years?

Thinking logically doesn't seem a strong point with most of such people.

Anyway, India is a friend of both Israel and Palestinians. We hope both of you find a solution to your problems.
You`d think you`d follow your own logic... Who would a reasonable person side with? The one that turned them to slaves as you say(Muslims), not to mention Pakistan being India`s worst enemy, or the ones that are rapidly becoming India`s closest friends and have lived with each in harmony for thousands of years?

LOL. You are twisting simple logic to your advantage. The only reason I mentioned "Muslims" was that for the most the last millenium India was occupied by different colonial powers(afghans, persians and Mongols) who happened to be Muslims. Now this has nothing to do with the poor Palsetinians who you people kicked out of their land. You were wronged by Germans/Austrians and not by Palestinians. As for your new found Indian friends do not expect them to stick with you once they have built up their defence industries to your level - the more you supply technology the less they will become dependent on you. Already they have started producing AESA radars and SAMs and it won't be very long now till their technology catches up with yours. In the long run they have more to gain by being friends with huge Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Indonesis than a few million Jews with no natural resources. Smart Jews would see the way the world is going rather than live in this fantasy of a world dominated by whites for all time.
You converts are absolutely amazing. You think conversion made you part of your own invaders!

Every country in the world has fallen to invaders at one time or the other. Your Arab masters fell to the Mongols and Europeans as well. Check out what those Mongols did to your masters. Read about Genghis and Halaku Khan (and many others), Subodai, Jelme, Jebe et al.

As far as we are concerned, those primitive, barbaric, intolerant, uncivilized nomads were repelled, however long it took. The current choices we make have nothing to do with that past (which anyway you converts can't see in a balanced light).

Your current choices are to do with the past. You cannot get over the fact that Muslims ruled parts of India for the majority of the last millenium and many Hindus(like my ancestors) willinging converted to islam. You hindus are always harping on about the fact we converted from Hinduism to Islam. Guess what my friend? I made no concious choice to convert. I was born a Muslim and this choice was made by my ancestors around 500 years ago. Conversion is not something unique to Muslims on the subcontinet, it has been practiced by people all over the world - just think of all those Christians in Central and South America. Their ancestors were pagans who converted to Christianity with the arrival of the Christians from Europe. Unlike them we did not blindly "dump" our whole culture, we are stil speaking our native language and our dress and eating habits are pretty much the same as that of our Hindu ancestors 1000 years ago.

As for your new found love for the Jews, let's just say they provide you services for now that you will no longer need in a decade or two. I am looking forward to India dumping them like a used condom:laugh:
In the long run they have more to gain by being friends with huge Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Indonesis than a few million Jews with no natural resources. Smart Jews would see the way the world is going rather than live in this fantasy of a world dominated by whites for all time.
USSR thought the same way. Where is the USSR now? :lol:
USSR thought the same way. Where is the USSR now? :lol:

USSR was friends with incompetent Arabs not comptent Turks, Iranians and Indonesians. You may need to realsie that not all Muslims are like Arabs.
Your current choices are to do with the past. You cannot get over the fact that Muslims ruled parts of India for the majority of the last millenium and many Hindus(like my ancestors) willinging converted to islam. You hindus are always harping on about the fact we converted from Hinduism to Islam. Guess what my friend? I made no concious choice to convert. I was born a Muslim and this choice was made by my ancestors around 500 years ago. Conversion is not something unique to Muslims on the subcontinet, it has been practiced by people all over the world - just think of all those Christians in Central and South America. Their ancestors were pagans who converted to Christianity with the arrival of the Christians from Europe. Unlike them we did not blindly "dump" our whole culture, we are stil speaking our native language and our dress and eating habits are pretty much the same as that of our Hindu ancestors 1000 years ago.

As for your new found love for the Jews, let's just say they provide you services for now that you will no longer need in a decade or two. I am looking forward to India dumping them like a used condom:laugh:

I know many of you think like that but the Muslim invaders were kicked by Hindus long back. So long back that no one cares. It is hundreds of years old issue. Neither me nor at least seven of my previous generations have ever seen Muslim rule.

Your madressas teach you wrong facts about the length when parts of India were in Muslim control and how it ended.

Check this thread about this persistent and false myth that some converts here have.


Also, a small extract.

The below will be eye opening for some, who have always been taught false history.

The over-all all-lndia causes of partition are well enough known. At the root of it all was history. The Hindus had an acute sense of grievance over the Muslim mayhem in India. But the Muslims on the other hand were dismayed that Islam, which had prevailed everywhere else, had been checkmated in India. In the celebrated words of poet Hali:

Woh deene Hejazi ka bebak beda
Nishan jiska aqsai alam mein pahuncha
Kiye passipar jisne saton samandar
Woh dooba dahane mein Ganga kay aakar.

(The fearless flotilla of Islam, whose flag fluttered over all the world, the ship that crossed the seven seas, came here and sank in the Ganga.)

In the eighteenth century, Hindu society stood up triumphant from Attock to Cuttack and Delhi to Deccan --- having contained the poison of the preceding centuries like a `Nilakantha'. Islam stood tamed --- and Indianized. And then came 1761 and the defeat of the sovereign power of the Mahrattas in the Third Battle of Panipat, which opened the way to British rule in India. It also revived the Wahabis and the Waliullahs, who took Islam back to fundamentalism and greater fanaticism in hopes of an Islamic revival.

Now about your ancestors' conversion (forced or otherwise), you guys are just our apostates. Unlike your new religion, you are lucky that we don't kill our apostates.

The difference between you and Christian converts is that they never thought they became Europeans or Americans, while so many Islamic converts think they become Arabs or Turks or Afghans or Persian or someone else. This is easy to see in Pakistan and to a smaller extent in Bangladesh though overall you have done better than Pakistan in this regard.

And you were punished in 1971 by those converts for exactly this, they killed you in millions because those Hindu converts despised the very fact that you were still "Hinduized"!

Now about our relations with Israel, they are on strong footing and in mutual interest. I am sure they will flourish even more in the coming years. They are a pain the arse of every Jihadi terrorist from every fundamentalist country that lies between our two multicultural, multi-religious democracies, lying in an ocean of fundamentalism and extremism and despotic dictatorships.
LOL. You are twisting simple logic to your advantage. The only reason I mentioned "Muslims" was that for the most the last millenium India was occupied by different colonial powers(afghans, persians and Mongols) who happened to be Muslims. Now this has nothing to do with the poor Palsetinians who you people kicked out of their land. You were wronged by Germans/Austrians and not by Palestinians. As for your new found Indian friends do not expect them to stick with you once they have built up their defence industries to your level - the more you supply technology the less they will become dependent on you. Already they have started producing AESA radars and SAMs and it won't be very long now till their technology catches up with yours. In the long run they have more to gain by being friends with huge Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Indonesis than a few million Jews with no natural resources. Smart Jews would see the way the world is going rather than live in this fantasy of a world dominated by whites for all time.

We are friends with most Islamic countries as well as Israel.

It doesn't seem to matter with any Islamic country including Pakistan and Bangladesh! ;)

Not when so many Islamic countries including Turkey have such deep relations with them.
USSR was friends with incompetent Arabs not comptent Turks, Iranians and Indonesians. You may need to realsie that not all Muslims are like Arabs.
If Arabs were incompetent they they would worship now Tangri and Ahura Mazda. But instead Turks, Iranians and Indonesians worship Allah.

India has good relationships with pretty much every country in the world(apart from Pakistan). Unlike some Arab wannabes, India doesn't do its diplomacy based on emotions and religion.

Israel-India nexus irks the pan islamists like yourself, and thats good enough reason for evil Hindoooossss and Joossssss to make this relationship stronger.:bunny:
"Your madressas teach you wrong facts about the length when parts of India were in Muslim control and how it ended."

Lol. I am raised in the UK and rely on books written by English historians for my knowledge of the subcontinent. Maybe your part of India may have escaped Muslim rule but other large parts of India were only "saved" by the arrival of the English.

"Now about your ancestors' conversion (forced or otherwise), you guys are just our apostates. Unlike your new religion, you are lucky that we don't kill our apostates."

Lol. You were in no position to do anything to us. The English were in charge mostly after the defeat of the Mughals.

"And you were punished in 1971 by those converts for exactly this, they killed you in millions because those Hindu converts despised the very fact that you were still "Hinduized"!"

No, Pakistanis only killed a few hundred thousand Bangladsehis. If it was millions I would have had a few members of my family(not immediate) that died but this is not the case, nor do I know many other people where this is the case.

"Now about our relations with Israel, they are on strong footing and in mutual interest"

As I have said before they are only on a transient(for a finite period of time) basis. You Indians will rinse them of their technology over the next decade or 2 and then dump them. As an American once said "countries have no permanent friends, only permanent interests". Look how Turkey is distancing itself from the Jews now.

You need to get over this Muslim rule and "Hindu-convert" thing. It is the past and I am not especially religious and judge people based on their character rather than religious beliefs. After all none of us chooses whether we are to be born Muslims, Christian, Jew. Hindu tec. The only reason Muslims have an issue with Jews is because they have stolen Palestine from the Palestinians. We would not have any issues with them if that was not the case.

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