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Strike package of PAF F-16 - Fear Factor


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

The recent announcement of of Eight more F-16s for the PAF has been cause of much anxiety and depression in the neighbourhood. Albeit Pakistan has been operating the Fighting Falcon for over Thirty years with newer and more capable models being acquired within the last decade, however, the reaction by India to the recent acquisition has been unprecedented. This is all the more scandalous since India currently is one of the top armament purchasing country boasting of fourth largest air force in the world.
But it's also possible that India does have real concerns as the F-16s continue to rattle nerves in New Delhi.
According to Indian writer Pushpinder Singh, the arrival of F-16s in the Sub-continent caused such alarm bells that India in response ended up purchasing no less than 220 assorted fighter jets from Russia and France, hence the latest reaction by India thus shouldn't come as a surprise.
The F-16, the most widely used and combat proven aircraft of recent times has also proved it's tremendous capabilities within the PAF. Soon after bit's arrival in Pakistan in the mid-80s, it was immediately pressed into service against joint Afghan/Soviet threat and in the process shot down no less than a dozen Soviet origin aircraft without a single loss to enemy action, since PAF never disclosed about those aircraft that fell on the other side of the border, so the actual number of victims, which is much higher remains classified.
A PAF F-16 also made history by achieving first night interception and shooting down of an IAF spy drone of Israeli origin in 2002. In 2005, Pratt & Whitney presented a plaque to the PAF in recognition of flying the F-16 for over 100,000 accident free flight hours.

HUD capture of an Afghan SU-22 kill in 1987

A notable incident took place in 2008, when some Indian aircraft in a threatening manner intruded into Pakistan airspace and were promptly intercepted by PAF F-16s and escorted out.
More recently, PAF F-16s have been busy in carrying out strikes against the Taliban near Afghan border with great success. Even during exercises with friendly air forces, the PAF have scored repeated victories against such potent systems as the Euro fighter Typhoons and F-15 Eagles. All in all, since it's induction in PAF, the F-16s have remained geared into action in one form or another, always coming out on the top. It enjoys an unparalleled combat record while most aircraft in the neighbourhood don't have a single combat kill to their name so any wonder even eight F-16s can cause so many ripples.


The recent announcement of of Eight more F-16s for the PAF has been cause of much anxiety and depression in the neighbourhood. Albeit Pakistan has been operating the Fighting Falcon for over Thirty years with newer and more capable models being acquired within the last decade, however, the reaction by India to the recent acquisition has been unprecedented. This is all the more scandalous since India currently is one of the top armament purchasing country boasting of fourth largest air force in the world.
But it's also possible that India does have real concerns as the F-16s continue to rattle nerves in New Delhi.
According to Indian writer Pushpinder Singh, the arrival of F-16s in the Sub-continent caused such alarm bells that India in response ended up purchasing no less than 220 assorted fighter jets from Russia and France, hence the latest reaction by India thus shouldn't come as a surprise.
The F-16, the most widely used and combat proven aircraft of recent times has also proved it's tremendous capabilities within the PAF. Soon after bit's arrival in Pakistan in the mid-80s, it was immediately pressed into service against joint Afghan/Soviet threat and in the process shot down no less than a dozen Soviet origin aircraft without a single loss to enemy action, since PAF never disclosed about those aircraft that fell on the other side of the border, so the actual number of victims, which is much higher remains classified.
A PAF F-16 also made history by achieving first night interception and shooting down of an IAF spy drone of Israeli origin in 2002. In 2005, Pratt & Whitney presented a plaque to the PAF in recognition of flying the F-16 for over 100,000 accident free flight hours.

HUD capture of an Afghan SU-22 kill in 1987

A notable incident took place in 2008, when some Indian aircraft in a threatening manner intruded into Pakistan airspace and were promptly intercepted by PAF F-16s and escorted out.
More recently, PAF F-16s have been busy in carrying out strikes against the Taliban near Afghan border with great success. Even during exercises with friendly air forces, the PAF have scored repeated victories against such potent systems as the Euro fighter Typhoons and F-15 Eagles. All in all, since it's induction in PAF, the F-16s have remained geared into action in one form or another, always coming out on the top. It enjoys an unparalleled combat record while most aircraft in the neighbourhood don't have a single combat kill to their name so any wonder even eight F-16s can cause so many ripples.

Look at the spine of the aircraft in the last pic...guess what kind of secret electronics installed...some say block 52+ EW suit is that much powerful can blind SU.30 from 100 Kms after detection...once blind AIM-120 can do the job easily...they know this feature and rona dhona is quite wajib for them...:lol:
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It is obvious..Even if you are getting only 1 F16, that is obviously a bad news for us.....:(

"the arrival of F-16s in the Sub-continent caused such alarm bells that India in response ended up purchasing no less than 220 assorted fighter jets from Russia and France" ........o_O
It is obvious..Even if you are getting only 1 F16, that is obviously a bad news for us.....:(

"the arrival of F-16s in the Sub-continent caused such alarm bells that India in response ended up purchasing no less than 220 assorted fighter jets from Russia and France" ........o_O
Is it the arrival for 1st time to subcontinent?
We never complain when others buy planes of their choice. So why do others complain when we buy planes of our choice. Cheer up guys. it is all part of the game. We have a right to buy what is good for us. I am always happy when our air force adds new planes in it's inventory. may these F-16 be the pride of our air force.
MMRCA was an Indian gamble and where they thought they could use it to score points over Pakistan, they lost elsewhere & these F-16's, though meager in numbers are a testament to this fact. Heck, even Russia decided to develop stronger military ties with Pakistan, signalling India that it cannot afford to please all the suppliers and "don't sell weapons to my enemy"------ wont always work.
I think it's kind of foolish to assume on our part that India is scared of F16s in such a tiny number.
The ongoing outcry in India should be understood in a different manner.
Perhaps India is angry too see her soft power failing to yield results and the fact that instead of isolating and 'naming and shaming' Pakistan,the 'world' is cozying up with her.
Indians are frustrated that a super power like USA don't share the same moronic and bigoted view of Pakistan like bharatis have for Pakistan. Despite years of efforts to isolate Pakistan, the end result is this. That is the real reason behind their frustration.
Pakistani's are ever eager to glorify themselves. And we can always trust them to miss the forest for the woods.

India's unprecedented actions against an impending sale of F-16's is not about F-16's at all. Pakistani Airforce today stands as a joke in front of the IAF in terms of weapons capability, technology and numbers. 8 F-16's don't even change an iota of that.

Its about how today India has unprecedented global clout compared to its past - this is in effect a test for the Govt of India. Does India have enough global clout now to change the course of international action?

Its a yes/no answer. If no, then we would have a credible assessment of what India can not manage and where do we need to invest more - to attain more clout. If yes, then we would have a credible assessment of what we can manage.

Basically it is a self assessment test.
I think it's kind of foolish to assume on our part that India is scared of F16s in such a tiny number.
The ongoing outcry in India should be understood in a different manner.
Perhaps India is angry too see her soft power failing to yield results and the fact that instead of isolating and 'naming and shaming' Pakistan,the 'world' is cozying up with her.
If that was the only reason, then we would have seen same reaction when Russia agreed to supply us with Helicopters or France invited PAF for PAS. !!
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