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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

India has control over three eastern rivers — Beas, Ravi and Sutlej — all flowing from Punjab.

Pakistan, as per the treaty, controls the western rivers — the Indus, Chenab and Jhelum that flow from Jammu and Kashmir.

3 dams over Chenab is huge news.
These guys have no shame ... After the failed war hysteria,no cricket,no artists and now this bullshit..

Modi is finding it hard to save face .. Poor turd.

Hey you guys wanted Modi to take action, and now he has. :D ...... Now you don't have to worry anymore.

No, that will only result in "Fitting the right person to the right place". Everyone happy.

Cool.... now how about a glass of water ? :lol:
The govt. has FINISHED exploring and have now decided to Act on constructing those dam's. That looks like firm action to me. You disagree ?

Dont know bro what message they wish to give after so many setbacks to there olive leaves offered in first 2 yrs and now same terror attacks
Are t all you guys already enemies?
I have confidence India will take steps not dissimilar to other counties while dealing with international arbitration

I as a person don't consider you lot enemies but I can't speak of the rest which matters the most. What I am quite sure is that stopping water will make all 20 million your enemy including me. Then they say every action has a reaction and this action, if taken, will have some profound reaction.
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