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Chinese - Shi Lang Aircraft Carrier: New Pictures

You are an American as long as you hold US citizenship. And nobody can prevent you from identifying yourself as American, Vietnamnese, or other ethnic group. but there is a fact that many Americans subliminally don't view you as "American" since you have Asisan face

That's nice. There are people like that in every country including China, Japan, etc. Also, how would prove "many" Americans don't view you as American. The simple answer is you can't. Sure some Americans are bigoted and will only accept white Americans as truly American but they're a small minority.

Let's just focus on China's new carrier instead of bringing up ethnicity.
It was Gambit who started the ethnicity issue first.

Please elaborate further regarding the magnetic propulsion and kinetic energy weapons which China has developed for the upcoming Aircraft Carriers which is soon to be introduced to the world. :D
That's nice. There are people like that in every country including China, Japan, etc. Also, how would prove "many" Americans don't view you as American. The simple answer is you can't. Sure some Americans are bigoted and will only accept white Americans as truly American but they're a small minority.

Let's just focus on China's new carrier instead of bringing up ethnicity.
It is a futile request. The Chinese members here simply cannot stand being challenged by someone they considered to be of an 'inferior' Asian stock despite the challenge staying on topic and supported by credible third party sources.
That is a lie and you know it...

I was only giving an example, not bringing your ethnicity. :coffee:

Next time, i could bring another country as an example, because your Vietnamese ancestry makes you so sensible about it.
I was only giving an example, not bringing your ethnicity. :coffee:

Next time, i could bring another country as an example, because your Vietnamese ancestry makes you so sensible about it.
What a feeble excuse...And how convenient...:lol:...Let me guess...Viet Nam just 'happened' to be in the fore of your mind...:lol:
Gambit, I presume you identify as American first and Vietnamese second right? If so, it would be nice if some of the Chinese members refrain from indirectly bringing up his ethnicity or Vietnam as it shouldn't be relevant.
I don't see China building nuclear power carriers for at least another decade. Its experience and expertise in nuclear propulsion are relatively immature compared to United States/Russia. I suspect for the near future, they'll build medium size carriers (50,000 to 70,000t displacement range) to figure out how to operate these ships efficiently. It will be the biggest RMA in PLAN since 1991.
Please elaborate further regarding the magnetic propulsion and kinetic energy weapons which China has developed for the upcoming Aircraft Carriers which is soon to be introduced to the world. :D

You better to learn Chinese and go to the Chinese mlitary forum. And usually these military forums were frequently visited by many CIA owned ID & IP. :lol: So they won't mind if you wanna search for more military secrets from China.
Gambit, I presume you identify as American first and Vietnamese second right? If so, it would be nice if some of the Chinese members refrain from indirectly bringing up his ethnicity or Vietnam as it shouldn't be relevant.
But it is relevant. It MUST be relevant if the Chinese members here are to have any credibility among their racist brethens. All it takes is just one racial/ethnic insult from one and the rest will chime in and they will all trip over each other 'thanking' each other for these 'useful' posts. The Chinese members here simply cannot stand the idea that an 'inferior' Asian could challenge their claims purely on a technical level and beat them at it.
But it is relevant. It MUST be relevant if the Chinese members here are to have any credibility among their racist brethens. All it takes is just one racial/ethnic insult from one and the rest will chime in and they will all trip over each other 'thanking' each other for these 'useful' posts. The Chinese members here simply cannot stand the idea that an 'inferior' Asian could challenge their claims purely on a technical level and beat them at it.

I understand where your coming from but try to ignore it as much as you can. You've been here long enough to realize that there will be insults against American, Indian, Vietnamese etc. members and sometimes they will go unnoticed by the moderators. That's just my view but respond to their remarks as you see fit.

Anyways, in regards to the carrier, it doesn't look like much. I wonder if that is intended? :azn:
I understand where your coming from but try to ignore it as much as you can. You've been here long enough to realize that there will be insults against American, Indian, Vietnamese etc. members and sometimes they will go unnoticed by the moderators.
Actually...I encourage such behaviors. It exposes them for the racists that they are: the Asian version of Stormfront. And never have I reported any such posts.

Anyways, in regards to the carrier, it doesn't look like much.
I see it more as a training experience first and as intimidation against smaller Asian countries, like Viet Nam or the Phi, second.
Actually...I encourage such behaviors. It exposes them for the racists that they are: the Asian version of Stormfront. And never have I reported any such posts.

I see it more as a training experience first and as intimidation against smaller Asian countries, like Viet Nam or the Phi, second.
I'll grant that several Chinese members are racial extremists, and I've called them on it before as well. On the other hand, it's funny to see you acting like a victim like you're innocent of your own charge. Just this thread alone you've spent more time talking about racial butthurt than anybody else. Whatever floats your boat though, but do open your own thread on race if you want to share the butthurt experience.

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