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India hits back at Pakistan over 'Shah Rukh Khan' security


Jan 10, 2013
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Islamabad: India on Tuesday dismissed Pakistan
Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s suggestion that
New Delhi provide security to Bollywood star
Shah Rukh Khan. Home Secretary RK Singh said India is quite
capable of taking care of the security of its
people. Singh further asked Malik to look after the
security of Pakistani citizens and not to worry
about Shah Rukh Khan. "We are capable of looking at the security of our
own citizens. Let him (Rehman Malik) worry
about his own," Singh said. Rehman Malik has created controversy when he
requested the Indian Government to provide
security to Shah Rukh Khan. Singh was reacting to Malik’s remarks that the
Indian government should provide security to
Shah Rukh following the actor’s remarks about
the problems purportedly faced by Indian
Muslims. "He (Shah Rukh) is born Indian and he would like
to remain Indian, but I will request the
government of India (to) please provide him
security. I would like to request all Indian
brothers and sisters and all those who are talking
in a negative way about Shah Rukh, they should know he is a movie star," Malik had said. Noting that Shah Rukh is loved by the people of
Pakistan and India, Malik had said: "I am sure all
those who are talking against him or are trying
to threaten him, they will withdraw their threat
with this hope that the stars are loved, the stars
provide love and they are like a symbol of unity". The Pakistani minister had made the remarks
while interacting with reporters at a reception
organised by High Commissioner Sharat
Sabharwal to mark India's Republic Day. He was responding to questions about a first-
person account penned by Shah Rukh in a
magazine, in which the star focused on his
experiences as a Muslim in the post-9/11 world.
India hits back at Pakistan over `Shah Rukh Khan` security

Chief of Jammatud Dawa, Hafiz Saeed has said
that renowned Indian filmstar Shahrukh Khan
can take refuge in Pakistan it he does not feel
safe in India, news reports say. Speaking to a private TV channel, Saeed said that
Shahrukh Khan will get respect in Pakistan. “I
welcome him; I will help him with his stay here,”
the JuD chief said. Hafiz’s invitation comes in response to
Shahrukh’s recent statements about life as a
Muslim in India. The Indian superstar – in a first
person account – talked about how he became
an “inadvertent object of political leaders.” In the Outlook Turning Points magazine,
Shahrukh said “I sometimes become the
inadvertent object of political leaders who
choose to make me a symbol of all that they think
is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India.” “There have been occasions when I have been
accused of bearing allegiance to our
neighbouring nation rather than my own
country — this even though I am an Indian,
whose father fought for the freedom of India.
Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave and return what they refer
to my original homeland,” he wrote.

Singh further asked Malik to look after the security of Pakistani citizens and not to worry about Shah Rukh Khan.

Why is Malik bringing disgrace to the nation by making such idiotic statements ?

Making laughing stock for others.
Singh further asked Malik to look after the security of Pakistani citizens and not to worry about Shah Rukh Khan.

Why is Malik bringing disgrace to the nation by making such idiotic statements ?

Making laughing stock for others.

According to "indian muslim malik want to cash this on international level" from zee news
Cant even ensure security of his own countrymen and advicing others about security..
Spring Tomato is always right :D

But soon INFRACTION will follow :butcher: :azn:

P.S. Like your SIGNATURE, Feeling Insecure??? :P

And what we even can think yout will do. When time to see reality you use you this evergreen weapon of INFRACTION. We can expect atleast this :rofl:
Spring Tomato is always right :D

But soon INFRACTION will follow
P.S. Like your SIGNATURE, Feeling Insecure??? :P

:P how many you got akready

about sig naah i will be the last person to feel like that
why this stupid and disgraceful rehaman malik concern about Indians security in india?? first of all he should concern about his

citizens security from terror strikes and CIA drones. :blah:
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