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A few questions about turkey

Ataturk was not only a great general, he was also one of the greatest, the most visionary and the most intellectual leaders that has ever come to Muslim world. The world has seen many great soldiers and many great statesmen seperately but 20th century had only one person who had both skills: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

well no problemos! A street in dhaka called Kamal Ataturk avenue- Only road named after a foreign national. Our national poet wrote - ' Kamal tu ne Kamal kiya bhai ' meaning you have done wonder, kamal! I was messing with Indian. He likes him just because he was secular. had he been known as islamist, they would disrespect him 24/7!
I have a few questions too, lol:

1. What is Turkey's plan for Mediterranean offshore gas? Is there any possibility to face Israel?
2. What is Turkey's plan for Nargono-Gharabagh? Any practical plan to take it back?
3. Which country is Turkey's Number one enemy?
I have a few questions too, lol:

1. What is Turkey's plan for Mediterranean offshore gas? Is there any possibility to face Israel?
2. What is Turkey's plan for Nargono-Gharabagh? Any practical plan to take it back?
3. Which country is Turkey's Number one enemy?

1. There is no room for Israel in East Med. Turkey holds all of the cards in its hand. According to Cypriot constitution, leader of the Turkish Cypriots is the prime minister of Cyprus, this basicly makes TRNC as a legal owner of Cypriot gas.
Many things changed in Cyprus. 3 years ago, Turkish Cypriots were complaining about Turkey, now Republic of Cyprus' economy collapsed while TRNC economy is thriving with Turkish aids. Mainland also supports TRNC with manpower, a Turkish majority island is not far away.
2. Turkey fully supports Azerbaijan and Turkish public sees them as Turks. Two states agreed on founding a joint army, Turkey is the biggest arm supplier of Azerbaijan.
3. Turkey's biggest enemy is Turkey itself.
1. There is no room for Israel in East Med. Turkey holds all of the cards in its hand. According to Cypriot constitution, leader of the Turkish Cypriots is the prime minister of Cyprus, this basicly makes TRNC as a legal owner of Cypriot gas.
Many things changed in Cyprus. 3 years ago, Turkish Cypriots were complaining about Turkey, now Republic of Cyprus' economy collapsed while TRNC economy is thriving with Turkish aids. Mainland also supports TRNC with manpower, a Turkish majority island is not far away.
2. Turkey fully supports Azerbaijan and Turkish public sees them as Turks. Two states agreed on founding a joint army, Turkey is the biggest arm supplier of Azerbaijan.
3. Turkey's biggest enemy is Turkey itself.

A correction to 2nd item: Turkey, after Israel and Russia, is the biggest arm supplier of Azerbaijan.
1. There is no room for Israel in East Med. Turkey holds all of the cards in its hand. According to Cypriot constitution, leader of the Turkish Cypriots is the prime minister of Cyprus, this basicly makes TRNC as a legal owner of Cypriot gas.
Many things changed in Cyprus. 3 years ago, Turkish Cypriots were complaining about Turkey, now Republic of Cyprus' economy collapsed while TRNC economy is thriving with Turkish aids. Mainland also supports TRNC with manpower, a Turkish majority island is not far away.
2. Turkey fully supports Azerbaijan and Turkish public sees them as Turks. Two states agreed on founding a joint army, Turkey is the biggest arm supplier of Azerbaijan.
3. Turkey's biggest enemy is Turkey itself.

1-what a bullcrap,if we had all the cards why are we not drilling the gas and oil?
Israel and Cyprus(south)are drilling,we still havent found any.
2-Turkey will do nothing active.
3-I totaly agree with you on this one
What were the reasons for transforming the Ottoman Turkish Language into Modern Turkish Language?
What were the reasons for transforming the Ottoman Turkish Language into Modern Turkish Language?

I think ''Ottoman Turkish''is a very difficult language,and it evolved into modern Turkish.
Even modern Turkish is difficult for some(like me).
Maybe not even 1% of the population can speak the old Turkish.
Modern Turkish took alot of words from other languages,the more multi cultural a country becomes the more change in language.
Maybe a turkish member with more knowledge of this subject can give a better answer.
What were the reasons for transforming the Ottoman Turkish Language into Modern Turkish Language?

There is no such thing. We didn't change our language. We would have been speaking same Turkish language today, even if we hadn't swicted our alphabet from Arabic to Latin. Languages are independent from the alphabets.

If you meant changing the alphabet, then that's another story. :)
And what was the story behind changing the alphabets?

-We have 8 vocal sounds a, e, i, y, u, u:, o, o: and some letters like ch, p, g^...
-Arabic alphabet has 5 semi- vocal sounds, alif, ye, ayn, vav, he.

You cant express your self in Turkish with Arabic letters.

What were the reasons for transforming the Ottoman Turkish Language into Modern Turkish Language?

Ottoman Language is not Turkish language exactly. It was like Lingua Latina of Europe, even the Poles were writing their work in Latin. From 14th to 15th century, early Anatolian Turkish can be understood by any modern Turk, providing he has the ability to read the script. Between 16th to early 19th century, court language transformed into Ottoman, mixture of Turkish, Arabic, Persian. Even some works used Arabic or Persian words of numbers when writing the date, year, month, day. Late 19th century is the awakening of Turkish Nationalism, with it Ottoman language started to transform into modern Turkish, it took almost a century, still evolves by taking some western words like printer, tv, radio etc...
There is no such thing. We didn't change our language. We would have been speaking same Turkish language today, even if we hadn't swicted our alphabet from Arabic to Latin. Languages are independent from the alphabets.

If you meant changing the alphabet, then that's another story. :)
Check this out first,
عثمانى‎ Lisân-ı Osmânî ) is the variety of the Turkish language that was used for administrative and literary purposes in the Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman Turkish language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So there is a difference between the turkish we speak and the ottoman language!
i have a few questions

1) how does it taste
And what was the story behind changing the alphabets?

if the truth need to be confessed, total reasons of changing old Turkish arabic alphabet to latine ones and transforming turksih language to so called modern turkish, ( artificial not actual origion and authentic turkish) were just ideological and politic... it was not a scientific decision....
changing turkish alphabets is one of the principles of extremist secular revolution..Its main actual goal was to away Turkish society from world of islam...The decision of changing of alphabet was not a reform. It was a revolution......

the revolution of latine alphabet suddenly had been decided without asking people by mlitayr force...shortly after the extreme secularist started to forbidden all kind of materials that written in turkish arabic alphbets..Within few days Millions of literate people became illiterade.....later forbidden of holy qur'an and athan took place...

Secular goverment imposed very hard peanlty on people for Teaching qur'an for years........Arabic Athan forbiddened for 18 years in Turkey by extreme secularists..

the most origion Turkish society Uighur turks still use arabic alphabet in turkish despite they live under sovereignty of comunist China....

last summer i was in Shanghai and Ningbo cities of China.... i suprised when i saw muslim Uighur women work in resturants with full islamic hijab without any restriction...they were very free than muslim women in 90s years of Turkey..
Ataturk was not only a great general, he was also one of the greatest, the most visionary and the most intellectual leaders that has ever come to Muslim world. The world has seen many great soldiers and many great statesmen seperately but 20th century had only one person who had both skills: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

I don't know much about Kemal Ataturk other than that the Turkish people really love him a lot.

But I believe that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of the greatest leader in the Muslim World.
-We have 8 vocal sounds a, e, i, y, u, u:, o, o: and some letters like ch, p, g^...
-Arabic alphabet has 5 semi- vocal sounds, alif, ye, ayn, vav, he.

You cant express your self in Turkish with Arabic letters.

Ottoman Language is not Turkish language exactly. It was like Lingua Latina of Europe, even the Poles were writing their work in Latin. From 14th to 15th century, early Anatolian Turkish can be understood by any modern Turk, providing he has the ability to read the script. Between 16th to early 19th century, court language transformed into Ottoman, mixture of Turkish, Arabic, Persian. Even some works used Arabic or Persian words of numbers when writing the date, year, month, day. Late 19th century is the awakening of Turkish Nationalism, with it Ottoman language started to transform into modern Turkish, it took almost a century, still evolves by taking some western words like printer, tv, radio etc...

There is no such thing called Ottoman Language. What you called Ottoman Language is Turkish written in Arabic Alphabet and it was exactly Turkish. (How would you able to explain the 400 year-old-gap otherwise? It is not like burying something to the ground and taking it out 400 years later.) Sure, it was affected by Arabic and Persian but that doesn't necessarily make it a language other than Turkish just like today's Anatolian Turkish's affection by English and French doesn't make it something else, it's still Turkish. Today, many word that you still use is Persian: menekşe, lâle, sümbül, şebboy, zanbak, beste, güfte, ahenk, namaz, oruç, yonca, yulaf, havuç, turp, zeytin, badem, bülbül, kumru, eğer, etc... and many words are Arabic: ahlak, acayip, akrep, bariz, emare, baytar, battal, kalem, kitap, vatan, himaye, eflatun, hasıl, cefakâr, dahi, delil, hayat, etc... (I am telling all these because it was like this back then and it still is now.)
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