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Baloch nationalists want repatriation of Afghan refugees

Omar bhai, who said we are giving Afghans shelters, food, blankets etc. etc.? I don't remember anything like that, unless some individual have given another individual out of zakat/kherat purposes.

As far I have seen the influx of Afghans, 90% of them have been confined into camps where one can hardly get any supply, yet for free.

They buy their supplies, or U.N. provide them. Nothing is for free, not even Pakistan is keeping them for free. U.N. pays around $100 per registered refugee to Pakistan Refugee Board for providing them shelter (camps) etc., which never make it to those poor ppl. In fact we all know how our politicians are, the aid never makes it to the needy citizens of our country, yet the refugees for that matter.

Besides, those brothers, who think they have increased prostitution are completely out of their minds. Do you guys have any idea what happened to their country while we (Pakistan) supported the toughest of all regimes in the world (Taleban) for our petty interests? Do you guys know how many men are their to earn for their sisters and mothers?

What makes a woman prostitute? and I wonder how they increased prostitution in Pakistan if there was no demand? obviously there is demand for such heinous stuff in our country that the poorest or poor Afghans (who have no earners in their family) had to resort to such low work.

You guys already forgot the gallant Iraqi women, that were famous for being such honourable, and what did war brought to them? 13/14 years old are selling their bodies to keep up with the hunger (of not their own) but of their little ones and old ones, while their men are sluaghtered and the rest of the world watched.

Where did our Islam go when we see the 13/14 years old being sold out for a night on a lusty bastard, exploiting the vulnerable women who have to earn to provide for their families, while the Muslim brotherhood is suppose to help the needy?

This is absolutely ridiculous that one Muslim entity is talking about another muslim entity in such regard. Fear the day when the time will come upon us (God forbid).

Reminds me Faraz's shair when I hear ppl stereotyping about who supports who here:

"Uss ki woh janay ussay paas-e-wafa tha ke na tha
Tum Faraz apni taraf sey to nibhatey jaatay !!!!!!!!"
^^^^^I know Afghan refugees are very poor, and my family has always given clothes, blankets, food, money to Afghans living in Islamabad, and I dont appreciate them cursing at me on the internet because I'm "punjabi".

Its sad whats happening in Afghanistan..but Pakistan is a 3rd world developing country, what would any leader of a 3rd world country do when a superpower threatens to bomb it into the stonge age? Its the leader's job to look out for the people in his country.

I know not all Afghanis are bad and I wish Afghanistan all the success, but we do have to worry about our own people first.
Why are there rallys in Quetta demanding Afghans leave back to Afghanistan?
We have to understand this situation and take care of it, and at the same time look for Pakistan's best interst.
Hey, I say the law abiding refugees should be allowed to stay - on one condition.

They convince everyone back home to consider merging the Pashtun majority provinces of Afghanistan with Pakistan.:D

Then, what is ours is theirs, and what is theirs is ours. ;)

But only if the people willingly decide to do so.

And the politicians need to finally pass the bills delegating more powers to the individual provinces, and create more provinces out of Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh.
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And in return the politicians need to finally pass the bills delegating more powers to the individual provinces, and create more provinces out of Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh.

Bad idea, more provinces out of Punjab, Balochistan, and Sindh will create more divisions.

More divisions will create more problems.
Salam to all,
I have just read the thread, not any positive post for afghans. Let me tell you people one thing if you people got the support of afghans, you will never lose your plans. Just ask your ISI how gullbuddin hekmatyar gave them support in early days. Pakistan as we know has a good army with some nice base the ISI gave them can tackle some thing but with the support of afghans. I am also a fan of ISI but you people have to read the history well
Then who is to blame for the troubles in Baluchistan today? Afghans? I have known someone who has lived in Quetta and was born there and he said Afghans were in very poor conditions in Quetta and that the Baluchi's never had any problem with Afghans. He used to visit Baluchistan regularly to meet his family and the situation between Afghans and Baluchi's have been absolutely fine. He did say that there were some problems between Baluchi's and Pakistani Pashtuns, not Afghans.
To Pashtun Sahab,

Pashtun Sahab, in which part of Pakistan you live? I am asking because if you are living in any major or minor city of Pakistan, you can find Afghans earning their living in those places. Who says that more than 90% are confined in the camps? Reality is 90% have made fake and real Pakistani IDs and are the part of Pakistani society now. They have taken all the transport business in the major cities of Pakistan. They have made property and established businesses throughout Pakistan as far south as Karachi, and Thatta and as far north as Chitral. In fact they have taken the low-lower middle rank jobs in all the major Pakistani cities and left the real Pakistanis with little opportunities of earning their living. These Afghan refugees are the parasites of our society; they take every thing and return nothing. Doing their best to destabilized our country from within.

I fully support the demands of the Balochs, they must leave Balochistan and if they don’t, Baloch should throw them out of their lands by force if needed. Same should be done in the other parts of Pakistan.
Then who is to blame for the troubles in Baluchistan today? Afghans? I have known someone who has lived in Quetta and was born there and he said Afghans were in very poor conditions in Quetta and that the Baluchi's never had any problem with Afghans. He used to visit Baluchistan regularly to meet his family and the situation between Afghans and Baluchi's have been absolutely fine. He did say that there were some problems between Baluchi's and Pakistani Pashtuns, not Afghans.
Who said that? I am from Balochistan and what ever you wrote above is totally apposite to what I have seen between 1979-1999 (when I finally left).
^ So because some Afghans earn more than other Pakistani's in some areas, it's their fault and it's causing problems in Pakistan? Even the fact some Balochi's in Balochistan want independence is also because of Afghans who 'want to create trouble in Pakistan'? At least half of Pakistani's I know in Britain have a home in Britain plus a home in Pakistan, while many British people can't even afford one house. Now you tell me, whose the guilty one here? The Pakistani because he earns more? If Afghans earn so well in Pakistan anyway then why the hell would they destabilize their own lives together with Pakistan? I have known Afghans in Peshawar especially who earn very well, have good lives, get along with Pakistani's perfectly fine and love Pakistan. And if Afghans manage to run successful businesses in Pakistan, then wouldn't Pakistan profit if business in it's country gets better? Afghanistan also got Baloch people and as far as I have seen Balochi people, as far as I have met people who visited Balochistan have stated only positive attitude towards Afghans and that's what they have got in return.

PS; For more I refer you to replies of Ajpirazad and Pashtun who have stated everything very beautifully and very true.
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i personally think that we should give the afghans that are running successful businesses pakistani citizenship this will help in expanding the tax base and reduce our dependence on foreign aid. let all the afghans that are in the position to give taxes stay in pakistan because we all the know the wealthy pakistanis dont like giving taxes to make their country better:D:D
^ Many wealthy Afghans stayed back in Pakistan, mostly the poorer went back to Afghanistan in hope for better jobs and better lives. I am glad some of them even found better states back home and are happy there. I also think that if the wealthy Afghans in Pakistan are thinking of leaving the country, that first of all they should do something good back for the country. They found good money and good life there so something should be done in return, but most of them are happy in Pakistan and don't want to leave the country and hopefully they will do a good job there.
^ Many wealthy Afghans stayed back in Pakistan, mostly the poorer went back to Afghanistan in hope for better jobs and better lives. I am glad some of them even found better states back home and are happy there. I also think that if the wealthy Afghans in Pakistan are thinking of leaving the country, that first of all they should do something good back for the country. They found good money and good life there so something should be done in return, but most of them are happy in Pakistan and don't want to leave the country and hopefully they will do a good job there.

Yes but they dont like Pakistan and are always criticizing Pakistanis without looking at themselves first. If Afghans want to be Pakistani citizens they must salute the Pakistani flag and be patriotic Pakistanis. The last thing we need right now is more sell-outs (we already have enough of that). Pakistan needs more Pakistani nationalists.

^ Buddy, I got relatives in Peshawar who absolutely love Pakistan. They do call themselves Afghans and love Afghanistan, but they never denied they have good lives in Pakistan and share good relationship with Pakistani's. I also agree they should encourage, for example, Pakistani cricket team and they should be the ones who should try for better relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Just like I know some Pakistani's in UK who have good lives here but cannot stand British people, same people like them will exist everywhere. I have noticed Afghans disliking towards the Pakistani government but I hardly hear them badmouth Pakistan or Pakistani's. My sisters-in-law still want to go back to Pakistan and say they want to live nowhere else but Pakistan, obviously because they love the country. Idiots are everywhere and every single person has his own personal experience and his own view, so I won't speak on behalf of those.
You people call yourself muslims? ehhh, your master's sold your country *Alert*
I absolutely agree with Balochis here, who comes first for Pakistan? Balochistan or these Afghanis who hate pak more than Indian?

Fulfil Baloch people wish and send these anti-pak Afghans back to where they came from. Enough of this so called 'brotherly love, muslim behan/bhai'. These people have left no stone unturned to destroy pakistan. These afghans people are to be blamed for the problems we are facing today. As it is we have already suffered a lot and now it's time we wake up and say Enough is Enough!

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