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Army convoy targeted by IED on Quetta's airport road

إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

Blast happened on one of Quetta's most prominent roads, terrorism is rearing it's head once more, and from what it seems, we're not ready for it.
‎Our urban centers (all of them) need to have persistent surveillance, airborne and street level.
A lot of blasts have been happening lately.. one drone run ain't gonna cut it india needs a proper response in east as well as west..
Itni main road per IED kaisa laga di, yeh samaj sa bahir ha?
VBIED thi motorcycle me fitted
A lot of blasts have been happening lately.. one drone run ain't gonna cut it india needs a proper response in east as well as west..

Pakistan should start supporting naxalite rebels and Nagaland and rebels in Assam. Make india busy in East india and make india divert its resources to there. It’ll also lesson the pain Kashmiris go through because india will have to redeploy some of it’s troops from Kashmir to those places
Fair point, but a lot of FC are getting killed. This is a problem bro.
Look at the Americans to get a idea of what can be done to reduce losses. All troops move in MRAPS and heavily armoured HUMVEES. At times in Afghanistan US had more MRAPS then Pakistan has trucks. Then add to this helicopters overhead providing close support, then within minutes call F-16s etc ground attack a-10 Thunderbols. But the cost of this can only be borne by a superpower like USA.

Pakistan has lots of young. So sadly these jawans are expendable. Horrible fact is these jawans are cheaper then MRAPs. Also please not MRAPs not only cost at point of purchase but operating costs are out of roof. You know how heavy MRAPS are - probably weigh 10 times more then those Toyota Hilux FC use. fuel costs, spare parts, tyres etc which all will come from USA are exceeding expensive.

This is why it is cheaper to just use Toyota Hilux and then just replace the jawan who gets killed. The blood of the dead FC jawans is on millions of Pakistani awaam who avoid paying taxes. If everybody paid taxes in Pakistan the budget would have enough space to accomodate expensive solutions.

But alas ....
Pakistan should start supporting naxalite rebels and Nagaland and rebels in Assam. Make india busy in East india and make india divert its resources to there. It’ll also lesson the pain Kashmiris go through because india will have to redeploy some of it’s troops from Kashmir to those places
The biggest resource is Indian Muslims. We have millions of their relatives in Karachi. They could be easily used to infiltrate into India and stir 200 million Indian Muslims. It would taken entire Indian Army and then some to get a grip. Imagine Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Allahabaf, Ahemdabad, Hydrabad etc burning ?
Terrain is very complex, easily defendable, every individual has to be flushed out, in such terrain, a single sniper can pin down a big force.
I remember reading that 2 or 3 Balochi snipers in British era held British army back for days..

Only option left for Pakistan Govt here is proper planning with use of tech..

Edit: 3 sinpers, 80 british soldiers and a siege for 4 years
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The total population of Balochistan is 10 million. Of them about 6 million are Baloch. Of them maybe just 5% are pro BLA. Of them few 100s are armed. Can you imagine if even 1% of Indian Muslims numbering 200 million got armed? Mumbai, Delhi, Lucknow, Allahabad would turn into no go areas for Indian Army.

Their kith and kin in Karachi can be used as platform to infilitrate. Maybe even MQM elements instead of being used by RAW against Pakistan are turned double-grass and go against their masters in India to wreak havoc.
First Lahore bombing, now this. Why aren't main Indian cities being hit in response? I hope Nov 2022 comes fast, this is so retarded.
India is doing whatever it wills across Balochestan. Pakistanis are unable to do anything. Every week Pak soldiers are shaheed.
more jawans lost may Allah grant them jannah!

thanks to Alpha mafias busy stealing resources and not doing their job!

this is what you get for supporting and protecting bastards they make people exploitable now we will blame india raw israel etc etc and not fix our own shit!
We need to have some investment in Baluchistan cities, motor ways and on major roads in the CCTV monitoring so movements of terrorists can be kept in check.
Add to that few drones can be kept 24/7 up in the sky and any report of an incident can be followed up quickly and responded firmly.
Then we need to take a dedicated special search and destroy operation through out Baluchistan by the army. Issue the special amnesty to hand over all the weapons and after that any one found with the weapon should be handed over to a charitable organization so they can build the roads for next 10 years in Baluchistan or simply eliminated and kept away from the courts. For me this point is the most important point as they are beginning to bread like rabbits and over last few weeks we are seeing with regular intervals cases going up. Obviously they are living amongst our population and major surgery is needed to stop all this fire crackers going off once for all.
Sooner we complete the fencing on Iran border too will be better.
We definitely need to respond inside India with giving helping hand to Sikhs, Naxalite, Nagaland and rebels in Assam. If we don't impose cost on India they are getting more and more bold and tomorrow we will see our major cites like war zones. Once thing is for sure we are not going to come out of FATF so why worry about it any more and lets India feel some heat too when we taking and laying our sons to their final resting places. We are not a Western country whose drums are beaten from only one side we have got dulkie's which are beaten from both sides to get noticed.
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The War for Afghanistan is being fought at the streets of Quetta, Peshavar, Lahore, Karachi etc.!

And, some outsider folks show the audacity to question the veracity of the Kurban being offered by the Paks....
The total population of Balochistan is 10 million. Of them about 6 million are Baloch. Of them maybe just 5% are pro BLA. Of them few 100s are armed. Can you imagine if even 1% of Indian Muslims numbering 200 million got armed? Mumbai, Delhi, Lucknow, Allahabad would turn into no go areas for Indian Army.

Their kith and kin in Karachi can be used as platform to infilitrate. Maybe even MQM elements instead of being used by RAW against Pakistan are turned double-grass and go against their masters in India to wreak havoc.

The thread is about Balochistan and this racist chutya turned it into Indian muslims and MQM and muhajirs of Karachi and what not
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