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A time will come, Pakistan will Get J-20 as well - Sheikh Rasheed

Indeed ... the video is real:

Let's wait and see ... I stand to my statement. I don't expect to see a Pakistani J-20 in my lifetime, and if so, then I will open a bottle of Champagne to celebrate this acquisition and openly apologise for being wrong. But hey, I never thought Russia would start a war based on faked claims like the US did ... times are changing quickly at the moment, so let's wait and see.
I want a glass of your Champagne.
Lets not ridicule his statement. There is definately MORE to it and in few years time we may see J20 for PAF as well. When he said that ' one day inshallah ...'pata nahi mein kahan honga'...that clearly means there are few years from now ....!
It just means talks of a 5th generation jet have taken place and J-20 is a possible option in the future. (Likely when China has their 6th gen inducted)
Hey, people who doubted Sheikh Rasheed's JS-10 prediction and got eggs in the face. I'm with Sheikh Rasheed this time. JS-20 coming it is! Until proving wrong..... Besides, he never said when.

I think Deino is busy on the phone with Sheikh Rasheed asking for photo prove right now.😆
He said it is possible God Willing that we will see a time when J-20 will also come to Pakistan.

He is talking about the focus of Pakistan armed forces on continuious improvement. There is nothing to suggest we are in talks yet, although nothing to suggest we are not either.

It'll be interesting to see how AZM project fairs.
J-20 acquisition will be dependent on how J-10C performs in terms of capabilities, performance, maintenance and availability wise over the years.

TFX is also on the table which I think Pakistan is eyeing.

or if India signs F-35 deal with US
Nope, I don't see China giving away the J-20 this early, it is their own top-line figher currently.

If they do, that will be a big statement regarding how close the two countries truly are.
I m not supposed to participate, but, just for reminder my post no 1691, 1727 in the thread of J 10 C... but thereafter, my next post was deleted... similarly once in Pak Army gun section I was suggesting Belarus, I was kicked out.. because I m not chosen one....
He was the first official to confirm the arrival of the J-10c so I wouldn’t dismiss his statements. Apparently according to many Pakistanis, he’s connected to the Pakistani military.
Now, think about the Indian dilemma! They've sided with Russia, but they'll need F-35s if Pak is getting J-20s....

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