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Breaking news western political leader speaks truth for a change!!!!!!!!!

It could also trigger a regional arms race with the Saudis who I doubt would just sit there and do nothing if Iran does acquire the nukes.

Yea but it would act as mutual assured destruction. so no one would use them or be able to bully anyone
This is very strange i cant get onto the 3rd page of this thread i keep clicking it but it brings me back to page 2 :eek:

Yea but it would act as mutual assured destruction. so no one would use them or be able to bully anyone

Nuclear detente you may well be right but we both know Israel will strike before they get the bomb.
This is very strange i cant get onto the 3rd page of this thread i keep clicking it but it brings me back to page 2 :eek:

Nuclear detente you may well be right but we both know Israel will strike before they get the bomb.

clear ur cache and it will go back to normal

can a admin delete my last two posts i dont know why it posted 3 times
This is very strange i cant get onto the 3rd page of this thread i keep clicking it but it brings me back to page 2 :eek:

Nuclear detente you may well be right but we both know Israel will strike before they get the bomb.

Use chrome as your browser. should sort the problem.

Back to topic will they though? I mean Israel as not tested or admitted it has nukes. India and Pakistan didn't declare till many years after they had it so how do we know Iran doesn't have them?
Use chrome as your browser. should sort the problem.

Back to topic will they though? I mean Israel as not tested or admitted it has nukes. India and Pakistan didn't declare till many years after they had it so how do we know Iran doesn't have them?

I had chrome before but i cant get used to it Aryan i don't know why im one of those people that dont take to change to well lol

Well Mordechai Vanunu a former Israeli nuclear technician took pictures inside of Israel's military nuke plant and was later put in jail you most probs heard of that case or seen it on tele.

I think they are still not there yet but are getting closer, also there has been recent assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientist that can't have helped their program.
AIPAC is just a Jewish lobby which supports Israel one must remember USA has millions of Jews living there who can vote and fund elections as Jews are the richest people in USA so they do hold considerable power.
But is that fair? That only a certain religious minority can decide the fate of a country because they hold most of the wealth, in fact majority of the wealth despite their tiny population, that is called being overly represented. And AIPAC isn't just any lobby, its perhaps the most powerful and influential lobby and that too in the worlds most powerful state.

Nuclear weapons were always going to exist during the last stages of WW2 the Nazis were very close to obtaining the bomb too and if they did before the Americans perhaps history would be diffrent.
Not true at all actually, in fact Hitler canceled the project (i read somewhere reliable source) and allocated the resources elsewhere since most of the scientists with the nuke know how fled to America since they were Jewish (Albert Einstein being one of them).
But is that fair? That only a certain religious minority can decide the fate of a country because they hold most of the wealth, in fact majority of the wealth despite their tiny population, that is called being overly represented. And AIPAC isn't just any lobby, its perhaps the most powerful and influential lobby and that too in the worlds most powerful state.

Not true at all actually, in fact Hitler canceled the project (i read somewhere reliable source) and allocated the resources elsewhere since most of the scientists with the nuke know how fled to America since they were Jewish (Albert Einstein being one of them).

The Jew's came as immigrants just like the Irish and the Italian's to America, they worked hard and built companies and got rich who are we to say where they should spend their money? it is up to them. Yes you are right AIPAC is the most powerful and influential in USA today and others like the Hindu american foundation can learn a thing or two from how to lobby senators.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Hitler 'tested small atom bomb'

The Nazis did have a nuke program how far advanced they were I can't say for sure.
Yep I agree. Americans and Israelis have been yapping like dogs for 33 years plus and should be put down so we can have some peace and quite,

Back to topic can you believe a western political leader telling the truth. never thought I would see the day

There are many of them and numbers are growing as well as their support, these are the most rational ones and do not mind loosing their political careers to the Zionist lobby. They are over it.
These are the rare gems of the western political world.
how come israel accepted pakistan to have nukes, dude you over estimate israel, its nothing but a barking dog which seldom bites

Believe it or not, Israel attempted to attack Kahuta in 1998. Israeli F 16s were stationed in Srinagar Airport, ready to attack Pakistan. However, at the last moment, India did not give permission to Israel to launch the attack, fearing Pakistan's nuclear retailiation in Indian territory.

An attack was also planned around 1984 too (Iraq style) but was abandoned for the same reason.

At present, Isreal has enough nuclear weapons to wipe out all Arab countries in an hour's notice. Only thorn is Pakistan's nuclear retailiation's fear, which is why a war with India is in Israels plan (to engage pakistan) while Israel overruns the whole middle east to expand its territory dramatically.
The Jew's came as immigrants just like the Irish and the Italian's to America, they worked hard and built companies and got rich who are we to say where they should spend their money? it is up to them. Yes you are right AIPAC is the most powerful and influential in USA today and others like the Hindu american foundation can learn a thing or two from how to lobby senators.
But are the Irish or the Italians bribing American politicians to provide free money and weapons to their country and that too from American people's tax money? Or, did Italians butcher American troops despite knowing who exactly they were strafing their aircraft on like the israelis did in 1973 on the USS Liberty?

BBC NEWS | Europe | Hitler 'tested small atom bomb'

The Nazis did have a nuke program how far advanced they were I can't say for sure.
There are conflicting views and so far only one guy is "claiming" that the Nazis tested nukes.
At the moment they do not have nukes but it will be only a matter of time before they do so unless they change their course of action, Israel will strike before that happens with or without the US.

Not many people know this but some Indian companies have also exported equipment which aids Iran's nuclear program I was talking to one such person at a exhibition in earls court and was shocked to find out they export certain materials to Iran :D

Pakistan is no threat to Israel unlike Iran it is a totally diffrent ball game for one your missiles can't even reach Israel.

I think you are day dreaming about Iran and Pakistan,

Or if you prefer:
Pakistan Military power (Range Up to 13000 KM far from Pakistan)

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^^ i see underdevelopment every where- so it doesn't count-

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