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Dr. Shakeel Afridi: A CIA agent or Taliban accomplice? (Sochta Pakistan)


Feb 2, 2012
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An interesting debate on Dr.Shakil Afridi !

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hats of to Pakistani judiciary to make this seemingly impossible thing possible :coffee:
Taliban are a AL CIAda creation so it comes as no surprise.
Tahira Abdullah has very valid point. Americans feel that they've been put off the hook because Dr Afridi is not charged for being a traitor by working as a CIA collaborator but actually funding and looking after the Mangal Bagh TTP terrorist group.

Ahmed Qurashi's also raised a very interesting point by showing the similarity of Adr Afridi and Raymond Davis, who both worked for CIA but also had contacts and relations with TTP.

loath it or love it, tribal laws and political agent/ elder council (jirga) are the only legal body in the tribal areas. until it is replaced with our laws that apply in the settled areas, FCR will continue to function.

Dr Afridi's shady past is unanimously agreed and accepted where he is known to have not only provided enormous amounts of funds but also has been attending the injured terrorists in secrecy. the regular and enormous payments of 10 M cant be made from his own pocket through his private practice. the source of funds was definatley something very big and he acted a middleman

finally, I spit on the argument of helping the world rid a world terrorist i.e. Osama. because he never done the same earlier re other TTP terrorists he has been attending and funding. the same TTP which has beheaded and slaughtered his fellow Pashtons over the years. was he afraid to act against them? if so then why he acted against Osama then? did he not condemn himself and his family by doing so? or did he and his financiers found TTP as an asset?
I will also like to highlight the point made by former Secretary FATA who says that any form of relation & information sharing between the two states is done at state level done by the relevant institutions, e.g. both India & Pakistan give heads up about their missile tests, their DGMOs keep hotline contact regarding the movements of their formations.

BUT if any individual (of either country) in his own capacity without the tacit approval and knowledge of the state, engages with the foreign entity (whether friendly or hostile) that is termed as treason and a punishable offence. Israeli scientist who blew the whistle about its nuclear program and many American soldiers who also exposed the American war crimes in Vietnam & Iraq are the example where they have received punishment by the respective states.

and dont forget Julian Assange who is not even an American citizen & only communicated what was passed to him by Americans and he is facing espionage charges in USA and various right wing media mongols & senators are advocating his execution. so Pakistani punishment is in consistency with what the west does.

now if some clever d1ck tries to use the "doing world a favour" argument then same applies to Jullian & Manning doesnt it? but Dr Afridi's actions and his relations with TTP and CIA hardly fall under the category of doing world a favor but his own pocket and personal greed. may he rot in prison for the rest of his miserable life


Oh yea while we are at it, we must also try him for the fake polio vaccination, he dopped 200 families through his fake drive, this is a fraud at grand scale and cant escape punishment in east or west.
He also has a case against him for fraudulent surgery of women. As said by his lawyer in a press conference.

I think that the charge on him either this, or about the Mangal bagh thing, that is why he is treated under FCR and not normal laws. Some people played clever to avoid US saying that it was not treason!! Good clever move.

Tahira Abdullah was very blunt there!

'I dont give a damn....!'. I like it!:tup:
Tahira Abdullah was repeatedly interrupted by host and not given her due share in the program. I really regret that. she is has a lot of patience and made very good points whenever she got a chance.

re treason trial, it should also take place. along with the case on behalf of children that underwent his fake vaccination. this doctor is corrupt and shady to the hilt. like I said earlier in other threads. CIA did it homework and found a perfect candidate that would sell himself for the highest bidder. but it seems that wasnt the fist time CIA had a liaison with him. it appears he was on the payroll for a long time. acting as an intermediary between TTP and CIA just like Raymond was.
Yaaar but what I was personally surprised about was that 'Tahira Abdullah' a HRCP person was defending Pakistan so strongly whereas most of them usually don't let any opportunity to bash Pakistan go ! I think I'm going to have to revise my perception of the HRCP from now on wards.
Tahira Abdullah was repeatedly interrupted by host and not given her due share in the program. I really regret that. she is has a lot of patience and made very good points whenever she got a chance.

re treason trial, it should also take place. along with the case on behalf of children that underwent his fake vaccination. this doctor is corrupt and shady to the hilt. like I said earlier in other threads. CIA did it homework and found a perfect candidate that would sell himself for the highest bidder. but it seems that wasnt the fist time CIA had a liaison with him. it appears he was on the payroll for a long time. acting as an intermediary between TTP and CIA just like Raymond was.

Looking at various programs on TV on this issue, one gets the feeling that the sentiment is strongly anti-treason on this guy. THat he does not deserve to be in jail for this many years. I really dont get that why these people defend him.

Fake polio campaign, Fraud surgeries, now treason, collaborating with TTP, and the list keeps on increasing.

If not one charge, then the other.
Ahmed Qurashi's also raised a very interesting point by showing the similarity of Adr Afridi and Raymond Davis, who both worked for CIA but also had contacts and relations with TTP.

Raymond davis had contacts and relation with TTP?Where did you get that stuff from..?
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