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As a pretext of WAR - Expect another Massive Terrorist Incident in India

As a pretext we expect something, as a pretext pakistan expect something too, and on and on and on.
On the path of no return.
Come on India. We are ready. Our forces have been in war for the last decade. No Army of the region is as battle hardened as our is. We have learnt new tactics and put them to test too. This will the last war and we all Pakistanis will fight like one!
@graphican bhai we are already witnessing for the last few days the continuous cross-border shelling by India, the reason being to deflect the attention from the ongoing Pak Army operation which have till date successfully found and eliminated Indian proxies and their handlers. I am posting a video which you have posted in your earlier thread below, some interesting points to note from the video as well for reference.

Your question itself is wrong. Manmohan Singh didn't bother visiting Pakistan in his 10 years of premiership. After the 26/11 attacks, Manmohan Singh have up any ghost of a pretense of pakistan being a possible partner in peace. It was also the same Manmohan Singh who in 2013 gave permission for the army to massively retaliate after the beheading of an Indian soldier. The level of violence in the border has remained around the same since then.

My question is wrong :rolleyes: okay

but do convince me why Manmohan singh never felt the urge to boast about how India played a crucial role in creation of Bangladesh and supported Mukti Bahini? And that too in Bangladesh

do convince me why Manmohan singh never felt the urge to boast a 56 inch chest? Though he had the same power at his disposal? Why his ministers never boasted supporting terrorists and proxies?

do convince me why Manmohan singh never felt the urge to bash Pakistan indirectly while visiting another Muslim country?

All these actions reflect someone's personal thoughts, feelings and sentiments, otherwise two people enjoying the same power cannot have different attitude as State Heads (if both of them are loyal and Patriots).

It is as simple as this, you blame our Army that it does not want peace with India, but its your Military and establishment that does not want any positive developments at any cost, and this time they are lucky they have a civilian head who is more eager than them to teach enemy a lesson.

We can be emotional fools but we are not idiots, I am sure we won't start something that we cannot handle, there is no logical apparent reason for Pakistan Army to start a conflict with India at this moment. None whatsoever for the time being.
Modi can't afford a war with a country which has 70 million armed citizens on top of its battle forged military and a nuclear arsenal enough to blow Hindustan off the orbit.
That was the reason a small country which didn't even have standing army beat you black and blue in 71...hahaha....90,000 soldiers shamelessly surrendering to save their assses...stop talking big and see the reality..even Afghanistan is shooting rockets at you these days and threatening you with surgical strikes to remove terrorists from your country..shows how seriously world takes you.
Modi will never go for a war..he is a Gujarati who knows how to build a business empire and how to value money...
He is not an irrational hot blooded Pakistani to throw all the development that India made by the waging a war....of course he might be hell bent on harming Pakistan and its economy but he would choose some other way to do that but not war...he is a shrewd politician...he grew from a chai wala to the prime minister of worlds biggest democracy.... if he had been brainless emotional person he would not have been what he is today...
Pakistan has the highest % of population that are willing to fight for their country.

Yes you people are good for that only...killing,killing and killing...but when it comes to paying taxes everyone evades it..
Shows what patriotic people Pakistanis are !
My question is wrong :rolleyes: okay

but do convince me why Manmohan singh never felt the urge to boast about how India played a crucial role in creation of Bangladesh and supported Mukti Bahini? And that too in Bangladesh

do convince me why Manmohan singh never felt the urge to boast a 56 inch chest? Though he had the same power at his disposal? Why his ministers never boasted supporting terrorists and proxies?

do convince me why Manmohan singh never felt the urge to bash Pakistan indirectly while visiting another Muslim country?

All these actions reflect someone's personal thoughts, feelings and sentiments, otherwise two people enjoying the same power cannot have different attitude as State Heads (if both of them are loyal and Patriots).

Manmohan Singh is who he is. remember that the man was primarily a non-politician who happened to be the PM. Every person has his own style. Reading too much into it is pointless. The fact remains that even Manmohan Singh with all the "positive" attributes you say he had still could get nowhere with Pakistan. That is the crux of the matter.

It is as simple as this, you blame our Army that it does not want peace with India, but its your Military and establishment that does not want any positive developments at any cost, and this time they are lucky they have a civilian head who is more eager than them to teach enemy a lesson.

We can be emotional fools but we are not idiots, I am sure we won't start something that we cannot handle, there is no logical apparent reason for Pakistan Army to start a conflict with India at this moment. None whatsoever for the time being.

You outlook on India has not changed over the last 68 years, it has nothing to do with Modi regardless of how much you may want it to be. It wasn't Modi who was India's PM in 1965, 1971, during the tensions of the 1980's & 1990's or during Kargil 1999. Nor in 2001/2002 or even in 2008 & 2013.
Manmohan Singh is who he is. remember that the man was primarily a non-politician who happened to be the PM. Every person has his own style. Reading too much into it is pointless. The fact remains that even Manmohan Singh with all the "positive" attributes you say he had still could get nowhere with Pakistan. That is the crux of the matter.

And that can also be indicative of some serious pressure groups inside India that made him think otherwise, also considering he has an association with Pakistan he personally may have wished something else. (Gah, Chakwal)

You outlook on India has not changed over the last 68 years, it has nothing to do with Modi regardless of how much you may want it to be. It wasn't Modi who was India's PM in 1965, 1971, during the tensions of the 1980's & 1990's or during Kargil 1999. Nor in 2001/2002 or even in 2008 & 2013.

Except 1971, why you fail to see the primary reason for all this contention? There is only one single reason that gives us all the opportunity to show our enmity towards India. You plan to be a super power good, best of luck for that but when are you planning to act like one? Unless you wish to follow the footsteps of existing ones.
The enemy will do what an enemy does.
They will do anything and everything to damage Pakistan.

We as a nation should open our eyes and see the reality.
And that can also be indicative of some serious pressure groups inside India that made him think otherwise, also considering he has an association with Pakistan he personally may have wished something else. (Gah, Chakwal)

Considering that he got a 26/11 for his efforts, one can well understand why he thought otherwise. The evidence is clear, it is not who the PM of India is, it is the very nature of the India-Pakistan relationship that gets people nowhere.

Except 1971, why you fail to see the primary reason for all this contention? There is only one single reason that gives us all the opportunity to show our enmity towards India. You plan to be a super power good, best of luck for that but when are you planning to act like one? Unless you wish to follow the footsteps of existing ones.

It has nothing to do with any belief of wanting to be a superpower (though why wanting something good for your own country should somehow be a negative, I don't know), it is to demolish your argument that this is all about Modi. Modi wasn't involved in any of those events, they happened under the watch of different Indian PM's. I have posted elsewhere about Gen Zia's outreach to the then Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi (Gen. Hamid Gul was also involved) and where they had almost settled the Siachen issue & agreed to put Kashmir on the back-burner. Add to that, the Vajpayee-Musharraf negotiations followed by MMS-Musharraf negotiations, where the outline for better relations were agreed to but they were both scuttled, the moment Zia & Musharraf went out of the picture. The issues between India & Pakistan are a lot more complicated than you suggest & quite a bit of that blame should correctly be apportioned on Pakistan's shoulders.
Hehehe... This With or, Without Pakistan strategy is working fine it seems. Neighbors getting bonkers with each of their friend turning towards us for better relationship. UAE pledged 75 Biil, Saudi expected to invest at least 50 Billion. With biradar countries pouring Billions in India, no wonder neighbors are getting delusional..
Read the OP and few comments by admin...

After reading the OP I get a feeling, Only saints live in pakistan and next terrorist attack will be a conspiracy by Modi to attack pakistan.... Last similar incident seems to be 9/11 when a country attacked it's own citizens just to wage a war against a saint nation.....

@Horus I can feel the pride you have of having millions of fire arms in your neighbourhood, imagining them firing at Indian soldiers, but if u check the reality 9 out 10 (if not ten) it will be a Pakistani who is going to receive the bullet from those arms.... by the way I will never be happy to live in a neighbourhood with fore arms and auto rifles around.... by the way Indian army will never reach those neighbourhoods even in case of war, it will be mostly agni's and sukhois, migs.... So
India lost every time:

1. Kargil, most of the hills and peaks are still under Pakistan, Two IAF jets destroyed, thousands Indian soldiers dead. your own Generals keep calling, India never won Kargil War.

So running away from battle field with your tail between your legs is hailed as victory in Pakistan?

2. Kashmir, half of Kashmir is in Pakistan, infact Azad Kashmir is flourishing compared to IOK. You are talking as if the remaining Kashmir is a settled issue, it has LOC, a disputed territory. Do you understand what tat means?

Indian never held P-0-K, Indian Kashmir (2/3rd) is what we got and we are happy with the apples and the rivers

3. If it was for India, with Tamil Hindu support, Srilanka would have been an Indian colony, sorry to bust it, Pakistani support busted that Tamil Hindu Expansionist plans.....thanks to Pakistan Military support.

More Indian soldiers died fighting LTTE than in Kargil, so keep your weird theories to yourselves

4. Actually India lives in 3 times shorter and half the country now it lived before 1947, infact its a shame at you and your defeats, Muslims got two Countries + half Afghanistan out of one Akhund Indian subcontinent , LOLz.

Republic of India got independence on 1947 and since then Sikkim, AP and other territories have been added to India not to forget Siachen

Oh, Is Bangladesh part of India, 1971 war...a separate Muslim country still. Lolz.


5. Afghan-Soviet war 1980s, where India supported Russia and Northern Alliance Tajiks, against Pashtuns, Taliban, Pakistan, ISI, oh Soviet got ripped apart, and India back into its usual hole. who won that puppy....

Then US routed taliban, the WOT played havoc in Pakistan, Pakistan economy is in doldrums and the army is fighting a war inside its own territory, not to mention Afghanistan is talking about hot pursuit :rofl::rofl:

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