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Exclusive: A Few Bad Men


Sep 3, 2012
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A Few Bad Men - Indian Express


In the same week the indefatigable activist Narendra Dabholkar was gunned down in Pune for his determined attacks on phony astrologers and sorcerers plaguing every corner of India, yet another godman, Sant Asaram Bapu, was accused of rape. One would imagine an accusation like this would drive Bapu's millions of followers away, but instead, his devotees tried to beat up TV journalists who wanted Bapu's sound bytes before he went incognito.

Since public memory is short, this is the same guru who wondered why the young girl who was gangraped on a bus in Delhi didn't address the rapists as bhaiya in order to stop them. Clearly, nuanced opinions are not a requirement to amass a following in India. What you say is of no consequence. As long as you have a flowing white beard, saffron or white garments and a commanding voice that can hold sway over a desperately vulnerable audience who need someone to worship.

Asaram Bapu is hardly the first spiritual guru to be accused of sexual misconduct. Almost every wildly successful sage in India — right from Chandraswami to Sathya Sai Baba, Swami Sadachari and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi — have faced similar allegations. Till recently, most escaped unscathed, their popularity undiminished, their charisma, the hallmark of every spiritual leader, making people blind to reason. Self-styled gurus and godmen are as much a tradition of India as the Taj Mahal and Red Fort. As a nation, we're resistant to rationalism. Some of the smartest and most successful people in this country continue to be immersed in astrology, ancient rituals and wear shimmering stones in the hope that they'll be protected from disaster.

We're all responsible for propping up these self-professed saints. A consultant I know happened to be seated next to the head of a prominent ashram in a first-class cabin on a flight to Singapore. A religious man himself, he was appropriately deferential. They got chatting and the guru talked about the logistics of their biannual satsangs in Delhi, which over nine lakh people attend over a weekend. He mentioned their other investments in healthcare and education before discombobulating the consultant with a question on his firm's EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). Spirituality is big business and before the flight ended, my friend knew he had met a potential client in this mystical entrepreneur.

I guess there's nothing wrong with a cult making money while providing spiritual salvation as long as the promoters aren't molesting the devotees. The commodification of the Eastern spirit world began when The Beatles discovered Mahesh Yogi. Since then, the ashram experience in India has been a must-do on the list of every Westerner seeking an alternate route to peace and fulfilment. As Indians living here we should be wiser, considering we've grown up seeing many a stoned sadhu or guru make a quick buck off us. Dodgy stories of unscrupulous saints from remote corners of india still routinely make headlines. But the allure of, maybe, stumbling on something magical that's going to happen in our lives, is too strong and takes many of us back to crystal-ball gazing.

A random check with five people around me revealed that they have all been to a soothsayer or faith healer at some point. I am loath to admit that I have been to a tarot card reader and two astrologers over the years, not one of whom got a single detail right about my future. It's been awhile since I've given up on divine intervention or comforting prophecies to sort out my issues, but just yesterday, a friend convinced me to sign up for an "Inner Engineering" meditation course that he insists will change my life (for the better).

So far, reformists like Dabholkar may be outnumbered by traditionalists but one can sense that the power of these godmen is also not what it used to be. The recent crimes against women question the "Enlightened India" tag we've been burdened with. We may have a million great ways to chant, meditate and pray, but very few to weed out opportunistic gurus.
This is the same man, look what he said about the Delhi rape case:


The self-proclaimed godman reportedly said that the 23-year-old victim was as guilty as those responsible for the barbaric sexual assault on her. Spiritual guru Asaram Bapu sparked a controversy on Monday by blaming the December 16 Delhi gangrape victim for the incident.

"Only five-six people are not the culprits. The girl is as guilty as her rapists... She should have called the culprits brothers and begged before them to stop... This could have saved her dignity and life. Can one hand clap? I don't think so," media reports quoted him as saying.

According to reports, the spiritual guru also said that he was against harsher punishments for the accused as the law could be misused. The spiritual guru's remark comes at a time when the entire nation has been mourning the victim's death. She had died in a Singapore hospital on December 29.

Read more at: Asaram Bapu blames Delhi gangrape victim for incident, says she should have begged culprits to stop : Delhi Gangrape, News - India Today
This is the same man, look what he said about the Delhi rape case:

The self-proclaimed godman reportedly said that the 23-year-old victim was as guilty as those responsible for the barbaric sexual assault on her. Spiritual guru Asaram Bapu sparked a controversy on Monday by blaming the December 16 Delhi gangrape victim for the incident.

"Only five-six people are not the culprits. The girl is as guilty as her rapists... She should have called the culprits brothers and begged before them to stop... This could have saved her dignity and life. Can one hand clap? I don't think so," media reports quoted him as saying.

According to reports, the spiritual guru also said that he was against harsher punishments for the accused as the law could be misused. The spiritual guru's remark comes at a time when the entire nation has been mourning the victim's death. She had died in a Singapore hospital on December 29.

Read more at: Asaram Bapu blames Delhi gangrape victim for incident, says she should have begged culprits to stop : Delhi Gangrape, News - India Today

Now we know why he said rape victim is equally guilty. He is one big rapist himself.
The victim's father had so much faith on Asaram that he had donated 7 acres land to his Ashram and a huge amount of money. I am worried that Asaram may try to intimidate the poor victim's family and coerce them to withdraw the case or manipulate the case in favor of Asaram's defense.

Till now UP govt is doing a satisfactory job of protecting the family by deploying extra security personnel. Though I believe Asaram's goons will not dare go to Shahjahanpur in UP and do any harm to them. They should know what happens when one messes with men from UP and Bihar.

Earlier Asaram had claimed to be an impotent and so told the police he cannot rape. However medical tests prove he is capable of committing rape.

Asaram capable of sexual assault: Police - The Times of India

JODHPUR: Controversial preacher Asaram Bapu, arrested from his Indore ashram for sexually assaulting the 16-year-old daughter of a follower by Jodhpur police, was on Sunday subjected to a "potency test", which confirmed that the 72-year-old's libido is active. He was made to take the test after he told cops that he was impotent and therefore incapable of committing the crime he was charged with.

The police said Asaram's testing positive gives them strong "circumstantial medical evidence" against the self-claimed godman. Jodhpur commissioner of police Biju Gorge Joseph said a team of doctors was called to the Rajasthan Armed Constabulary headquarters where Asaram was questioned.

"A potency test was conducted on him, which confirmed that he was strong enough to commit the crime of sexual assault and rape on the 16-year-old girl," said Joseph. Another senior police officer said this was "normal procedure". Potency test proves in a rape case that the offender is capable of committing the crime, he said.

Asaram was questioned for four hours at RAC headquarters and then produced in a court that sent him to one-day police custody, said Joseph. Although the police had sought two-day police remand, the court of district and sessions judge Manoj Kumar Vyas allowed only one day.

From the court, Asaram was taken to his Manai Ashram, about 30 km from Jodhpur, where the girl was allegedly sexually assaulted. Police said they conducted a physical verification and tried to recreate the scene of crime. Citing security reasons, police kept journalists out of the precincts.

Asaram remained in the ashram for around 15 minutes and brought back to RAC headquarters for further questioning during the night. "We've done preliminary interrogation and shall verify few more facts. This will require more time, so we sought his police remand," said Joseph, adding that Asaram hasn't produced any concrete evidence in his defence.

Asaram's counsel Jagmal Choudhary raised the questions on the viability of section 376 of IPC and argued in the court where police had filed remand application saying the section is not applicable and is motivated by an ill-will of the conspirators, who have implicated Asaram in this case.

Soon after Asaram was brought to Jodhpur by a flight from Delhi around 12.20 pm, the city witnessed people rising both in protest and in support of Asaram. While he was shown black flags by those demanding strict action against him, his supporters shouted slogans against the police calling it a conspiracy and blocked the road being used to transport Asaram.

A medical team from S N Medical College also examined his health. Joseph said that his health is fit and there is nothing which could prevent us from proceeding in our investigation.
Wait for this thugs supporters to come to this thread and support him. Too many idiots in India
What India?? Whole sub continent is full of IDIOTS

Oh no! In this regard its an Indian trademark with the babas, every country in the sub-continent does indeed have its own singular and unique expression of collective idiocy..this one is ours.
Its time Govt should put all the Ashrams under scanner.

Sting operation by News Channels show that many Ashrams and many Babas give shelter to absconding criminals like rapists, murderers, robbers who find the Ashrams as safe havens as police cannot go in there and arrest them. These criminals become devotees and thereby increase the muscle power of such Babas and this is why they are given shelters. These 'above the law' Ashrams work as transit points in the route of girls' trafficking and prostitution from remote parts of the country.

Govt should seize all the land property of Asaram and his Ashrams to begin with. And not only Asaram, a probe must be conducted on the background of the employees associated with running his Ashrams.
‘If my wife and I had not been present there, we would never have believed our own daughter’ | Priyanka Dubey

We are in the police station area of Shahjahanpur, a district 150 kilometres from Lucknow. Despite heavy rain, local reporters and others from Lucknow and Delhi crowd outside the compound of Durga Transport — a three-storeyed building. A board reading Asaram Bapu Trust lies on the road. A few policemen, including a sub-inspector, stand next to the house waiting to meet Dharam Singh, the owner of Durga Transport and the man who filed a case against Asaram Bapu for sexually assaulting his daughter. Dharam Singh and his family, however, refuse to see anyone.

In the past ten days, they have undergone a lot of mental agony. On the night of 15 August, their daughter was allegedly raped by their godman in Jodhpur. After filing a complaint in Delhi on 20 August and getting a medical checkup of Roshni done, they went to Jodhpur for a judicial enquiry after which they returned to Shahjahanpur.

According to a neighbour, Kishan Agarwal, some reporters from the electronic media asked him inappropriate questions. Without his permission, a microphone was clipped on his collar and before he could realise what was happening, he was on television. “As it is, the family had not recovered from the shock,” claims Kishan, “and then this incident happened. It distressed him so much that he refuses to meet the media. But after receiving a written request from TEHELKA, he agreed to meet our correspondent.

The family stays on the first floor of the house in the backyard of the compound. As we enter the drawing room, we see Dharam Singh, a 50-year-old man, dressed in a soiled kurta-pyjama. He is crying as he talks to someone on the phone.

In a heavy voice, he pleads on the phone, “No… no matter what happens now, I will not take back the case. Our condition is very bad. My wife and daughter both are very ill. If he is not sent to jail and roams around free, he will keep threatening us. We are under a lot of pressure. The police have not even arrested him yet. After what he did to our daughter, how can I take my complaint back?”

Meanwhile, his relatives tell us that he has been receiving phone calls not only from acquaintances and ‘well-wishers’, but also from ministers and intermediaries. They added that officials from the ashram tried to threaten the family using their younger son. His son studied at the Chhindwara Gurukul run by the Asaram Trust, where his daughter used to study too. The ashram authorities refused to allow him to leave. After a prolonged struggle, he got a ‘Transfer Certificate’ from the ashram on 26 August and was handed over to them.

The assault has not only scarred the family physically and emotionally, but has also left their religious belief shaken.

Here’s an account in his own words.

On how he came to know of Asaram Bapu

‘In the beginning we didn’t have anything. Then I started a small transport business. It grew steadily. About 10 years ago, I came to know of Asaram. There is something about him that wins the hearts of the people, mesmerises them. We fell for his charm and my family and I became his devotees. We were among the earliest devotees from Shahjahanpur. We made him popular here. We had such deep faith in him that we even constructed an ashram for him on 7 acres of land in Tilhad district some 8 or 10 kilometers from here. We handed the land over to his son Sai Narayan. Selflessly, I spent lakhs on this man. And today he is trying to lure us with money. He says, “Take money and forget about the case.” The way he has bought everyone, he wants to buy me too.

On what happened to his daughter

‘She had been studying in Asaram’s Chhindwara Gurukul for the past five years. My younger son also studied there. There was never any issue. Everything being said about Roshni’s health is false. She has always been perfectly healthy. But for no reason, they started her treatment. My daughter told me that she didn’t have any problem, but suddenly the Gurukul sevikas told her that she was under the influence of spirits. They told me that she would have to perform a puja for one whole night. They took her away and at night, four or five of them sat around her in a hall. They made her recite the mahamrityunjay mantra. She told me later how she had got a headache after that. The next day we received a call from the Ashram informing us that our daughter was unwell. The sevikas told us that only Asaram Bapu could heal her. We were told to meet Asaram on 15 August in his Jodhpur ashram. My wife and I reached Chhindwara and took our daughter along with us to Jodhpur.’

‘We were told to go there at night on 15 August. Behind the Manai Ashram of Jodhpur there are some cottages. Asaram had called us there. When we reached there, he told us to meditate by looking into his eyes. We were overjoyed that someone people crave to meet is asking us to look into his eyes. But now I know that it was just a plot to hypnotize us. He asked us to leave our daughter as he was going perform some incantations on her to cure her. We told him it was late and we had no place to go. Moreover, we did not want to leave our daughter alone. So he told us we could rest in the hut next door, while he attended to our daughter. We worshipped him like God and trusted him so we went to the other cottage leaving our daughter with him. Even then we were reciting his bhajans. When Roshni returned after about one-and-a-half hour later, she was crying. When I asked what had happened, she asked to leave immediately. I got suspicious. When we reached home, I told my wife to ask her what happened there. After much insistence, she told her that when we had left, Asaram took her to another room from a door at the back. There, Asaram told her that he would heal her and that she was going to become a great orator. Then he asked her to remove her clothes and raped her. He threatened her that if she told anybody about it, her family would face the consequences. Had Roshni told me there, I would have picked a stone and hit Asaram with it. There wasn’t even much security there. He destroyed the life and honour of our daughter. We will never forgive him.”

On registering his complaint in Delhi

(The incident took place on 15 August in Jodhpur and was reported on 20 August in the Kamla Nagar police station of Delhi)

“We are often asked why we registered the complaint so late and that too in Delhi. Our daughter had not told us anything on the night of 15 August. She kept crying. But after persistent enquiries, she revealed the story two days later. We were shocked and decided to meet him (Asaram). We came to know that he had a pravachan at the Ramlila Ground of Delhi on 18 and 19 August. We reached Delhi, but we were stopped at the Ramlila Ground. Asaram refused to meet us. This happened on 19 August. We immediately decided we had to go to the police. The nearest police station was at Kamla Nagar so we went there and registered the complaint.”

On being pressurised

“It’s been more than a week since we registered the complaint but Asaram is roaming around freely. As long as he is free, we will be under pressure. They are trying to threaten us saying that we will lose our money and even our lives. They want us to withdraw the case at any cost. Tell me, if your daughter is raped, will you take money in return for her loss of honour? I can’t take the money. All I want is justice for my daughter. My wife and children are constantly crying. Both my daughter and wife are still in shock. We are ready to fight, but the police and the administration are all under pressure. If it were some ordinary man, would he be roaming free like him? Now he’s saying that Roshni is like his granddaughter. He is trying to break me. (Weeping bitterly) He shattered my belief, my faith…”

On Asaram’s criminal activities

“If the CBI conducts a probe, he will be exposed. Many girls go missing from the Chhindwara Ashram every year. Where do they go? They are sent to Asaram at different places. Young girls surround this man during his functions. Recently, 25 girls arrived at the ashram from Haridwar, of which 3 were selected. My daughter too must have been picked like this. Now I know why he always has young girls around him. Of these, the best are chosen and sent to different ashrams. I have come to know of other such instances. But the families of those girls do not come out in the open for fear of losing honour. Some people are afraid of him while others simply do not consider his acts objectionable. They are so blind in his devotion that they take his misconduct towards their wives and daughters as ‘Baba’s blessings’. What do I say about anyone else? If my wife and I had not been present there and seen our daughter in that condition, we would never have believed it. We would have belied our own daughter. He had cast such a spell on us that he was the only truth for us. But now we want to break the spell so that other children of the country can remain safe.”

(All the names in this article have been changed to protect the identity of the people involved)

With inputs from Jai Prakash Tripathi
Asaram faces heavy penalty for land encroachment in Gujarat - India - DNA

Asaram Bapu, who wanted some time to challenge the order, was asked to pay Rs 70,000 a month at the district collector's office for the interim period. The Supreme Court upheld the order last year.

In more trouble for Asaram Bapu, Gujarat Government is likely to slap a major penalty on him for encroachment of public land by his ashram in Jehangirpura area of the city following a Supreme Court order.

"Action is being taken at government level as per court orders," Surat District Collector JP Shivhare said.

When asked if penalty had been recommended, Shivhare said, "It was under process."

The issue relates to 34,400 square metres of unused land, out of over 50,000 sq m the state irrigation department had acquired in 1976 on the banks of Tapi River to make a protection wall. Asaram's ashram had allegedly encroached upon a part of this unused by building a temple and a gaushala (cowshed) on it.

Anil Vyas, a farmer, filed a petition before the Gujarat High Court which directed the district collector to take possession of the land.

Asaram Bapu, who wanted some time to challenge the order, was asked to pay Rs 70,000 a month at the district collector's office for the interim period. The Supreme Court upheld the order last year.

Reports today suggested that the penalty could be to the tune of Rs 18 crore but there was no official confirmation.

On being asked if any amount of penalty had been decided upon, the Collector said the state government was in the "process" to do so.

The construction of the flood protection wall was over in 1982. Following this the department started the process of returning the excess land to farmers who first owned it but it was allegedly encroached upon by the ashram.

Seventy-two-year-old Asaram was today sent to jail in Jodhpur in judicial custody for 14 days for allegedly sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl in his ashram in the Rajasthan city.

Asaram Bapu's tainted desires exposed in leading channel's sting operation

Jodhpur: Asaram Bapu is not only an alleged rapist but instead few evidences, new revelations and his conduct after being an accused of sexual assault, bound to not consider him even a saint figure. In a recent exposure by leading news channel Aaj Tak, it has been made public that Asaram had a tainted past too.

After a 16-year-old claimed that she has been sexually assaulted by the self acclaimed Godman Asaram, a sting operation by the channel reveals that he indirectly forced a girl to sleep with him on his bed.

In a bid to unearth the reality of the spiritual guru, a male and female reporter of the channel went to Asaram's ashram for help. In a planned strategy, they both said the spiritual guru that they have committed a serious crime and are on a run from police.

The whole chapter of Asaram's misdeeds commenced from here:

As the reporters reached the ashram, Asaram's disciples tried to set apart the male and female reporter.

The female reporter Poonam (name changed) along with his male companion Harish went to Asaram's ashram and told him about their problem. Poonam also told him that she is finding it tough to have a good sleep at nights.

Asaram listened to the girl and said it is good that you have come to me. You are completely safe here as no police will dare enough to come to this place.

Initially he advised the girl to change her attitude, to change her mindset and transform her overall personality. He also advised her to remain tensionless and to take good sleep.

To change her mind, Asaram asked the girl to hangout with him in the forest alone, which she refused.

When the girl said that she can't take proper sleep due to tensions prevailing, the spiritual guru asked her to sleep with him on his bed.

The channel has all the proofs regarding the sting operation. During the revelation, they also said that they have the voice recording of the complete conversation that went on between Poonam and Asaram Bapu.

In yet another rape allegation by a Raipur girl, Asaram Bapu has been accused of molesting a 10th class girl in his ashram. While talking about the incident, the girl said that she had gone to Asaram's ashram for spiritual lectures with his family. But he sent his family members away from her and tried to touch her private parts while giving her blessings. She also said that at that age, she wasn't tough enough to stand against such crime against her. But now she has grown up and wants Asaram Bapu behind bars forever.

Meanwhile, Asaram has been sent to 14 days judicial custody for allegedly raping a minor girl in his ashram. The girl, who herself was one of Asaram's thousands of disciples, said that she had gone to the saint with her family. But the spiritual guru sent her family members away from her and closed the door of the room. He told her parents that he is going to do the ritual to set her free from the bad spirits.

Earlier, Asaram had turned down all the allegations saying that he wasn't capable enough to commit a rape, means he was impotent. But the Potency report has proved all his claims fake as even at the age of 72, he is capable enough to rape a girl.

Sharad Yadav wants strict action against Asaram supporters

JD-U President Sharad Yadav today demanded “stern action” against supporters of Asaram Bapu for “obstructing the course of law” as they came into the streets protesting against his arrest.

“Those who are obstructing the course of law should be sternly dealt with. They are misusing their democratic rights to protest. Democratic rights are not given for masquerading in favour a rape accused,” Yadav told PTI.

He said the protesters are not coming forward to fight for any social cause.

“If they are trying to put obstructions, the administration should deal with them sternly. What they are doing is unlawful. Nobody can be allowed to take law into their hands,” the JD-U chief said.

Earlier in the day, Yadav had said, “I wanted Asaram to surrender to the law. It has happened.”

He also appreciated media’s role for taking up the Asaram issue.

“Media raised the issue and in the process mediamen were attacked by Asaram supporters repeatedly. But despite that media continued to raise the issue. Media’s role is commendable and I welcome it,” he said.
Its time Govt should put all the Ashrams under scanner.

Sting operation by News Channels show that many Ashrams and many Babas give shelter to absconding criminals like rapists, murderers, robbers who find the Ashrams as safe havens as police cannot go in there and arrest them. These criminals become devotees and thereby increase the muscle power of such Babas and this is why they are given shelters. These 'above the law' Ashrams work as transit points in the route of girls' trafficking and prostitution from remote parts of the country.

Govt should seize all the land property of Asaram and his Ashrams to begin with. And not only Asaram, a probe must be conducted on the background of the employees associated with running his Ashrams.

Not only that , this time the Govt. should put all Mosques and madrassas also under scanner.

Recent reports have shown that many mosques and madrassas and many maulvis give shelter to terrorists and rapists, murderers, robbers who find the madrassas save haven as police cannot go in there and arrest them. These criminals become clerics and thereby increase the muscle power of such maulvis and this is why they are given shelters. These 'above the law' Mosques work as transit points in the route of girls' trafficking and prostitution from remote parts of the country to middle east too.

Govt should seize all the land property of Muslim personal board and waqf board to begin with. And not only Madrassas, a probe must be conducted on the background of the employees associated with running such Mosques.
Gives a more profound meaning to BABA JI KA GHANTA !!!
[Bregs];4722072 said:
This crook will be done in by new anti r.ape law of 2013, which can be accessed here in this link

Well the Gujarat government has started responding.

Land encroachment: Surat collector slaps Rs. 18.3 cr notice on Asaram - Hindustan Times

Barely a few hours after he was sent to 14 days in jail by a Jodhpur court, self-styled godman Asaram was asked to answer for land encroached upon by his ashrams.

The Gujarat government asked all the district collectors in the state to provide details of the land encroached upon by Asaram ashrams in various districts of the state, while Surat collector asked the godman to pay Rs. 18.3 crore as rent for the land under occupation of his Jahangirpura ashram in Surat.

"Asaram ashram has been occupying 34,400 square metres of land illegally in Jahangirpura since 1996. So a notice has been issued to pay the rent of the land from 1996 to 2013," the official added.

More than a dozen complaints of land encroachment by Asaram ashrams have been filed in Ahmedabad, Surat and other places in the state.

"We will take action in each case of encroachment by Asaram ashram in the state," a senior official in the state revenue department said on the condition of anonymity.


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