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Mosque is not a religious place, can be demolished any time: BJP leader Subramanian Swamy

First tell me for once clearly what is Hinduism? Religion? Culture? what is it?

Supreme Court of India judgment .....

Bharatiya Janata Party

P.S. Imran, fact of the matter is that till the Indus, leaving the Pashtuns and the Baloch who are of Persian lineage, the rest of the entire subcontinent, inclusive of Pakistani Punjab and Sindh, whole of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Tibet, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, is of Dharmic lineage, regardless of what religion or faith they follow today.

Which is what we mean when we call all of us Hindu.

Please do not take it as a direct affront to your present faith.
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BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said in Guwahati that mosque is not a religious place but is just a building that can be demolished any time, in remarks that triggered protests in the state and led to slapping of a criminal case against him.

Swamy cited the “example” of mosques demolished for construction of roads in Saudi Arabia. “A mosque is not a religious place. It is just a building. It can be demolished any time. If anyone disagrees with me on this, I am ready to have a debate on the issue. I got this information from people of Saudi Arabia,” he said at a religious event on Friday night. The BJP leader then went on to claim that all Indian Muslims were Hindus.

He repeated the controversial comments at another function in Guwahati on Saturday.

Protesting Swamy’s comments, a number of organisations in the state on Saturday burnt the effigies of the BJP national executive member. The police also registered an FIR under IPC sections 120 (B) [criminal conspiracy] and 153 (A) [promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion] against Swamy following a complaint by Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS).

“Ahead of Assembly elections, the BJP is trying to create communal disturbance in the state. The controversial statement made by Swamy against Muslims is part of this conspiracy. We condemn it and demand Assam government to ban the entry of Subramanian Swamy into the state,” said Akhil Gogoi, KMSS president.

Chief minister Tarun Gogoi also slammed Swamy and his party, saying “BJP will have to pay a heavy price for hurting Assamese sentiments”.

Sensing people’s anger, the state BJP tried to distance itself from the remarks. “These are Swamy’s personal statements, not of our party’s. But we will write to our central leadership over this issue,” said Assam BJP president Siddhartha Bhattacharyya.

Assam Wakf Board, All Assam Minority Students Union and other Muslim organizations have sought action against Swamy.

Mosque is not a religious place, can be demolished any time: BJP leader Subramanian Swamy

:lol: in another statement he said Mosques and Churches are building for prayers and here he is contradicting his own words.

Anyway mister bharati we also heard errrrrrrrrrrrrrr no read in newspapers that few temples have also been removed to widen the roads so it means temples can also be demolished any time
Anyway mister bharati we also heard errrrrrrrrrrrrrr no read in newspapers that few temples have also been removed to widen the roads so it means temples can also be demolished any time

Of course! Modi ji has set an example in his own state and done the same. This is not an ego thing between fellow Indians. Though admittedly explaining it to some Pakistanis is difficult.

You tell me man, I don't have time for links right now. My argument is with you not Supreme court or BJP.

Dozens of Indians here, including me, have been telling you.

Thought you would give more credence to the words of an impartial Judiciary rather than self styled Hindutvawadis. :)

Frankly, the way Sanatan Dharma has evolved and made space and special place for all sorts of ideologies, given enough time (both Christianity and Islam qualifying by the period of time they have been around on Hindu soil amongst Hindu people) these alien faiths will also be internalized into the myriad schools of theology that make upits entire construct.

Hindu Islam and Hindu Christianity. As distinct from the way these are practiced and followed elsewhere. Because basically the folowers are different.

They are Hindu.
Supreme Court of India judgment .....

Bharatiya Janata Party

P.S. Imran, fact of the matter is that till the Indus, leaving the Pashtuns and the Baloch who are of Persian lineage, the rest of the entire subcontinent, inclusive of Pakistani Punjab and Sindh, whole of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Tibet, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, is of Dharmic lineage, regardless of what religion or faith they follow today.

Which is what we mean when we call all of us Hindu.

Please do not take it as a direct affront to your present faith.

First thing my faith has always been Islam (whether somebody rips me apart for it, God willing I won't change).

Second thing you guys are getting confused and confused these days. Cannot understand any of your motive to declare this except that you really want all of them to be converted back to idol worship by hook or by crook.

If I were you I would disown them simple. So disown Muslims and others and stop calling them Hindu. You sound like missing them a lot.

Dozens of Indians here, including me, have been telling you.

Thought you would give more credence to the words of an impartial Judiciary rather than self styled Hindutvawadis. :)

No you people have been confusing me, what is it religion? Culture? what should I assume it to be?
Supreme Court of India judgment .....

Bharatiya Janata Party

P.S. Imran, fact of the matter is that till the Indus, leaving the Pashtuns and the Baloch who are of Persian lineage, the rest of the entire subcontinent, inclusive of Pakistani Punjab and Sindh, whole of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Tibet, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, is of Dharmic lineage, regardless of what religion or faith they follow today.

Which is what we mean when we call all of us Hindu.

Please do not take it as a direct affront to your present faith.
Well India was Buddhist and Jain before it was Hindu. So can we call all Hindus Jain or Buddhist-all 1.5 billion of them?

This is the story of the world. One religion has fallen and been replaced by another. Look at pagan (Norse) Europe, look at Zoroastrinism/Parsi faith in Iran. Look at Aztec religion in America. It does not mean they are Aztec pagans. This argument is a null argument used by Hindutva fanatics.

We all have our different religions and extra religions means more tolerance and more respect for each other.
Well India was Buddhist and Jain before it was Hindu. So can we call all Hindus Jain or Buddhist-all 1.5 billion of them?

This is the story of the world. One religion has fallen and been replaced by another. Look at pagan (Norse) Europe, look at Zoroastrinism/Parsi faith in Iran. Look at Aztec religion in America. It does not mean they are Aztec pagans. This argument is a null argument used by Hindutva fanatics.

We all have our different religions and extra religions means more tolerance and more respect for each other.

Hindutvas love to live in cocoons
First thing my faith has always been Islam (whether somebody rips me apart for it, God willing I won't change).

I never said otherwise. Nor do I want you to change. Because I do not need you to change. To me (and Sanatan Dharma) it makes no difference. The bloodlines and the soul does not change by what happens to the physical body during a lifetime. ONE of the many lifetimes.

Second thing you guys are getting confused and confused these days. Cannot understand any of your motive to declare this except that you really want all of them to be converted back to idol worship by hook or by crook.

If I were you I would disown them simple. So disown Muslims and others and stop calling them Hindu. You sound like missing them a lot.

Well, the reaon why I always liked debating with you (till you took that irritating old aunty's side) is that you are an intelligent sharp guy.

This IS the crux is it not?

The tussle to distance yourselves from us? In everything you do? So that your existence becomes one of not-us, than you, and only you?

Its not so much us not letting you go. But of you always trying to run away. :)
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You did this to him. Submarine Swamy frequents this site, and after seeing anti-Hindu sentiments, this has caused him to erupt in anger.
Submarine Swamy ! :enjoy:

@levina now his name was definitely given by some relatives of his who has to be an engineer !

on topic : Subramanian swamy & his Hate speeches are wrong & the civil society should condemn it
he constantly promotes communal disharmony
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Of course! Modi ji has set an example in his own state and done the same. This is not an ego thing between fellow Indians. Though admittedly explaining it to some Pakistanis is difficult.

Dozens of Indians here, including me, have been telling you.

Thought you would give more credence to the words of an impartial Judiciary rather than self styled Hindutvawadis. :)

Frankly, the way Sanatan Dharma has evolved and made space and special place for all sorts of ideologies, given enough time (both Christianity and Islam qualifying by the period of time they have been around on Hindu soil amongst Hindu people) these alien faiths will also be internalized into the myriad schools of theology that make upits entire construct.

Hindu Islam and Hindu Christianity. As distinct from the way these are practiced and followed elsewhere. Because basically the folowers are different.

They are Hindu.

Oh man don't make it more harder for me, I don't like going in circles, I was brought up to say black a black and white a white.

So once again in simple plain English just tell me what is Hinduism? Is it a religion? A culture? Or what? Once you clear that then may be I can see what you mean by Hindu Muslim? or Hindu Christian?
Well India was Buddhist and Jain before it was Hindu. So can we call all Hindus Jain or Buddhist-all 1.5 billion of them?

Not Buddhist. That was much later. You have a point of debate with Jainism and their oldest tirthankaras, who have been dated not earlier than the earliest vedica literature. Hinduism and Jainism could arguably be compared to Zoroastrianism and Mithraism of ancient Persia. Not distinct from each other.

This is the story of the world. One religion has fallen and been replaced by another. Look at pagan (Norse) Europe, look at Zoroastrinism/Parsi faith in Iran. Look at Aztec religion in America. It does not mean they are Aztec pagans. This argument is a null argument used by Hindutva fanatics.

Only that Hinduism and Sanatan Dharma never gave way to another fiath. Or culture. It endured and prospered and grew. And alien faiths grew within its fold.

Which is why Indians will look at Pakistan as an aberration. Cause (1) it strove to leave the fold on lines that made little sense; and (2) it was merged with parts of Iranic civiliztional lands and populaces making it a true rump state cleaved and merged by breakaway territories and populaces of two ancient civilizations, artificially fused into one, by the common thread of an alien faith.

We are seeing the results of that today. Every day. Each and every day.

We all have our different religions and extra religions means more tolerance and more respect for each other.

Sanatan Dharma has seen it all and absorbed all over 10,000 years. Islam and Christianity and Sikhism would be the latest schools of theology that take seed and grow and prosper on its soil.

Hindu soil.
Members of All Assam Muslim Yuba Parishad (S) during a protest against BJP leader Subramanian Swamy in Dibrugarh.
I never said otherwise. Nor do I want you to change. Because I do not need you to change. To me (and Sanatan Dharma) it makes no difference. The bloodlines and the soul does not change by what happens to the physical body during a lifetime. ONE of the many lifetimes.

Okay so now we have opened up on our faiths then lets get into this debate.

My friend to you it may not make any difference, but to me being Muslim, your remaining Hindu makes a very serious difference. The implication of you remaining Hindu and not believing in truth till we die as such is more severe than you or I can even imagine. So one of my duty and there upon accountability is not guiding you to truth and leaving you in delusion.

We won't go into further details.

Well, the reaon why I always liked debating with you (till you took that irritating old aunty's side) is that you are an intelligent sharp guy.

I appreciate your gesture, and I believe we have already discussed other part of your comment in detail, that same day and I don't want to create another drama out of it. So better you quit being childish and let us not refer indirectly to anybody in our comments.

This IS the crux is it not?

Crux o_O

The tussle to distance yourselves from us? In everything you do? So that your existence becomes one of not-us, than you, and only you?

Its not so much us not letting you go. But of you always trying to run away. :)

I have hinted you what one of my responsibility being a Muslim is and what accountability I have to face. So by distancing myself or running away I won't be able to convey the message. Han distancing in terms of way of life, it is pretty much apparent man, we are not same. Cannot be. I asked you before count the resemblance between us from waking up and then going back to bed and tell me what makes you think we are same in each and every aspect? Being Muslim is not a culture, it is faith, blind belief, devotion, steadfastness,and path to salvation.

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