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Asim munier murda bad: skardu

The picture you have in your profile he was detained in Blochiston on his last days when karchi was much more advanced that time. They left him in backward part of country for reason and his sister was killed by them breaking country by them. So **** off
That's a wild conspiracy theory. I never said I'm pro-establishment. I was against them before you Youhtias had your awakening.

I'm enjoying this show cause it should teach Imran Khan a valuable lesson. Don't be a tool of the establishment for your political ambitions.

When will you people realize the PTI party was a military project, right from 1996 to 2022.

Just as l don't feel bad when the mafia goes after its former allies, l don't feel bad about what the establishment is doing to Imran Khan. He had it coming.....

I expect he may return to politics 3-5 years later after striking a new deal.
In Pakistan you not allowed to do PhD on Muhammad ali Jinna

That's a wild conspiracy theory. I never said I'm pro-establishment. I was against them before you Youhtias had your awakening.

I'm enjoying this show cause it should teach Imran Khan a valuable lesson. Don't be a tool of the establishment for your political ambitions.

When will you people realize the PTI party was a military project, right from 1996 to 2022.

Just as l don't feel bad when the mafia goes after its former allies, l don't feel bad about what the establishment is doing to Imran Khan. He had it coming.....

I expect he may return to politics 3-5 years later after striking a new deal.
Oky get me admission in PhD on Muhammad ali jinna in Pakistan. Becase they afraid they will be expose.1971 was Conspiracy.. mujeeb was Companion of fatima jinna what made him change his mind. He knew fatima jina was killed.
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That's a wild conspiracy theory. I never said I'm pro-establishment. I was against them before you Youhtias had your awakening.

I'm enjoying this show cause it should teach Imran Khan a valuable lesson. Don't be a tool of the establishment for your political ambitions.

When will you people realize the PTI party was a military project, right from 1996 to 2022.

Just as l don't feel bad when the mafia goes after its former allies, l don't feel bad about what the establishment is doing to Imran Khan. He had it coming.....

I expect he may return to politics 3-5 years later after striking a new deal.
Your enjoyment brought misery for people of Pakistan. You may get money from your fargin masters. But mothers are killing their babies and fathers are committing suicide because they don't have money to pay bills. You must enjoy.....
Was not in media.
Other ideas are too tactical and will bore most.
They are primarily meant to help make our military a more professional and effective fighting force which if people remember is the primary function of an army. Unfortunately we have to be reminded of that these days.
The unity among professions and public is not there.
I expect he may return to politics 3-5 years later after striking a new dedeal.
Time is very important for nations. Elections will not be held in Pakistan until Biden is there. He wants to take full revenge from Pakistanis for defeat in Afghanistan.
Question is how low Coward our miltry leaders are they could not defend their pm.

Does this include something for Kashmir?
Kasmir is lost case. Deal is done between Pakistan army and modi. Tum ouder hum ider .... taking away kasmir statehood was part of plan by india. Remmber bajwa speach on 23 march I think in GHQ. Reason why khan was openly criticizing in jaslas in awam.. because he was facing pressure and getting info about the deal..
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Kasmir is lost case.
Never. Those who say this are a lost case. We never lose hope in Allah. Allah will always do Justice and be with the oppressed. Kashmir will be free with or without Pakistan In Sha Allah. No oppression lasts forever. The blood of all those shaheeds will not be in vain.

Remmber bajwa speach on 23 march I think in GHQ.
Lumber 1 and agencies have been known to abandon Kashmir Jihad. But we have belief in Allah. Now those traitor generals are being humiliated all over the world.

“O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allaah (i.e. Jihaad) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared to the Hereafter.

If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people; and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allaah is Able to do all things”

- Quran [al-Tawbah 9:38-39]
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Bhai, if you can go more into this point: 6) I had said that AM is a weak chief and hence he is likely to come out over the top in some of his actions - as that is generally what weak people do

How would you say he's weak when, from the outside view, he's kept the military leadership, rank and file under grip? Though going after retired folks is not something I thought would happen, I did mention that with every chief, the old guard leaves, and the new guard comes in.

From day one, I said the same about the economy imploding from within, and it's happening at a scale faster than I imagined. I'm not surprised about the brain drain it's just the after-effect of the first.
A strong leader commands respect and people will follow willingly

A weak leader instills fear and people will follow out of fear and self preservation

By extension, those qualities broadly apply to the institution as well. What Bajwa started and Munir is solidifying is a disastrous erosion in respect for the institution of the Fauj - people (many of us included) had this unwavering respect and loyalty for the institution of the Fauj, even if we were critical of various policies enacted by the institutional leadership.

That respect and loyalty lies in tatters now and Fauj under Munir is just doubling down on the same fascist polices at brought us to this point.
You Copy pasted Twitter and other media. I don’t have anything to do with you copy pasting material.

I’m asking from something from your own brain, a solution that can be carried out, but seems you have none.
What did I ‘copy paste from twitter’?

I stated the obvious solution that is clear to everyone - the Fauj and Munir need to set aside their ego and realize that their approach has failed and the only way they can win back public respect and support is to acknowledge their mistakes, end the persecution of the PTI and allow the judiciary, law enforcement and election commission to function independent of Fauji and political pressure to move towards free and fair elections.

Now, perhaps this requires them to sit down with all political parties and develop a new ‘National Reconciliation Plan’ that gives a ‘one time amnesty’ to everyone prior.

That said, I don’t see the PMLN and PPP agreeing to this because the Fauj has already allowed them to amend NAB laws to get rid of the corruption cases against them, and they know they’ll be wiped out by an IK led PTI in free and fair elections.

PTI supporters will also find any kind of amnesty for the Fauji leaders, law enforcment and PDM leaders involved in the fascist crackdown on the PTI a VERY bitter pill to swallow, but they just might in the larger interest of the country, if the families of the victims agree to it.

BUT, again, the main issue - how does the Fauj convince the PMLN and PPP leadership to accept a national reconciliation leading to genuine free and fair elections that are all but guaranteed to wipe out those parties?

Forget democracy.

Replace it with a new set-up that is run like a company, similar to how the Chinese do it. Based on proven credentials, qualifications and performance. Create a whole institutional body managing different sectors that you can continue to move up on.

At the top can be the president.

This probably wouldn't work though because they'd just turn into a corrupt feudal elite...
Oh bhai, the Fauj has had absolute control of the government and policy making (directly and indirectly) for the majority of this country’s existence.

They couldn’t put together a system that could work starting from Ayub and going to Musharraf - why on earth do you want to give yet another chance to the same failed duffers?

The ONLY thing we haven’t tried properly is actually giving a genuine democratic system, with genuine free and fair elections and an end to Fauji interference and manipualtion a chance for the long term.

You can’t claim that ‘democracy never worked in Pakistan’ because the Fauj has never allowed REAL Democracy to actually function and evolve.
I discussed a method that there is a way to go after retired generals,
I’ll indulge you - how exactly will the judiciary go after retired generals when the judicary is being coerced by the same Fauj?

What incentive does the Fauj have to allow the judiciary to go after retired Army officers for violating the constitution and rigging elections, and how exactly do we get to that point?

That makes IK partner in crime and thus punishable.
Only if he actually broke the law.

Merely ‘knowing that Fauj was helping him’, as you allege, is not a crime.
Was not in media.
Other ideas are too tactical and will bore most.
They are primarily meant to help make our military a more professional and effective fighting force which if people remember is the primary function of an army. Unfortunately we have to be reminded of that these days.

Whatever is happening to the khaki creatures is nothing to What they actually deserve. But they will get it eventually inshallah.
There are two lawyers on PDF that I know of, this thing can be directed towards something purposeful if lawyers joined hands with media journalists. The journalists came out too strong and were pointed out. Had they joined hands with lawyers, things might have started differently.
Issue stands that ISI is still the strongest entity so any step taken by lawyers or journalists or combined, will be countered and their ranks will be infiltrated or bought or division through Politics will occur. This net has to be kept intact at all steps. The targeting of retired generals will keep the serving ones in order since they need to retire too. On a larger scale, the lawyers need to come United as back in Musharraf era. The informer in from journos and the multiple cases through lawyers will keep the retired officers in a fear of incarceration. The next step is about intelligence and much more difficult to practically enforce by any public entity - IB or FIA getting more freedom vis a vis ISI. This is practically almost impossible.
work should be done on IB, ISI has lost the acquisition abroad plot for sometime now , engage ice in bigger issues instead of petty ones.
Lawyers are divided right now I hate to say this but PTI should join in hand with ppp on single point agenda of elections, they have strong presence in bar the junta won't escape the heat from these big 2's on political & judiciary landscape

The problem is, we don’t have decades. Pakistan is crumbling in front of our eyes. I can’t understate the economic and social situation we are in. It’s just untenable to continue on this path without a near or total collapse.

P.S.: these SIFC bandaids will NOT take us out of the quagmire. We have always looked for silver bullet solutions that have always failed. Case in point CPEC. While nothings wrong with it but on its own it was bound to be a fizzle.
Also I can’t believe they agreed to be bitten from the same hole (Nawaz and Bro). I mean seriously, you have to be a special kind of you know what to fall for those characters.
1) It'll take 2-3 decades at least if we start rolling things right now
2) Nawaz played his handwell , he strong armed them to get bitten by them. Plus Bajwa was of like day to day type of a guy but AM ain't that type of a person.

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