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Head of Hamas killed by Israeli strike

Calling for the "deletion" of an entire country is okay now? It isnt hate speech or anything right.


the reality says otherwise. In the beginning the fight was for entire country called Palestine, now they are fighting of bits and pieces of population centers called Gaza! Pathetic defeat!

Some lame posters will not change reality!
the reality says otherwise. In the beginning the fight was for entire country called Palestine, now they are fighting of bits and pieces of population centers called Gaza! Pathetic defeat!

Some lame posters will not change reality!

Some retards wont ever understand.
Hamas allows groups such as Islamic jihad and others to fire missiles. When Israel retaliates Hamas then claims Israel is violating the ceasefire Hamas then lobs missiles in retaliation. The problem for them is contrary to their propaganda the world see's what is really going on. You can only poke a lion so much before he finally has enough and kills the one poking him. The PLO learned this when Israel finally had enough of their rocket attacks and drove them out of Lebanon. Israel needs to do the same here with Hamas. Instead of calling upwards of 75k reservists up they should call everyone up. Fortify the north and south borders then send the rest into Gaza and drive Hamas out.

They can then allow the Palestinian authority to reassert itself in Gaza with a buffer zone created between Gaza and Egypt and administered by the UN until such time as a peace agreement is signed.
Hamas allows groups such as Islamic jihad and others to fire missiles. When Israel retaliates Hamas then claims Israel is violating the ceasefire Hamas then lobs missiles in retaliation. The problem for them is contrary to their propaganda the world see's what is really going on. You can only poke a lion so much before he finally has enough and kills the one poking him. The PLO learned this when Israel finally had enough of their rocket attacks and drove them out of Lebanon. Israel needs to do the same here with Hamas. Instead of calling upwards of 75k reservists up they should call everyone up. Fortify the north and south borders then send the rest into Gaza and drive Hamas out.

They can then allow the Palestinian authority to reassert itself in Gaza with a buffer zone created between Gaza and Egypt and administered by the UN until such time as a peace agreement is signed.

wooooo , you sound fresh from the 80s dude , this ain't the 80s , in lebanon israel had actual casualties , hamas ain't palestinian authority they are fortified , so if israel goes there they will suffer casualties and the international community is paying too much attention to this also
The Iron dome is pretty impressive. Amazing piece of tech.

i think the iron dome only works against fertilizer fire works that can't counter maneuver or deploy chaff and flare , any decent rocket with a bit of sophistication i bet can avoid the iron curtain << red alert 2
wooooo , you sound fresh from the 80s dude , this ain't the 80s , in lebanon israel had actual casualties , hamas ain't palestinian authority they are fortified , so if israel goes there they will suffer casualties and the international community is paying too much attention to this also

Of course there will be casualties it's war. But you also can't allow someone to keep lobing missiles. And don't think for a minute that Israel didn't learn from 2006 in it's fight with Hezbollah. They are more prepared this time around aginst anti tank rockets and tunnels.
Israel, like any other country, has the right and the obligation to protect its citizens from harm. Terror organizations operating with the ruling power in Gaza, Hamas, intentionally target Israeli civilians with rocket attacks and infiltrate Israeli territory to commit terrorist attacks.

This situation in which Israeli civilians have been under constant terrorist attacks has forced Israel to undertake necessary security measures in order to protect its people.
i think the iron dome only works against fertilizer fire works that can't counter maneuver or deploy chaff and flare , any decent rocket with a bit of sophistication i bet can avoid the iron curtain << red alert 2

Might as well be asking to make an aircraft if you want it to deploy chaff and flares. You can only jam so much into one rocket or missile. But there is technology that ignores such countermeasures in any case.
Except there was no such country as Palestine in the first place.

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