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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

Yep, like standing on the boder for two years with million plus fully armed soldiers...............the whole world saw their louder actions I mean farts..........LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL you arefunny just like your generals....whinning ******.........

our generals don't shout but their actions are louder not sissiy actions like hiding behind Kashmiri freedom fighters(terrorists) and by not accepting soldiers of your army.
Arnab , Sagarika ghose and rajdeep are always hyper and shout loud.. if mute the TV you can still hear them shout!! No surprise here! He could have asked same question without getting so hyper!!
But Mushy failed defending Kargil argument.. at the end anchor bought mushy to his level :rofl:
Yep, like standing on the boder for two years with million plus fully armed soldiers...............the whole world saw their louder actions I mean farts..........LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL you arefunny just like your generals....whinning ******.........

what about bangladesh ........what u did , what u doing in balochistan ? cool down baby, u r face is more durty than is ours , only difference is of make up ...........

above I see two different posts on IA. Guys may read it and come up with the conclusion who says right lol
@KRAIT , I understand your viewpoint and I think you have a reasonable perspective from the other side of the arguement, however observing both side of medias and general anchors, you have to admit this anchor was rude and the interview was rather in poor taste to say the least. He should not have spoken to a former president of republic pakistanie like that and really did not represent the ethos that the profession of journalism stands for. To be fair, I did watch the interview in subtitles however i still prefer pakistanie media in terms of discussion and I will give you my reason and that is pakistanie side atleast self critisizes themselves. On the indienne side i see an overnationalistic media that somewhat distorts the info from my limited watching now exception should be made for NDTV(good channel). One media outlet used the effect of literally stretching the picture, which i found amusing on the humor side. However going back to main point, I do not think you should defend indienne media for this case, the interview was terrible and really tarnished indienne journalism. I understand where the frustration was coming from but a journalist should be neutral and ask tough question but there are different ways of doing it. Check out tout le monde program on cbc, you will see a different style of journalism, i recommend that program to both pakistanie and indienne.
Overnationalistic and lack of professionalism, I agree with that, but I don't think media acted wrongfully here. See thing is India is people of 1.2 billion people and to make them understand the gravity of the situation one has to really shake them up.

As for talking to former President, he talks to every guest like this. Even he is being ridiculed by Indians for unprofessional behavior.

As for showing the negative side of country, no one shows negativity than Indian media. You know entire media was bashing GOI for rape issue but Pakistan media ignored the major terrorist attack for a imported cleric, Even many media personalities hated this behavior or Pakistani media.

This anchor is like Bill O Reilly, people like him thinks that loud voice means you are true. he is no better than FOX news interviewer who asked questions to Ahmednijad and used unprofessional words.

I am biggest critic of Indian media because of their misplaced priority and hunger for TRP, but tell me one media of a county which is not. Of course we have to learn a lot, but you can also see good reporting by Indian media too. Thing is people here is blowing things out of proportion here. Look at the threads count on same news.BTW they are supporting a President that ruined their country. The problem is as long as one bashes India or Indian, their all crimes are forgotten in Pakistan.
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They are not called pathalogical liars for nothing, denialability, strung with some random news, a bunch of lies, a loud voice, blaming the proceutor of what you yourself are blamed o....then after a few months a nice big 'U' turn blaming who ever was in power at that time as the culprit, and asking people to forget the past....no wonder no one takes these people seriously.
I have seen the highlights of the interview in the morning..... The edited one.... but have seen a very aggressive Mushraff during the interview.... I guess when you dont have a clear answer for a question the best thing to do is take the offensive back to the achor.... But the interview end in a good note.....

But Arnab is 1 kind of anchor who uses his voice and aggression to ensure the opponent is forced to answer his question on the way he wanted.... or he just doesn't allow answer..... some time the way he grill the pakistani guests i myself felt it is too much of an aggression and most of his paksitan guest tolerate him ( they are used to it as he has a set of people from pakistan who always present for the discussion)....... But he conducts the show in the same way to indian people too.... There will be a few who has not faced this kind of an act by him.... so my pakistani friends thats the way arnab does..... He is the ace presenter for Times now... and most of the time... He over does the things.... Sadly for TRP....

I remember the last question of arnab......( Pls watch the interview for the same).....He didnt not have a clear answer to that..... But after seeing the kind of support he has in pakistan i wonder why still not clear on the answer...... May be he hasn't seen PDF.... or PDF members doesnt represent the general mood in pakistan....
Musharaff was caught with his pant s down...

He was cornered and he reacted like typical Pakistani..blaming every thing on India......What can u expect from person who failed 4 times in wars against India....
another thread with pakistanie/indienne members verbal shoutouts on both sides, more rhetorics, no discussion, no facts. Its going to be a while before the people get their heads and their le bouche out of the sand. @Terminator, what do you really accomplish in terms of advancing the conversation. Your going to keep quoting your government and pakistani will repeat the same sadly. How about lets advance the discussion by focusing on third party solution +mushraffs opinion on this matter. While he may be the scum in the bottom of the barrel, we should take his opinion seriously as he was in charge republic pakistaniè during the early stage of war on terror and as well he is no longer part of establishment. So you should not take his opinion lightly. Just like I still watch your media to understand their perspective even though its no better than watching fox news.

When he was in power and went to India his options out of box viz a viz Kashmir were practicle and even Indian Govt agreed but the Hindu hardliner hawkish groups forced the then Indian govt NOT to issue joint statement at the end of his visit.

As far as Musharraf's media handling he is known for his firm stand specially when talking to Indian media and the Indian media as well as other figures also accepted that fact when they were many a time left grumbling for interviewing him

I have seen the highlights of the interview in the morning..... The edited one.... but have seen a very aggressive Mushraff during the interview.... I guess when you dont have a clear answer for a question the best thing to do is take the offensive back to the achor.... But the interview end in a good note.....

But Arnab is 1 kind of anchor who uses his voice and aggression to ensure the opponent is forced to answer his question on the way he wanted.... or he just doesn't allow answer..... some time the way he grill the pakistani guests i myself felt it is too much of an aggression and most of his paksitan guest tolerate him ( they are used to it as he has a set of people from pakistan who always present for the discussion)....... But he conducts the show in the same way to indian people too.... There will be a few who has not faced this kind of an act by him.... so my pakistani friends thats the way arnab does..... He is the ace presenter for Times now... and most of the time... He over does the things.... Sadly for TRP....

I remember the last question of arnab......( Pls watch the interview for the same).....He didnt not have a clear answer to that..... But after seeing the kind of support he has in pakistan i wonder why still not clear on the answer...... May be he hasn't seen PDF.... or PDF members doesnt represent the general mood in pakistan....

I challange your anchor if he can succeed in cornering some of us from PDF .

i bet he dint interiew us to find himself in deep hot waters over this gimic of beheading
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Musharraf? That wanted criminal in Pakistan? who was kicked out from his in country and living in London?
Good job arnab just saw the whole interview , musshy in denial and so is cheap "ARY" news :rofl:

hahha he is comparing extremism with pakistani terrorism blowing themself off :lol:

general kiyanis design :P
When he was in power and went to India his options out of box viz a viz Kashmir were practicle and even Indian Govt agreed but the Hindu hardliner hawkish groups forced the then Indian govt NOT to issue joint statement at the end of his visit.

No one is denying that...he suggested those only after he got spanked by IA in kargil..he literally fell face first on camel dung...and btw the real reason the Indian govt did not agree to issue joint statement was also because of the same behavior this idiot was showing on the news show....When u are the president of a country, u have to behave like one...u dont go to a country and behave like a fisherman...The Indian govt rightly kicked his butt out..
As far as Musharraf's media handling he is known for his firm stand specially when talking to Indian media and the Indian media as well as other figures also accepted that fact when they were many a time left grumbling for interviewing him

Indian media is far mature than this so-called excuse of man....this degenerate does not have the simple respect a soldier should have for the fallen one,..Instead he accused the man who fought Indian political and court system for 10 yrs for his son's justice..Even a vile person does not do that....

I see clear victory for Arnab Goswami..he kept calm and brought the typical immaturity Pakistanis have out in the open..

Good Going Arnab!!!

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