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China punish raidical uyghers seperatists not beucase they are Muslim

not heard of Chinese muslim stick to Sharia law, cause they know the PRC law has no tolerence for killing people for any reason.

This is because you and the rest of the Non-Muslims in this thread (Indians and Chinese) do not understand Islamic law.

What you call shariah (the path) is actually referred to us as fiqh (ruling.)

There is no room for vigilantism in Islam. Terrorism, knife attacks is not allowed. Killing apostates, killing gays is all illegal until and unless there is a state judgement and trial.

Islam is a very legalistic religion which has greatly influenced Western law of today. Have any doubts, Benjamin Franklin the writer of the US constitution studies the Quran in depth and the founding fathers made sure to credit Prophet Muhammad saws in the library of Congress.

A person is innocent until proven guilty by a jury in a court of law designated by the state. Islam pioneered this concept.
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Seems like a nice development plan. Did it work?
Urumqi and other urban areas are seeing more visible developments because it is easier to distribute resources and access opportunities in an urban area. The people there have access to good education and opportunities and it's apparent. Rural areas on the other hand takes longer, especially isolated regions. Uyghurs living in cities are doing well while the rural ones still needs better access. The issue is more than half still live in isolated regions.

Xinjiang is a vast area the size of Iran or twice the area of Turkey. The population lives in relatively isolated and rural oases. To prevent a large structural inequality due to geography the government allocated $70 billion on Xinjiang's infrastructure for 2018's budget. It is in an effort to connect the rural regions with more developed regions and improve the quality of life of more backward regions.

Poor in Xinjiang get subsidies for food and housing. The government plans to build 300,000 homes mainly for those in extreme poverty in Xinjiang. 80,000 homes already started construction.

The problem is that previously most Uyghurs didn't have access to good education and were in poverty. When these people from very poor areas became migrant workers in developed places, some are stunned by the inequality and some unfortunate ones find refuge in extremist ideology or criminal activity. The ones living in developed areas don't face the same issues. The effort really is bringing those from poor areas up to date with modernization.

Only time would tell, this program is fairly recent. We would have to check back in the next 5-10 years to see tangible results. In total the program would cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

There are plenty of misrepresentation of China in western media, most Chinese just don't care anymore. Now the attitude with some is to troll, ignore, or not take it seriously. I remember a few years back the West was constantly talking about forced teardown of homes in order to build roads and other infrastructure. They would show pictures of houses holding out as some sort of a symbol of resistance against the powers or a sign of revolution. That is misrepresented and sometimes a blatant lie, a picture can tell a thousand words but those words can be made up, makes for an interesting story. Yes, they are resisting but not for some higher cause but because they want more money. Not because they are not paid enough because everyone around them had agreed to the compensation and left (99% had left), the last person is just the greedy one in the group who thinks this gives him more leverage as the last hold out. Most people want to get their rural property acquired by a developer so they can move to a better place and have an asset that is actually worth money on the market. You can't really make money by renting a farm house but they can make decent money by renting an urban home they get as compensation. Some of these farmers even build empty floors and fake ancestral graves to get more compensation. How do I know? Rural people have told me and I have them in my family.


It's you riding on the high horse, I'm more realistic. We don't need extreme people like you.

Go kill even one innocent Muslim in China, your will get arrested.

Not all Uyghers are radical seperatists, just a very small proportion of them. so don't need to preach hatred here.
No one is saying to kill innocent people, stop putting words in @Jlaw 's mouth, it is dishonest. He merely referred to controlling the security situation (please correct if I'm wrong). If you are realistic then articulate your points and avoid getting personal, the issues we are talking about are bigger than a few people's personal disputes and preferences.

I think it is time for some introspection. I've refrained from saying anything previously when you bashed some Pakistani members for not liking Chinese defence products. Just because they are Pakistani doesn't mean they should like Chinese products, heck they don't even have to like me or you. That is petty behaviour. It is a type of blackmail to use good will to counter their national interests and preferences. I think of it this way, I want to see Pakistan make the best choice for itself and for that to happen they need independent discourse. I also want to see them choose Chinese defence products, not because of blackmail but because they are competitive. I don't want to see China producing noncompetitive products but rather work towards improvement. Do your part in building a meritocratic China, not a reactionary one.
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The fact Western regime mouthpieces along with the proxies in their controll produce all these cheap unsubstantial lies and spins is more evidence its exactly not what they claim it to be. They have are a history of producing the most disgusting and blatant lies calling the victims dangerous perpetrators and the terrorists helpless and innocent. Statistically speaking you are better off dismissing everything they say about their adversaries as another vicious lie or falsehood. At this time even the disingenious trolls and assholes who keep dumping all these ridiculous and baseless propaganda lies on this board have hard time to hide they dont even believe half of the shit they post themself.
Am I the only one who reads posts by the Chinese Members in a Chinese accent ?

Please say Ni Hau to President Xi for me, thanks!
Am I the only one who reads posts by the Chinese Members in a Chinese accent ?

Please say Ni Hau to President Xi for me, thanks!
If your feelings are hurt, express them honestly. You will feel much better on the inside and will enable the rest of us to understand better.

If you have some points to express, express them directly. Help PDF become a bastion of meaningful discourse not aimless one or two liners. The forum has goals of improving its content quality. Also people will respect you more as a result.
There are some things that cannot be said on the internet without the risk of facing consequences in the real world, secondly it is pointless to argue with a brick wall therefore I literally have nothing to say!
I had thought that, but after reading the Quran, know its content, and know that it is forbidden to change, you know I change my opinion, the stronger the muslim stick to the Quran, the more danger they are to non-muslim, maybe now they seems innoccent, maybe my word will hurt muslim, but this my real thought.

As a modern law, we should keep the way for a 1400-year-long old law, it is joke, Muslim is just foreign culture for Chinese, sound like they are superior to Chinese culture, funny, even now Chinese don't say the Law of PRC should not against confucian culture.

We have no obligation to spend too much time to let muslim understand, why should? why can't they just obey Chinese law? 1.4 billion Chinese must cater to the group? it is a joke, what their contribution to the country? they are not VIP, let alone their contribution is not outstanding, because they have religious faith? hehe.

Sorry to wake you up from your "reality" but let me tell you...You didn't read anything about the Quran...
Anyone can follow the religion he desire... A Muslim can leave and vice versa... and Death isn't his punishment...

As for the Understanding part... Well... If you don't take a minute to understand the other (That goes in both ways) Then don't be surprised of the outcome...

It like a threat, hehe, so, we Chinese must cater to their all? if they see muslim identity first superior to Chinese, in China, I here tell them, please leave China, the land is not belong to Allah.

There is no muslim identity

The extreme Islamic ideology is nothing but nasty. A bunch of muslim nations surround Isreal are suppressed by the little bit state, the extreme muslim roar angrily very day but can't touch them a hair.

Off Topic

no need to explain to anyone especially shithole indians,if China gov,want, they can kill all Chinese Muslims and what you can do about It!!!

Shut your indians mouth up.
I am here to declare I am against Islamic extremists who killed hundred of innocent HAN,Uyghur and other peoples,I do not eat in Muslim restaurant any more!
So what!!!
This is China internal affaires!

Everyone (at least I hope) is against any Extremism...Whatever the side he may be...
As your "wish" to not eat in Muslim restaurant..; I can't really understand the connection...
Aren't they "Chinese" before being muslim as your logic? Or is it when it suits you?

Of course it is very important, but the question is how many Muslim know what's mutual respect? for them, Muslim identity first, and Quran and Islam rule is superior to National law, they have much stronger desire for regime than Buddhist and Christian, if there are encough muslim in a Non-Muslim, you will find it will become a big problem.

Again "Muslim identity" doesn't Exist...

China xinjiang is China's xinjiang!

And Yet, many among your ppl on this thread, seems to see them as "Foreigners...Invaders... People who should not be Chinese"... But Who took from the other?
Now it's time to deal with it... and build upon it...

92% of1.4billions Chinese are hans Chinese,how youwant china treat Muslim in china if you are one of han Chinese?
how you treat Muslim representing ONLY less than2% of all Chinese population?
let Muslim take control of China government?!

Please keep your Paranoiac Fantasy of Invasion hidden...it's a bit Childish... and add nothing to the debate.

You do not speak or represent any Chinese view but your own. Get off your high horses old Wangker.
You are the typical Chinese that cater to everyone but your own. Real Patriot Chinese laugh at your face. Btw, I hope China crack down harder on these trouble causing fuckers .

Say the one Living in the West... to someone Living In China...


@Cybernetics As always, it's a pleasure to Read you... But As you do the Job answering Some Fellows... It will be a little more fair, if you could "answer" some Chinese "Opinions" on this Thread...
I understand it may not be rewarding to answer some, since Debate with few of them is useless or at least no rewarding enough, But I believe a well put "piece of mind" will not harm them in anyway.

Tbh... I wish to... But let's say... "Respect" is not always their best "attribute" in a Debate...

Best regards.
I want all Pakistani members be clear that it is because some Uygher radical seperatists&terrorists severly dampen unity and integrity of PRC, so that we have to handle them with iron hands by law.

it has nothing to do with Muslim and Islam. To be honest, the west supports Chinese Uygher radical seperatists with funds and meida propoganda, which 100%of them is distorted and fabricated. and they still want drive a wedge between China and Mulsim world, and used as a tool by Indian members to enstrange China and Pakistan relatiopnship.

An innocent Muslim is well protected by Constitutions of PRC, cause they are familiy members.

and i here address those fake and arrogant Chinese members here, do not fall in the traps set by our enemies to deviate ourself away from Muslim world.
oh we already know that bro. their so called "struggle" is purely based on ethnic hatred they have for the hans that they try to give a "religious" face, the ethnic han muslims don't have any problems with China.
oh we already know that bro. their so called "struggle" is purely based on ethnic hatred they have for the hans that they try to give a "religious" face, the ethnic han muslims don't have any problems with China.

You will find many Uyghurs in Raiwind and other religious places. Ask them yourself. They will tell you all.
@Cybernetics As always, it's a pleasure to Read you... But As you do the Job answering Some Fellows... It will be a little more fair, if you could "answer" some Chinese "Opinions" on this Thread...
I understand it may not be rewarding to answer some, since Debate with few of them is useless or at least no rewarding enough, But I believe a well put "piece of mind" will not harm them in anyway.

Tbh... I wish to... But let's say... "Respect" is not always their best "attribute" in a Debate...

Best regards.
Thanks for the kind words.

I don't agree with views of some people and I might not consistently agree or disagree with views of particular people but I generally like to let the collective discourse take shape organically. I am playing my role. So what If I don't agree with different views? The world as a whole doesn't exist to strictly follow my preferences or anyone else's. However I do hope for better structured and well intended discussions, even on tough topics because that would serve the purpose of furthering understanding. Decorum is necessary for the depth of discussions and should be emphasized on PDF to further the desires of many high ranking members.

There are many view points presented, it would be quite a hassle to answer all in detail and might not have desired results. My method would be to present my perspective and let others answer and critique. I try to structure most of my replies in a way that stimulates a response and deepen the discussion, though I often fail. From my view, I'm a realist and try to ground my arguments and perspective in a fashion that is measurable or roughly understood through a framework. It would be quite difficult to base a discussion purely on arbitrary standards. We would see words flying but no depth.
You will find many Uyghurs in Raiwind and other religious places. Ask them yourself. They will tell you all.
I used to study with multiple ughuirs during my university days...they do not like hans, even if the han is another Muslim. I'm sure most are not like that but it just takes a handful of them who are blinded by sheer hate to be twisted and turned by the cia.
I used to study with multiple ughuirs during my university days...they do not like hans, even if the han is another Muslim. I'm sure most are not like that but it just takes a handful of them who are blinded by sheer hate to be twisted and turned by the cia.

Yes, no doubt. There are CIA, Raw, Mossad agents crawling all over the Muslim world.

I found Uyghurs to be a very kind and gentle people with a sweet heart and much cultural wisdom. They did not strike me as violent or aggressive in any way.

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