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Afghans can’t forget Pakistani support during Jihad: Prof Rabbani

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Aug 29, 2009
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Afghans can’t forget Pakistani support during Jihad: Prof Rabbani
KABUL, April 6 (APP): Former Afghan President Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani has said that Afghan people cannot forget Pakistani support during the Soviet invasion and hosting millions of refugees so far.Talking to APP, Prof Rabbani said both the countries have historical relations and shared deep-rooted bonds of history, culture, geography, customs, languages, literature and faith.He said the Pakistani government always extended full support to Afghan people at the time of trial.

“ Pakistan is still hosting millions of Afghan refugees and we can not forget the hospitality given by its people during Afghan Jihad”.
Prof. Rabbani said both the neighboring countries were facing challenges like extremism, terrorism and poverty etc.
He said Pakistan-Afghan relations would further strengthen with each passing day. “ We hope that Pakistan will also play active role in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure in war-torn Afghanistan”.
He said friendship and cooperation between the two Muslim brotherly countries would continue and would help ensure stability in the region.
He thanked Pakistan government for initiating host of development projects for the welfare of Afghan people.
Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Afghans can’t forget Pakistani support during Jihad: Prof Rabbani

I Still use to some old afghans offering Fatiha at the grave of Gen Zia UL Haq..!
Thank you sir, thank you for remembering what Americans and Nothern Allience forget. To them Afghanistan that is supported by Pakistan is a different territory and Afghanistan that they rule over is as if a separate entity but we take Afganistan as a brother nation and we are host and well-wisher of every Afghan, regardless of what clan they belonged to and offer them shelter, food and means of life that they are able to return to their country with pride. We still host millions of Afghans and we are willing to help them and Afghans living inside Afghanistan to a level where brother help other brother.

Pakistan is there to support you, back you and help you guys stand and secure your country from Fcuking Invading Forces of the world. Salute to your untiring determination and Jihad that you kept alive decade after decade and thank you for kicking the Russian, American and now Indian butt and damn so hard this time.
Thank you sir, thank you for remembering what Americans and Nothern Allience forget. To them Afghanistan that is supported by Pakistan is a different territory and Afghanistan that they rule over is as if a separate entity but we take Afganistan as a brother nation and we are host and well-wisher of every Afghan, regardless of what clan they belonged to and offer them shelter, food and means of life that they are able to return to their country with pride. We still host millions of Afghans and we are willing to help them and Afghans living inside Afghanistan to a level where brother help other brother.

Pakistan is there to support you, back you and help you guys stand and secure your country from Fcuking Invading Forces of the world. Salute to your untiring determination and Jihad that you kept alive decade after decade and thank you for kicking the Russian, American and now Indian butt and damn so hard this time.

Prof Burhanudin Rabbani was the overall political leader of the so called Northern Alliance, the same alliance which Pakistan supported their opponents(arming them) including the Taliban and Gulbudin Hekmatyar, i wonder why he has some change of tone with regards to pakistan now.
They're not going to forget for a very long time. They're still suffering from this so called "support".

You make it sound like Pakistan invited the Soviets in Afghanistan, now have they?

Iranian regime was hand in glove in adding fuel to the civil war by supporting their own interests in Afghanistan.

Afghans have apparently all forgotton about the way Iranians treated their refugees.

They literally caged them outside their cities, even their fellow Shitte hazaras, and then after the war unloaded them in trucks back into Afghanistan.
You make it sound like Pakistan invited the Soviets in Afghanistan, now have they?

Iranian regime was hand in glove in adding fuel to the civil war by supporting their own interests in Afghanistan.

We supported the people who were being killed by the Taliban. Pakistan doesn't know what its interests are, it doesn't think ahead for more than a few months. The same people you were helping are now blowing up buildings in Pakistan.

Afghans have apparently all forgotton about the way Iranians treated their refugees.

They literally caged them outside their cities, even their fellow Shitte hazaras, and then after the war unloaded them in trucks back into Afghanistan.

You have no idea what you're talking about. We let millions of them in during the imposed war when we are at war with the world, they weren't "caged outside of cities" and millions are still in Iran.
Yeah i guess Pakistani Education System should tell that Iran kicked Iraq's *** by getting it's 75% of Air Force dimminished.The Mullahs ruined your country- That's a FACT.Iran had to resort to use 14 year olds in war.That's how desparate iran was.Talking about Education system are you not the same guys who have pure censorship and guess what there are no gays in Iran :yahoo: and Iran has got Stealth Fighters etc.Talk about Propoganada.Its the only thing Iran is good at which is going to end soon as the bomb start dropping..

you guys need to chill out, i hope bombs don't fall on Iran! We should respect each others country! BTW, @ Abi if our education system was bad then we wouldn't be producing highly intelligent scientists and our army wouldn't be professional and disciplined as it is right now!:pakistan::pakistan:
By the way, why does Pakistan think they have a lot in common with Afghanistan? They call you Indian Muslims. You guys are the same people and it's pathetic how you try to distance yourself from Indians and try to pretend you have a lot in common with Persians and Arabs.

I'm a Pashtun, what do i have in common with average indians? BTW, there are more Pashtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan! The Original Afghans were Pashtuns, not Tajiks, Hazaras, or Uzbeks, but Pashtuns! I can't speak for every other Pakistan though! Only 5 percent of Pakistani population is probably indian descendant, but the rest are more of a mixture of different types of people!:pakistan:

The only thing we have in common with Arabs is our religion Islam, nothing else, though there are a few Pakistanis with Arab ancestry. But anyways lets stick to topic!
By the way,why does Pakistan think they have a lot in common with Afghanistan?
Thats coz more pushtuns and hazaras live in Pakistan then in afghanistan.
They call you Indian Muslims. You guys are the same people and it's pathetic how you try to distance yourself from Indians and try to pretend you have a lot in common with Persians and Arabs.

:rofl::rofl: typical indian mentality packed in a persian package.
We are the same but only different ethnically...........and u have been here since a long time now can u tell me where the fok u got the impression we are dying to be iranians or arabs?
Both defeated nation by mongols.
Heck if u dont know anything i advise u to shut the hell up.
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