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Language can unite (Hindi - Urdu)

obviously there were languages before sanskrit..
but those languages were not complete...
Those Babylonians and those Celts as well as those IV people will be so turning in their graves!

Let's leave expert stuff to experts. You're not doing any service to Sanskrit or to language itself by, if you don't mind my saying this, idiotic statements.
Those Babylonians and those Celts as well as those IV people will be so turning in their graves!

how can one call their languages complete when they did not even have complete counting system??
it was vedic scholars who started decimal number system...
this is the reason why most of the numbers in other languages find their roots in sanskrit..
one will say what number system has to do with language..but yes numbering system is an integral part of language..
clearly you are unaware of panini and his rules...google about them..
how can one call their languages complete when they did not even have complete counting system??
it was vedic scholars who started decimal number system...
clearly you are unaware of panini and his rules...google about them..

I love quattro fromaggi panini!

J/k I've heard of Mr. PaNRi and his contribution of the crystallization or/and documentation of Sanskrit grammar.

But it is nonsense to claim that before Sanskrit came along people did not know how to count!
I love quattro fromaggi panini!

J/k I've heard of Mr. PaNRi and his contribution of the crystallization or/and documentation of Sanskrit grammar.

But it is nonsense to claim that before Sanskrit came along people did not know how to count!

oh..i am not saying they did not know how to count..what i said was they did not have complete decimal system as a result you can see how stupid roman numbering system looks..
A lot of latin words have also come up from sanskrit...
navy comes from nau maeaning a boat...
father's latin word is same as sanskrit's(correct me if I am wrong)...it's pitra...hindi derivation being pita...
mother is matra or matre...mata being uswd in hindi now...
brother being bhrata...
horse is aswa in latin and sanskrit...
brotehr is frater in latin and bhratra in sanskrit...
the germanic grammar also stems from sanksritic grammar...i am not sure..can anybody confirm this?

You provided good evidence , however, it does not prove those latin words come from Sanskrit....it is very well possible both language originated from a common ancestor... We have not discovered any evidence of that old language till now does not mean it could not exist...
You provided good evidence , however, it does not prove those latin words come from Sanskrit....it is very well possible both language originated from a common ancestor... We have not discovered any evidence of that old language till now does not mean it could not exist...

That's exactly the dominant hypothesis, but that or those ancestral languages would be so old that no writings have probably been found. They've reconstructed that possible common ancestor though, and call it proto indo european.
I dont know how many times I have seen fight over Hindi-Urdu on PDF. For god sake, languages are meant for communication and not for fighting.

Anyways those who deny that they speak Hindi and not Urdu in India or vice versa in Pak they are wrong. in fact, I am seeing a new trend now Pak musicians or albums are preferably selecting Hindi names like Jal, Raeth, Mora saiyyan mose bolat nahi by Shafaqat Amanat Ali or Chhap tilak sab chheene by Abida Parveen etc are plenty of such examples. Indians made full fledged movie like Pakeezah/ Mughal-e-azam as Urdu Movie. Why to fight?? enjoy!! :)
Peoples are again confuse between Urdu-Hindi

Urdu developed under Persian, Arabic, and Turkic influence over the course of almost 900 years.It began to take shape in what is now Uttar Pradesh during the Delhi Sultanate (1206–1527), and continued to develop under the Mughal Empire (1526–1858). Modern Urdu is mutually intelligible with the younger register of Hindustani, which is often simply called "Hindi".

The original language of the Mughals was Chagatai, a Turkic language, but after their arrival in South Asia, they came to adopt Persian. Gradually, the need to communicate with local inhabitants led to a composition of Sanskrit-derived languages, written in the Perso-Arabic script and with literary conventions and specialised vocabulary being retained from Persian, Arabic and Turkic; the new standard was eventually given its own name of Urdu. Urdu is often contrasted with Hindi. The main differences between the two are that Standard Urdu is conventionally written in Nastaliq calligraphy style of the Perso-Arabic script and relies heavily on Persian and Arabic as a source for technical and literary language, whereas Standard Hindi is conventionally written in Devanāgarī and draws on Sanskrit. However, both have large numbers of Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit words, and most linguists consider them to be two standardized forms of the same language, and consider the differences to be sociolinguistic, though a few classify them separately

Source: wikepdeia
oh..i am not saying they did not know how to count..what i said was they did not have complete decimal system as a result you can see how stupid roman numbering system looks..

Roman numerals weren't the only ones out there. We lack info on this and making blanket statements would make our stupidity evident.
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