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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

That disproves those 1 million posts of your's endlessly singing the kalava raag!

This means you were not sincere doing that endless aalaap.

And obviously you are claiming that you will never get convinced even if the truth has come out in the open. Nothing new or surprising here.

The hand was that of Nadim Taj as per some media reports. That will be proved soon too.

That is a straw to clutch at. What Hindi did he use? How different was it from Urdu? There is little difference in the common spoken version of the two. There are millions of people in Pakistan who watch Indian movies and can use Hindi words.

Nawaj Sharif's admission was made openly on media. What about it?

LOL. It was Hindi. Everyone heard it on here. Perhaps you didn't. His words were spoken in clear Hindi and would not be spoken by any Pakistani.

Like I said, as far as I'm concerned, I'm waiting a couple of days to see what Pakistan says.

There was an almighty hubruis by you and fellow Indians on here that Nawaz Sharif had admitted he was a Pakistani.

I'll wait for confirmation of this.

Either way, whether Kasab is responsible or is not, is irrelevant. Your main aim is to prove who controlled Kasab/Iman/Gupta.

Btw, I'm not an agent of the Pakistani government. I'm free to disagree with them, if they confirm it. I have come to my conclusion based on my own eyes and what I read. When the shoe does not fit, then the inconsistencies need explaining.
hmmmmmmmmm so ajmal chutya is Pakistani and we waste the time from 1 month to proof him he is not Pakistani:tsk:.i will say sorry to all Indian members :)now i think Pakistan have to arrest these all BSs and hang them they really destroy our peace proses.i will advice now Indians should come Pakistan and join investigate and see what we are doing.Pakistan has to satisfy India .:tup:

Very high regards to your comments Sir!

See what one guy ( studied up till 4th std.) Brought 2 Nuclear nations on verge of destroying each other. And take us back to year 1999.

Mujhe lagta hai ki ab Pakistan Army will have the backing of masses to uproot the terrorism from its root.
Look what the hell these Talibani's doing in North of pakistan, forcing Girls to marry Terrorists. Pakistan should not let that happen.
Once terrorist are Out USA is also out and so is Israel and other who are scared of Pakistan. China and Afghanistan will also benift and so with Russia.
remember China has a region which wants to be come east turkmenistan and Russia has threat from Chechen's. If this cancer is not uprooted now it will spread to entire region. And USA will stay here for eternity.
Lets see how things started...

Some people claim that the attacks are false flag. I rememvber how I lamented about this theory(Actually one of the reasons that made me join this forum). And a hero emerges for Pakistan in all this(Zaid Hamid) talking about 'kalava' and 'AmarSingh'(wonder where he got the name).

And then comes Nepal-RAW theory wihch fell apart after Nepal's rejection of the claims.

More Pakistanis(here I am not talking about the intellectuals here) hated India for offending Pakistan by pointing fingers. Also many worshipped Zaid Hamid(You may say I got pissed off with this. But why shouldn't I be?). This is what has been happening. Some say that Government committed treason now(how horrible!!). That show how deeply people got convinced. Atlest with this announcement, majority understood the circumstances.

Now more people, I hope will disregard conspiracy theories(also in future).

Everyone concerned practically knew there was not going to be any war. Reasons being avoidind nuclear war and risking economic progress. But Indian diplomatic offensive really showed results both with the internatinal community and Pakistan leadership. I think mainstream media on both sides should not be blamed.(Correct me here. was the tv ZaidHamid talked on mainstream media? I recognise Geo and Dawn as mainstream media in Pakistan).
And whatever conflicting statements people complained about were from the days of operation when understandably there would be too much confusion.

I don't see why Pakistanis here should apologise. They will be harmed by the same terrorrism tomorrow, if they do not take action now. They are just kept in the dark by the authorities about the investigations at home.

Pakistan will(have to) give legal assistance to the terrorist.
More internatinal focus on Pakistani terrorism. Pakistan will be forced to act on all terrorist activities. More investigations will ensure.

He's a non state acting terrorist, in his interview he offered same services to India for same amount of money.
I'm interested in the latest allegations made by MM Singh regarding GoP's involvement. Lets see if there's some credible connection.
Really??!! I don't think so. Anyway that's not a justification.
please give links to sources.

no need to be sorry brother. u defended ur country untill his nationality was being proved. there is a difference in denial and defence. denial is when something is being proved and u dont accept it but defence is when it is just an alligation and still needs to be proven. keep ur head high

There is nothing shameful in accepting that 'a terrorist may be from my country' either(I mean before investigations). But no need to be sorry for anything. That's the perseption you were made to hold.

now what new theory would Zaid Schizo hamid would bring about

Now I think, Indians will want to see the same interviews and laugh.

India is playing dirty game, ask Pakistan to accept Kasab as Pakistani, then they might let Pak official meet him. So, if he is not Pakistani thats different story, but India will shoot this news all over the world that Pakistan accepted him as his national. Which is very dirty diplomatic approach from Indians.

I think the diplomatic approach cannot be flawed. War would have been dirty.

Now that is has been confirmed that Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani national, we should be demanding excuses from the GoI or certain Indians on this board for constantly linking the GoP with these non state actors.
Also, now is the time for Pakistan and India to solve other issues regarding terrorism, terrorism in India aswell as in Pakistan.
I'm waiting to see how things will unfold, in the meantime, we'll most likely be hearing some more immature and irresponsible statements from mr Singh or Mr Mukherjee or other Indian officials.
Also, what about the attacks in Pakistan performed by Indian nationals, Pakistan should hand out evidence aswell so that the Indians can work on it.

See, in the end, all the war hysteria and foolish statements from India weren't necessary, if they had prepared their case in a normal and professional manner, everything could've been solved.
I guess the threats coming from mr Sing were aimed at the future if something similar happens again, we'll see what happens then.
All I know is, we're far from done with the current situation.

Nobody ever mentioned 'war' in India. I don't find any faults with their remarks.
There was not that much war hysteria in India(I guess Indians used the word first).

But one thing is very strange:-- I will say some thing is wrong
that When Bombay attack was carried out.Indian media shows only two guys and one of them was Ajmal Kasab and later it was he was presented Pakistani.Then again and again that picture was on the all media.
This picture was in everybody mind due to excessive coverage.After Bombay drama was finished,it was claimed that one person is capture alive and then he is nominated as Pakistani.
Here question is this why his picture was released during attack why other were not shown.
Why other attacker face were badly damaged and he was only who was captured alive.

Come i will tell you with my point of view-

I will tell you here another reality every days hundred of Pakistani applies for Indian visa for trade and specially to meet their relatives in India.There are about 200 million Muslims in India.Most Muslim immigrant living in Pakistan have their relatives in India.They go there to meet them and even marries within their relatives in India.

Every year many Pakistani are arrested due visa expiry and then put into jail,so whenever any bomb blast,one is picked out of jail and presented as ISI agent.Even some are released on conspiracy and let them to meet undercover so called "Ducken Mujahideen".Then actually they are used as puppets to work with undercover RAW agent who claimed as Muslims Mujaheddin.But this tactics is used only with those who are arrested in IOK.
This is truth that many Pakistani are in IOK to help their Kashmiri brothers to fight with Indian occupied forces.Forget about Pakistani government support to those who are fighting in IOK because Kashmir is disputed area.

Note: this tactics is used in Kashmir by MARCOS who disguise as mujahid and infiltrate into many mujahid groups.

Now it is very clear from above points that how this drama was carried out. Ajmal Kasab will be fighting in IOK as Lakshar Tayaba worker.He will be arrested in IOK or in India.He will be released or chance will given to him for escape for greater conspiracy.
Now going further he will be arranged to meet undercover RAW agents who were disguise as Muslim mujahideen.Then those agents carried out this Bombay drama and he was with them.During attack he was focused and his pictures were realized on media.Then they said oh we have captured a Pakistani.

All drama....

May be some Indian here claims this is my story but i will ask them suppose we do like this in Pakistan and claim that India is involved then what they will say that this is drama by Pakistan.

You people better know that agencies can do anything...........Even Police will make the Deer to say i am Elephant.

There are so many Pakistani go to India as i mention above so it is possibility of another drama after some year in which all attackers will arrested alive and shown as Pakistani.

The pictures were alway there. You or the newspaper you read chose to ignore them. You might also want to look at Nariman house's CCTV footage.

And nice theory, I can help improve it.
MARCOS are marine commandos and J&K has no navy presence:woot:. SO use army commandos may be.

Whats with all these apologies, have we completely lost our mind?
Whats next, should we smoke pot, hold hands and sing happy songs together??

Kasaab is a non state actor, a terrorist who gave up his rights to b called a muslim or a Pakistani the moment he commited this horrific crime in Mumbai.
Let India deal with him, torture or even hang him because thats what he deserves!

I think he will not be hanged in India. The human rights issue meant there were no hangings in India anywhere recently. But this guy is an exceptional murderer.

That is exactly the mole i am talking about in our system. Every Pakistani citizen should have some sort of registration within the national data base of the country and the GOP needs to make sure of that, if not then such situations will likely arise in the future as well.

I wondered about the same thing. In countries like ours, there are lakhs that don't have any kind of registration.

I challenge you to show me one area that India cooperated with Pakistan, in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks.

Goodperson - you are denying the facts even when they are staring you in the face.

FACT: India's own evidence dossier clearly states that no institutional Pakistani involvement was found in the attacks.

FACT: MMS and PM say that Pakistani institutions or officials were involved on the basis of speculation.

Unless you can reconcile the two facts above, MMS and PM are indeed lying through their teeth in a mouth full of cow dung.

I think Indian PM said 'must have been involved' given the sophistication of attacks.

From this admission by Pakistan, one thing is very clear that Pakistan is not in a state of denial. Although, the situation is still murky to say the least with the sacking of Durrani. But, Pakistan has proved, what it had been saying all along i-e GOI should provide proof and should resort to joint investigation with Pakistan. But the intransigence of indians in this regard was really surprising. Till the time, proof was not provided about Ajmal being a Pakistani citizen, it was right of Pakistani's to defend that Ajmal was not Pakistani because there was a media trial going on in indian media and no official proof had come. While hindustanis claim to be a democracy, they must appreciate that even Ajmal will be called an alleged criminal untill convicted in a court of law.

Now, those who were saying that Pakistan was in a state of denial should hang their heads in shame alongwith those who said that there was no use providing proof to Pakistan because Pakistan will not take it seriously. All such people have lost their moral right now to comment that they were right in saying that kasab was Pakistani. :cheers:

Why shame? Pakistan was in a state of denial. And please don't talk about moral rights. We can make a book of it.

The sooner people stop viewing this admission as some kind of Pakistani defeat the better. This is a much needed move - and it is benificial to pakistan.

This is an opportunity for Pakistan to see to stop the forces that make the youth misled , brain washed by religion and dreams of jihard and let loose on innocents.

In the end this will work to the good of Pakistanis. Stop seeing it as some kind of a defeat.

as gen.(retd) ASLAM BEG said on geo tv,yes "Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani , who was bieng captured by raw in NEPAL , thn brain washed by RAW, thn used by RAW , against the "state of pakistan"!:agree::tup:

i guss , it is the official version on the acceptence of "Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani", lets wait till tommarow
lets start joint investigation, from nepal from where he was taken by RAW , lets investigate the kidnappers, lets jointly investigate the indian officials , who were involved in this terror drama?:tup:;)

Mann!! another conspiracy theory...
Nepal Government clarified this already.

Thats the problem AM. What is clear uptill now about the dossier is that it contains only the confession by Kasab and the transcripts of the discussion between the terrorist and his handlers. Pakistan is right in saying that the evidence is incomplete because confession made under police custody is not considered a very reliable confession. Plus, the important thing is that such tapes are not considered reliable judicial evidence in the litigation process. Even not many hindustanis will know that the tapes were not even admissible as evidence even in indian courts untill recently. It is only in the aftermath of mumbai incident, that hindustani parliament approved them as admissible evidence in litigation against terror, as part of the new anti terror law.

Now, i think that Pakistani officials are right in saying that the evidence is not enough to try and convict the suspects in this case. Well, lets wait and see. :coffee:

The dossier is an Information Report kind of thing. It gave some names among other information. Pakistan's Government is not court to please with evidence. They should investigate upon any information.

For all I know Sherry Rehman might've sent a SMS to Mr.Mukherjee asking him to be her boyfriend.
What kind of crap is this, did she really SMS a news station about the currend findings?

This is 2009 dear. There were earlier reports which were based on SMSs. This doesn't surprise me.

First of all, Gen Durrani should be hanged for breaking the news to the media before giving the elected govt an opportunity to break this news.

Second, GEO should be banned for not contacting the govt. before breaking such a critical news.

Third, second phase of the investigation should start from Nepal. Ajmal Kassab was handed over to the Indian authorities and the GOP should look this from all angles.


I think the leak actually helped Pakistan by preparing people for the announcement(I still don't know how official it is).

GEO is playing a game and they should be banned.

They owe billions in tax and some of the former managers claimed that GEO is funded by 'third parties'.

They were not happy with Musharraf now they are not happy with the present regime and they will never by happy with the next govt. either.

All GEO is doing is spreading confusion and negativity about Pakistan.

So what ?is this making 0.16 billion pakistani into terrorists ?is this giving india right to start a war with Pakistan?US shouldn't be responsible for pursuing Taliban into Pakistan?Taliban killed 5000 americans in 9.11,so it give US right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq? Dalai-s*** group killed 18 innocent people in China last year ,so what ,we should start a war with India? Only american and indian have the right to live?India have enough Indian terrorists in your homeland, you should find a way to keep this from happening agian instead of starting a war。since you indian are so loving US,you should learn some experience from them,Stop acting like how you are good at winning a war

Nobody said all Pakistanis are terrorists. Are you kidding about Afghanisthan? Next time they will kill 500000 not just in US in India and also Pakistan. Wake up!! There was no war.

Kasab is a Pakistani... Now what? Now India has to provide us evidence that JuD is infact LeT in disguise.

That is for Pakistan to investigate the links. Pakistan committed to the world that it will not let its territory to be used by terrorist activities.

LOL. You way overestimate the meaning of this whole situation to me, to get an apology let alone demand one!! !!

If the world claimed the stars were made out of cheese I would not believe it.

You don't seem to follow I don't mind if Kasab is Pakistani. It makes no difference to the situation. It's the hands that guided him that you need to prove.

But there's too many inconsistencies, least of all Kasab speaking Hindi, for him to be a Pakistani from Faridkot.

My conclusion: I doubt Kasab is Pakistani.

If it is confirmed over the coming days, no big deal. However, it's best to wait. You yourself know the fiasco you personally created on here with your claims of admission by Nawaz Sharif. You're welcome to apologize for this, of course.

Thanks for the offer. But we will pass. Everyone knows what Sharif said.
Non state actors or not, Pakistan has the Responsibility to rein in them! I am sure they will do it because they are fighting a big battle against the Al Qaeda and many attacks on pak soil too.
Friends, admitting that a devil incarnate is Pakistani, is not treason. Truth, no matter how bitter, needs to be acknowledged, only then we can fight the cancer that is eating Pakistan from within.

By initially denying and later admitting (Sherry Rehman admitted it last night) only makes a mockery of the government policies and gives strength to Indian claims that some gov't agencies may be involved. After all 9/11 was carried out by the Saudis, did Saudis deny their nationality?

I was convinced that Ajmal Kassab is Pakistani after the investigations by Geo and Dawn nearly a month ago. I submit to my compatriots that there is no harm in admitting that Ajmal is Pakistani. Aren’t' most of the people involved in suicide bombings inside Pakistan Pakistanis? The people, who think nothing of killing their own countrymen, couldn’t care less about killing Indians. IMO by constantly insisting that there is night outside when the sun is out serves no purpose. It only makes GOP look foolish in the eyes of the world. How many more innocent Pakistan have to be killed before we unite against the followers of Satan?

Kindly read Head of ISI’s interview, biggest challenge to Pakistan is internal and from the extremists such as Ajmal Kassab.

Rightly said Niaz, and i will go a step further and apologize to all Pakistani members here for the language of hate been poured on this forum and on You tube by many of us Indians, including me. But you could understand the pain of what we witnessed and what we went through. New year celebrations here were hardly visible.

Also i must say and we all should agree that the Indian govt. especially the few intellects , despite of elections in 4 months did not opt for war, The objective of the attack was to engage India into war (knowing the political equation.)
maybe the intelligence new the larger Objective. which we did't. But tell me how could we, we take inferences from what we see on TV or Internet.

God bless all!! God bless our region.:tup:
Geo is reporting again on Kasab being a Pakistanti and more over reporting that GEO reported this a month earlier and it was criticized for that. Government spokepersons are nowhere seen near to comment on this, while the ****** Durrani is saying that when he came out with a statement like that, he wasnt alone infact Zardari knew all about it. It seems there is a huge communication gap inside the GOP as a result of which as expressed by many on GEO, that Pakistan will face the consequences if such policies continued. Also there is a meeting expected between Zardari and Gillani today, lets see what happens in that meeting?
I said the same thing.

Bolti band hogaye shayad.:p:P
I guess thats all that Indians wanted to prove, I guess we misunderstood the whole thing! If that's the case, then hey so no biggie, they provided evidence and the government acted upon it. Case closed.
No, its not closed.
Its in everybody's best interests that Pakistan investigates who is funding such operations and crack down on all the safe-houses of the organizations which do such attacks.

It because of cynics like you that Pakistan is facing extremism at such a high degree.
Case closed?:crazy:

If something happens in Pakistan do you close cases like that? May be... thats a state policy. does not matter here.

But if you try that with other countries they are not going to be patient.
I guess thats all that Indians wanted to prove, I guess we misunderstood the whole thing! If that's the case, then hey so no biggie, they provided evidence and the government acted upon it. Case closed.

Nope, that's not all India wants. Admitting Kasab as a Pakistani is a first biggie step and next will be to investigate the evidence regarding Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah and hand over them to India.
Btw, I'm not an agent of the Pakistani government. I'm free to disagree with them, if they confirm it. I have come to my conclusion based on my own eyes and what I read. When the shoe does not fit, then the inconsistencies need explaining.

Sure. Keep searching for the right shoe. Meanwhile your house will burn.
But if you try that with other countries they are not going to be patient.

What else are they going to do about it? Arent we done over the possibilities of surgical strikes.
The official statement from the GOP is yet to come, before it was one man who claimed that he is a Pakistani and he has been fired for his act of irresponsibility.
But the point that webmaster and Asim both are raising is what next? How is it going to prove that Ajmal had the backing of the state or the GOP is involved or perhaps the ISI is involved.
a coup would be nice ;) lol

All the ingredients necessary are already there

Firing of NSA Durrani
Summoning of Hussain Haqqani and other Washington DC diplomat (i don't remember name) to Pakistan.

Something is cooking for sure.
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