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Boy's severed arm saved by efforts of many in Xinjiang


The score is me 2, you 0

Dude, you don't get to bait and switch and walk away, either talk here or don't stop stupid comment at all, it's that simple.
LOL, What score? I think we are having a discussion, not a competion, I never care about competition, I only care about giving people a balanced view about China over one sided western media bashing.

I got nothing but time to do this.
Me too, tons of time. but again, I m not a party supporter, even fellow Chinese PDFers know that.
LOL, What score? I think we are having a discussion, not a competion, I never care about competition, I only care about giving people a balanced view about China over one sided western media bashing.
Sure, I show you 2 and you show me zero this is how "unbalanced" coverage that is, but not the way you think lol.

Again, put it out here or shut it, it's that simple. I have all day to do this, and I have around 10 or 11 news clip ready to go. Just waiting on you to come try me.

I m not a party supporter, I don't believe in communism, but yes, the reason why I posted them is to counter western media smearing rhetoric.

Why would you accept you are doing party propaganda; that would tear away that civilian garb you are wearing, and discredit your efforts.

You are engaged in party propaganda, taking advantage of party controlled debate happening in China, and trying to use Western freedoms against the West.
Sure, I show you 2 and you show me zero this is how "unbalanced" coverage that is, but not the way you think lol.
What I mean is the overwhelming negative news coming out from the western media and that's why I posted some good news about China, you are trying to deny the obvious.
What I mean is the overwhelming negative news coming out from the western media and that's why I posted some good news about China, you are trying to deny the obvious.
Well, all I see is, I show you two piece of no negative news and you show me zero in return.

Again, if you have things to post, post it here, put it up or shut it.

You can post whatever news you like, just don't make stupid comment that you can't back up.
You are engaged in party propaganda, taking advantage of party controlled debate happening in China, and trying to use Western freedoms against the West.
Here is an English language forum, we Chinese also discuss Chinese issues in Chinese forums , but do you understand Chinese language?

Well, all I see is, I show you two piece of no negative news and you show me zero in return.

Again, if you have things to post, post it here, put it up or shut it.

You can post whatever news you like, just don't make stupid comment that you can't back up.
You asked me to post good news about LA, but I won't do it here, LA has nothing to do with this thread, I can do it in LA thread in US sanction, but again, we all know how western media reports Xinjiang, you are trying to deny the very obvious.
Why would you accept you are doing party propaganda; that would tear away that civilian garb you are wearing, and discredit your efforts.

You are engaged in party propaganda, taking advantage of party controlled debate happening in China, and trying to use Western freedoms against the West.
He's just bluffing. As usual, he is giving out his "Anti-West" stance and went in over their head.

One thing about Western Media is that they are fragmented, and they never tow the country line, so you are bound to find a lot of different voice in Western Media, and some of those are going to be Pro-China. i have literally found 11 article talking about Xinjiang development in Western Media or Western based Media in a little less than an hour. On the other hand, I would hard press to imagine there are a Pro-West Chinese media out there, Mr Beijing here is fighting a lost battle, he just too stupid to realise it. That's why he refused to engage with me on this.
But I actually thank you because of your repeated effort, now people can see and read this OP post and I see the viewers count going up because of our discussion.
But I actually thank you because of your repeated effort, now people can see and read this OP post and I see the viewers count going up because of our discussion.
Honestly, nobody really cares.
They do, that's why westerners who had never visited China are all shocked when they first do. the power of brainwashing of the western media.
Sure, tell that to Fox, Joe Rogen, Ben Shapiro, Sky News, Rupert Murdoch, and so on. Ask them if they are willing to tow the Democrat line??
Their reporting on China are generally follow the same negative guidelines
That's not what I said, or what you said, I didn't say anything about negative view, nor do you.

That point was "Towing the Country line". Again this is what I said

He's just bluffing. As usual, he is giving out his "Anti-West" stance and went in over their head.

One thing about Western Media is that they are fragmented, and they never tow the country line, so you are bound to find a lot of different voice in Western Media, and some of those are going to be Pro-China. i have literally found 11 article talking about Xinjiang development in Western Media or Western based Media in a little less than an hour. On the other hand, I would hard press to imagine there are a Pro-West Chinese media out there, Mr Beijing here is fighting a lost battle, he just too stupid to realise it. That's why he refused to engage with me on this.
That's not what I said, or what you said,

That point was "Towing the Country line". Again this is what I said
Countryline is the general guideline, why US media launched fake news propaganda campaign against Iraq before US invaded it? to serve the government will to start a war and sway the public opinions. why US public's opinion about China plummeted in recent years? the credit also goes to their media following the government needs.
Countryline is the general guideline, why US media launched fake news propaganda campaign against Iraq before US invaded it? to serve the government will to start a war and sway the public opinions. why US public's opinion about China plummeted in recent years? the credit also goes to their media following the government needs.
Dude, it may be true in China, it's definitely NOT TRUE in the US. That's why we have two spectrum of Political Party, and Each party have a DIFFERENT line and within that party, even not all of the member align with that line. Read The squad within Democrat and the Far Right (or Trumpism) with the GOP.

Public opinions vary deeply within the 2 party, I as a republican would NEVER support a democrat policy, or their "Guideline" and vice versa.

Media reflected that, and which mean CNN, MSNBC, will always support the Left, and Fox, Newsmax will always support the right, it's idiotic or naive to say otherwise.

By the way, CNN debunked A LOT of those "fake news" that propelled the Iraqi invasion.


And for a person who say "He won't derailed the thread more to talk about that" you sure as hell had derailed a lot of your own thread.

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