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China Seals People's Doors, Xi'an Residents Cry For Food


Jun 6, 2020
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China Seals People's Doors, Xi'an Residents Cry For Food
The Chinese regime sealed residents’ homes in Xi’an on Jan. 8, but didn’t arrange for a reliable food supply, residents say. After being locked down for almost three weeks, they are lacking in food and on the edge of mental breakdown.
Staff members wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) spray disinfectant outside a shopping mall in Xi'an, China

The Chinese regime has claimed the COVID-19 outbreak in Xi’an has been under control since Jan. 5. However, the regime upgraded the control measures and Xi’an residents still can’t leave their homes even on Jan. 11.
“I had never been diagnosed with COVID-19. Why did they seal my door?” Cai Jiaying (pseudonym), a resident at Rongshang Compound, Changyanbao Community, Yanta district in Xi’an, told the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times on Jan. 9. “Our residential compound has been locked down for 21 days. … In the beginning [of the lockdown], I consoled myself. I was disappointed days later, and then felt hopeless and despair. This morning, I went crazy.”
Cai said that she and her husband had only bought a little food successfully in the past three weeks, and didn’t know when they could buy some more.
“I’m worried that we won’t have anything to eat soon. We don’t dare to fill our stomachs. We go to bed after a meal at 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. every afternoon. We sleep more to save food,” Cai said. She said that the family only had a small bowl of rice, 11 pounds of wheat flour, seven cups of instant noodles, one bamboo shoot, and a little bit of meat at home. “The food can feed us for at most one week.”
Other Xi’an residents told The Epoch Times similar stories in phone interviews.

Staff members wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) spray disinfectant outside a shopping mall in Xi’an,
China, on Jan. 11, 2022.Continued Lockdown
On Jan. 11, Xi’an authorities announced that nine communities in the city were downgraded to low-risk regions where people have few chances to contact COVID-19 patients, and 44 others still remained high-risk or medium-risk regions.
The regime didn’t mention how many communities there were in the city, nor details of the lockdown policies in different risk regions.
On Jan. 10, local authorities announced another standard to divide the city, called “Closed Zone,” “Controlled Zone,” and “Prevention Zone.” In general, residents in closed zones aren’t allowed to leave their homes no matter how healthy they are or how urgent their need to go out.
The regime said that zones could be downgraded if no resident in the zone was infected with the CCP virus or had contact with COVID-19 patients in the past 14 days, and all residents tested negative within 48 hours.

Staff members wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) spray disinfectant outside a shopping mall in Xi’an, China, on Jan. 11, 2022.
Livelihood in Xi’an
Being locked down at home or in a dorm, Xi’an residents are suffering.
“We don’t know how to obtain food [after the regime sealed our home’s door]. We only have a few cabbage leaves at home,” Xu Qianru (pseudonym), a resident at Changyanbao community in Yanta district told the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times on Jan. 9. “We kept on calling the residential compound’s management company, but nobody answered the phone.”
Xu’s apartment was sealed by the management company on the evening of Jan. 8. She learned from her neighbors that all apartments in the compound were sealed. “Several thousand families in our compound are sealed at home like us … Our lives are really difficult,” Xu added.
“We had eaten all our stock [in the past weeks during the lockdown], and we can’t buy anything. Do you [Xi’an officials] want the over ten thousand residents [in the compound] to die of starvation?” Yang Hai, a resident of Hengdacheng at Dazhai road, Yanta district, complained in a video posted on social media platforms on Jan. 8.
The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as novel coronavirus, is the virus that causes the disease COVID-19.
Yang shared photos of the residential compound, which showed that the regime locked the doors of the residential unit by using iron wires and sealed the apartment doors by using paper.
“Do you [officials] treat us, the people, like animals?” Yang criticized. “We can’t receive any materials [food] after the doors are sealed!”
College students in Xi’an have been locked down in dorms since late December last year, and aren’t allowed to leave the building, not to mention go home even though some of their homes are in the city.
“We have six ladies sharing one room … We stay in our twin-over-twin bunk beds for most of the time during the day,” Fu Hua (pseudonym) told the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times on Jan. 8. “We study different majors and have different class schedules. [Since the lockdown began,] we take online classes at the dorm, and we can’t avoid interfering with each other.”
Fu said that she felt frustrated about the lockdown. She would even prefer to be sent to a quarantine center for 14 days if the regime would allow her to go home after the quarantine.
Stupid .... no food and drink is the correct way..
Monkey on a computer is still a monkey
Didn't you find that the Indian media worked very hard to find the hunger representative, and she also had food for a week?
Will this reporter only ask one person from Xi'an?
Will the reporter write with the worst example?
Didn't you find that the Indian media worked very hard to find the hunger representative, and she also had food for a week?
Will this reporter only ask one person from Xi'an?
Will the reporter write with the worst example?
It doesn't matter...social media is full of lies.

I was annoyed more with his thinking than the actual facts
Why those hungry slumdugs still obsessed with food in the 2nd decade of the 21st century? Can't they be more creative when fabricate their stories?
Stupid .... no food and drink is the correct way..
Monkey on a computer is still a monkey
Here comes the bullshit again. I live in China, and no, nobody is starving like Indians okay. Food supplies went low so the government sent in supplies, we don't starve people during covid and burn their bodies in carpark like Indians okay. Do you even know how many cases there are in Xian, go find out... Lol.

China has alrewady developed a matured modus operandi to. Contain the virus. Its a targeted isolation, people can still go out and shop in Xian mate, just high risk area is isolated.

200 cases........... That's like Indian numbers in a second. Lol
Here comes the bullshit again. I live in China, and no, nobody is starving like Indians okay. Food supplies went low so the government sent in supplies, we don't starve people during covid and burn their bodies in carpark like Indians okay. Do you even know how many cases there are in Xian, go find out... Lol.

China has alrewady developed a matured modus operandi to. Contain the virus. Its a targeted isolation, people can still go out and shop in Xian mate, just high risk area is isolated.

200 cases........... That's like Indian numbers in a second. Lol
Some of you Chinese need to stop being like Indian. You have flaws as well so don't present a perfect society.
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Xian new case has been steadily going down day by day. On 12 Jan the no. is 6 cases. I think it is safe to say that the outbreak is over.

Authority has declared the outbreak under control abt a week ago, because all new cases were found among the quarantined and no more community spread in the wild. And subsequently the strict lockdown is relaxed to limit to only a few area that has recent active cases.

Xi'an govt performance has left a lot to be desired, hopefully lessons are learned. But the overall objective of dynamic zero covid has been achieved.
... according to anonymous sources talking to a notoriously lying U.S. regime affiliated and U.S. regime funded U.S. regime propaganda mouthpiece disguised as a Falun Gong cult disinfo network pretending to be a newspaper.

lmao still butthurt China isn't destroyed by Covid and starving like Indians?
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Funny, other reports say the people there under the lockdown turn to cooking to kill time, how can people cook without food?

At the same time Washingtons troll armies are spamming "reports" projecting Americas obesity and insting China is becoming fat and overweight, parotting U..S regime propaganda lies conflating Chinese overweight figures using higher standards with extreme American obesity rates, trying to relativize Americas obesity and distract their audience, followed by spam of edited footage and narratives trying to paint a racist image about Chinese wasting food.
Here comes the bullshit again. I live in China, and no, nobody is starving like Indians okay. Food supplies went low so the government sent in supplies, we don't starve people during covid and burn their bodies in carpark like Indians okay. Do you even know how many cases there are in Xian, go find out... Lol.

China has alrewady developed a matured modus operandi to. Contain the virus. Its a targeted isolation, people can still go out and shop in Xian mate, just high risk area is isolated.

200 cases........... That's like Indian numbers in a second. Lol
First you need to have free media before you claim big on internet.
Right now, the world sees what CCP slave media want them to see.

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