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Iran to fire 11,000 missiles at US, Israel if attacked

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In my view, the US navy repositioning is not to attack Iran, but pakistan. Or maybe both simultaneously.

US will attack Iran only once the F-35 are ready for field trials!
No not really we have disagreed with russia on many issues but stick to friendship policy with them, you on the other hand are a pure western puppet like a dog to his master.

I like the way Chinese and Russians handle islamic radicals. Hamas makes more advanced weapons then anything the saudis could produce.
why would you care when you are +
chaina is the the last country you expect to obey the rules cuz when they smile money the run to it like dogs.

Typical saudi, china hasn't exported the DF-21 and I doubt they would give it to a terrorist country. then again you can see the DF-21 up close when it lands in saudi arabia.

why would you care when you are +

Again you cannot even type or speak proper saudi education at it finest, producing the terrorists of tomorrow.
Typical saudi, china hasn't exported the DF-21 and I doubt they would give it to a terrorist country. then again you can see the DF-21 up close when it lands in saudi arabia.

Again you cannot even type or speak proper saudi education at it finest, producing the terrorists of tomorrow.

its gonna land on Assad head soon> its clear that your people are educated when they come to our country to find jobs > Assad gave the the x, sold Golan to Israel and kept the money for himself.
Again you cannot even type or speak proper saudi education at it finest, producing the terrorists of tomorrow.

Yes they gave long distance learning courses to many poor in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Then their friends the Americans went to give them finishing and introduce them to democracy in Afghanistan.
the only one who make Fitan not only among the muslims but also in the whole world is Iran and its regime Khomaini and ahmadi najad. the used the case of Palestine as a cover to build up a reputation when in the other hand don't really care about muslims, their interest is to create militias in the Muslims world to rip it a part . second, iran and its regime are the puppet of the eastern especially the russia who have killed our muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ،Chichnia and Bosnia. moreover, ahamdi najad admitted by himself that he helped the american to occupy iraq in 2003 to get rid of Saddam Hussain ( you can find the video in you tube if you wanna check it out). its them who made conflict among Palestinians between Fatah and Hamas.
chaina is the the last country you expect to obey the rules cuz when they smile money they run to it like dogs.

You are mistaken about Chinese. They love the rules, they just do not like supporting American puppets and like to help independent nations. And China is much richer than you guys.
the only one who make Fitan not only among the muslims but also in the whole world is Iran and its regime Khomaini and ahmadi najad. the used the case of Palestine as a cover to build up a reputation when in the other hand don't really care about muslims, their interest is to create militias in the Muslims world to rip it a part . second, iran and its regime are the puppet of the eastern especially the russia who have killed our muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ،Chichnia and Bosnia. moreover, ahamdi najad admitted by himself that he helped the american to occupy iraq in 2003 to get rid of Saddam Hussain ( you can find the video in you tube if you wanna check it out). its them who made conflict among Palestinians between Fatah and Hamas.
You are high maybe,come back down,let's talk.
So Iran kills your brothers and sisters in Afghanistan,Iraq,Chechen and Bosnia?
Yes of course but you forgot few other things:
1-Actually it was Iran who helped Hitler to gain power and Iran gave him the motivation to start the war
2-It was Iran who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria which led to start of WW1.
3-Persia assisted Mongols to to attack Islamic world in 7th century and you know what?Genghis Khan was originally Iranian
4-Iran plans to attack the whole world with nuclear weapon and when i say whole world,it includes your home too.
So Pack up and F off.
the only one who make Fitan not only among the muslims but also in the whole world is Iran and its regime Khomaini and ahmadi najad. the used the case of Palestine as a cover to build up a reputation when in the other hand don't really care about muslims, their interest is to create militias in the Muslims world to rip it a part . second, iran and its regime are the puppet of the eastern especially the russia who have killed our muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ،Chichnia and Bosnia. moreover, ahamdi najad admitted by himself that he helped the american to occupy iraq in 2003 to get rid of Saddam Hussain ( you can find the video in you tube if you wanna check it out). its them who made conflict among Palestinians between Fatah and Hamas.

Saudi regime is spreading Fitna and Fesad among Muslims by creating terror and siding with Zionists. Iran is on the side of the good and every one knows that Saudis regime is a puppet of US and Iran is an independent nation with high technology and tough Islamic principles. It was Saudis that helped Americans to invade Iraq twice and it was Saudis that brought Americans to the holy land and it was Saudis that gave bases to Americans. The truth is Iran has helped to free Lebanon from Israel while Saudis tried to help Israel to kill Hizbullah. Pathetic.
You are mistaken about Chinese. They love the rules, they just do not like supporting American puppets and like to help independent nations. And China is much richer than you guys.

What do you mean richer than you guys. Saudi state is a cash machine for one family that's it

I think Mosa should be unbanned so we can kick him lol

the only one who make Fitan not only among the muslims but also in the whole world is Iran and its regime Khomaini and ahmadi najad. the used the case of Palestine as a cover to build up a reputation when in the other hand don't really care about muslims, their interest is to create militias in the Muslims world to rip it a part . second, iran and its regime are the puppet of the eastern especially the russia who have killed our muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ،Chichnia and Bosnia. moreover, ahamdi najad admitted by himself that he helped the american to occupy iraq in 2003 to get rid of Saddam Hussain ( you can find the video in you tube if you wanna check it out). its them who made conflict among Palestinians between Fatah and Hamas.

I think it appropriate although a bit off topic the background of Al Sauds

The embarrassing origin of the House of Al-Saud is not just questionable, but well known. The standard LIE from all such puppets and donkeys installed by the Americans and Brits as super dictators over their people is that their ancestral lineage goes back to the Hashmite clan. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In reality, the ancestral lineage of the Al-Sauds goes back to the Jewish tribe of Banu Qunaiqa of 7th century Arabia.

And that's not the end of the story. The 18th century founder of the Wahabi sect, Muhammed ibn Abd Al Wahhab, had his origin from the Jewish community of Turkey. His grandfather was a Turkish Jew belonging to the Doenmeh community, as the "secret Jews" of Turkey were known who collaborated with secular dictator, Mostafa Kemal Ataturk (himself a Doenmeh) to secularize Turkey. The Doenmeh Jews are a very manipulative and dangerous community. To know more about the Doenmeh, check facts about Mostafa Kemal "Ataturk," a Doenmeh or crypto Jew.

A report from 2002 Intelligence reports of the Iraqi government has given much information on the Wahabis and their origin going back to the Doenmeh or crypto Jews of Turkey. Read this very informative piece on Wahabis and their Turkish Jewish origin.

It's officially known that present day 'Saudi Arabia' is the outcome of an alliance between Muhammed ibn Abd Al Wahhab and Muhammed Ibn Saud started in the 18th century. The deal was for Ibn Saud to protect Al Wahhab and allow him to spread his fanatical anti-Quranic values in the name of "Islam," and in return, Al-Wahab would offer recognition to Saud’s rule as the head of the "Islamic Ummah."

In reality, the Arabian peninsula has been occupied since the last 200 plus years by a grand orthodox Jewish alliance in the garb of Islam. But their secret loyalty and affections are still firmly grounded within their roots. What a pretty story behind the Saud / Wahab treachery, duping 1.3 billion Muslims around the world and their sincere pact of 'brotherhood' with the White House, Pentagon and 10 Downing Street.

Check the information on the genealogy of the Sauds

Back on topic I think Iranian missiles will not be wasted if they were used to destroy this family
What do you mean richer than you guys. Saudi state is a cash machine for one family that's it

I think Mosa should be unbanned so we can kick him lol

Oh, sorry for my indiscretion. I meant to say the China has a bigger economy than Saudi Arabia. But not only that but Chinese also have more billionaires than Saudi Arabia and probably can buy all of the remaining Saudi oil by just writing one check with lots of Yuan in it. Specially since Saudis have been lying about their oil reserves for a long time now by as much as 40%, so that they can fool their people into believing that they are rich and so that it allows them to export more oil as per OPEC rules. At the rate Saudis are depleting their oil reserves, it wont be long before they go hungry. At any rate almost everything from underpants to electronics in Saudi Arabia is made in China. So I just got angry when he disrespected our Chinese friends and tried to show them as hungry and poor.

I think Mosa should be unbanned so we can kick him lol

I really miss that and I am looking forward to it, though I know he is here reading our comments and going all blue and purple.
Oh, sorry for my indiscretion. I meant to say the Chinese has a bigger economy that Saudi Arabia. But not only that but Chinese also have more billionaires than Saudi Arabia and probably can buy all of the remaining Saudi oil by just writing one check with lots of Yuan in it. Specially since Saudis have been lying about their oil reserves for a long time now by as much as 40%, so that they can fool their people into believing that they are rich and so that it allows them to export more oil as per OPEC rules. At the rate Saudis are depleting their oil reserves, it wont be long before they go hungry. At any rate almost everything from underpants to electronics in Saudi Arabia is made in China. So I just got angry when he disrespected our Chinese friends and tried to show them as hungry and poor.

I really miss that and I am looking forward to it, though I know he is here reading our comments and going all blue and purple.

No that is the pink colour of his skirt. You know that is his national dress. Oh well when the oil runs out they can go back to riding camels in the dessert. Won't need any missiles then
No that is the pink colour of his skirt. You know that is his national dress. Oh well when the oil runs out they can go back to riding camels in the dessert. Won't need any missiles then

heheheh what a jealous people. the oil will never runs out this is the Do'a of Ibrahim. get it over you the people who follow you idiolgy
being jealous because you live a cheep life while we are enjoying high stander of living.
the only one who make Fitan not only among the muslims but also in the whole world is Iran and its regime Khomaini and ahmadi najad. the used the case of Palestine as a cover to build up a reputation when in the other hand don't really care about muslims, their interest is to create militias in the Muslims world to rip it a part . second, iran and its regime are the puppet of the eastern especially the russia who have killed our muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ،Chichnia and Bosnia. moreover, ahamdi najad admitted by himself that he helped the american to occupy iraq in 2003 to get rid of Saddam Hussain ( you can find the video in you tube if you wanna check it out). its them who made conflict among Palestinians between Fatah and Hamas.
well you know Ahmadinejad in 2003 was only Tehran Mayor I don't think
he had any power to help USA remove that Waste of breath, Saddam

by the way more importantly USA didn't used Iran Airspace or sea or land
to launch it's attack against Iraq . I guess you don't want ,me to say here
who was the people who gave the permission to USA .

and about the incident in mecca well I must congratulate Ale Saud they
managed to break the reverence of the holy cities and kill the unarmed
pilgrims of kaaba very brave while in 1979 when terrorist took hold of
Masjid Al-Haram you hed to beg Pakistan Army and french Commandos
to clear them.

and also somebody must answer for destroying 95% of the historical
buildings in mecca which many of them were revered by more than 100
million Muslims

Historic sites of religious importance which have been destroyed by the Saudis include five of the renowned "Seven Mosques" initially built by Muhammad's daughter and four of his "greatest Companions": Masjid Abu Bakr, Masjid Salman al-Farsi, Masjid Umar ibn al-Khattab, Masjid Sayyida Fatima bint Rasulullah and Masjid Ali ibn Abu Talib.[47]

It has been reported that there now are fewer than 20 structures remaining in Mecca that date back to the time of Muhammad. Other buildings that have been destroyed include the house of Khadijah, the wife of Muhammad, demolished to make way for public lavatories; the house of Abu Bakr, Muhammad's companion, now the site of the local Hilton hotel; the house of Ali-Oraid, the grandson of Muhammad, and the Mosque of abu-Qubais, now the location of the King's palace in Mecca.

and somebody dare to call himself the خادم الحرمین and Guardian of holy sites

the only one who make Fitan not only among the muslims but also in the whole world is Iran and its regime Khomaini and ahmadi najad. the used the case of Palestine as a cover to build up a reputation when in the other hand don't really care about muslims, their interest is to create militias in the Muslims world to rip it a part . second, iran and its regime are the puppet of the eastern especially the russia who have killed our muslims brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ،Chichnia and Bosnia. moreover, ahamdi najad admitted by himself that he helped the american to occupy iraq in 2003 to get rid of Saddam Hussain ( you can find the video in you tube if you wanna check it out). its them who made conflict among Palestinians between Fatah and Hamas.
well you know Ahmadinejad in 2003 was only Tehran Mayor I don't think
he had any power to help USA remove that Waste of breath, Saddam

by the way more importantly USA didn't used Iran Airspace or sea or land
to launch it's attack against Iraq . I guess you don't want ,me to say here
who was the people who gave the permission to USA .

and about the incident in mecca well I must congratulate Ale Saud they
managed to break the reverence of the holy cities and kill the unarmed
pilgrims of kaaba very brave while in 1979 when terrorist took hold of
Masjid Al-Haram you hed to beg Pakistan Army and french Commandos
to clear them.

and also somebody must answer for destroying 95% of the historical
buildings in mecca which many of them were revered by more than 100
million Muslims

Historic sites of religious importance which have been destroyed by the Saudis include five of the renowned "Seven Mosques" initially built by Muhammad's daughter and four of his "greatest Companions": Masjid Abu Bakr, Masjid Salman al-Farsi, Masjid Umar ibn al-Khattab, Masjid Sayyida Fatima bint Rasulullah and Masjid Ali ibn Abu Talib.[47]

It has been reported that there now are fewer than 20 structures remaining in Mecca that date back to the time of Muhammad. Other buildings that have been destroyed include the house of Khadijah, the wife of Muhammad, demolished to make way for public lavatories; the house of Abu Bakr, Muhammad's companion, now the site of the local Hilton hotel; the house of Ali-Oraid, the grandson of Muhammad, and the Mosque of abu-Qubais, now the location of the King's palace in Mecca.

and somebody dare to call himself the خادم الحرمین and Guardian of holy sites
No that is the pink colour of his skirt. You know that is his national dress. Oh well when the oil runs out they can go back to riding camels in the dessert. Won't need any missiles then

Please Aryan bhai. Do not try to turn me on, I have a thing for the color pink and skirts. Be careful next time.

You mean there is no missile system that can be launched from the back of a camel? Damn it. Maybe Chinese can design some prototypes for them maybe calling it CSS-CAMEL666 (only for export to Saudi Arabia):

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