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Far-right National Front wins EU vote in France

Multiculturalism is destroying France and Europe,and all European citizens knows that.
Its your own fault,you brought them from your former colonies.
Most of them live in getto's where even the police cant come.
When i go to france i want to see France and not Algeria or Black Africa.
It's their choice, western voters are far more aware for what they are voting for, they have been far more tolerant towards immigrants for a while - if they have an issue with immigrants- legal, illegal or asylum seekers or any other kind - it's their call how they take care of it. I don't think it will go down as you predict for the simple reason being geo politics.
Actually, in my experience, even western voters are ignorant of whom they vote for.

No, it is not their call on how they take care of it, it's the law's call on how it's taken care of. This is a false argument to make, and I hear it all the time. The whole argument of their country their rules is false, because it fails to take into account that many times "their rules" demand the opposite of what the voters in particular want.

It really seems like you know very little about the history of immigration in European and Western nations. It didn't start all happy and dandy, immigration was used as an exploitative tool to get foreign laborers who were slightly better of than slaves, and had to pay ridiculous fees such as head taxes. A simple suggestion from where you should start you journey of learning about the history of the continents I've mentioned; start from the Canadian pacific railway, and the colonized nation's roles in the first and second world wars (there is a reason why they call it a world war, and not a European war).

No they are good,not racist,just poor immigrants who wants food,security and prosperity.


"I will **** France until she'll love me."

nice cherry picking skills. What's your next trick, showing a picture of a mother about to hand candy to her child, and claiming she stole it from a child? Good job.


See? This is exactly the sort of behavior (i.e @Gabriel92 ) that NF supporters are endorsing, and members here seem to be supporing.
Its your own fault,you brought them from your former colonies.
Most of them live in getto's where even the police cant come.
When i go to france i want to see France and not Algeria or Black Africa.

B'cause our politics are assholes.
That's all.
If you go to the 18°,19°,20° in Paris,you will see only immigrants.
They have familial allowances,free care,a house (i see a lot of french homelessness without house) and they aren't happy ? What they want ?
B'cause our politics are assholes.
That's all.
If you go to the 18°,19°,20° in Paris,you will see only immigrants.
They have familial allowances,free care,a house (i see a lot of french homelessness without house) and they aren't happy ? What they want ?
How is FN going to change that?
I have been to france many times,so i know what i am talking about.
It's pretty good news, i hope Marine Le Pen won't decieve us----actually there are lots of tentions between french army and Parti socialiste ( French PMLN :sarcastic:)---Everybody have lots of hopes from FN( french PTI :ashamed:)

Interesting perspective , thanks
No, it is not their call on how they take care of it, it's the law's call on how it's taken care of. This is a false argument to make, and I hear it all the time. The whole argument of their country their rules is false, because it fails to take into account that many times "their rules" demand the opposite of what the voters in particular want.

You can be sure a Frenchman does not want a silent takeover of his country by Algerians/Moroccans/even lower south Africans.

Like you said, noone can force you to accept the customs if you obey the laws of the land, but noone told you also, there's only so many spots for such people. A finite amount.

Just to put things into perspective for you, Italian police estimates there's 300.000 Africans waiting in north Africa to cross over this summer.
You can be sure a Frenchman does not want a silent takeover of his country by Algerians/Moroccans/even lower south Africans.

Like you said, noone can force you to accept the customs if you obey the laws of the land, but noone told you also, there's only so many spots for such people. A finite amount.

Just to put things into perspective for you, Italian police estimates there's 300.000 Africans waiting in north Africa to cross over this summer.

Why doesn't french bring these immigrants from North Africa into mainstream? There is a rampant discrimination against immigrants and that is also a problem.
Its your own fault,you brought them from your former colonies.
Most of them live in getto's where even the police cant come.
When i go to france i want to see France and not Algeria or Black Africa.

Says a Turk that lives in the Netherland. The irony here...:rolleyes:
You can be sure a Frenchman does not want a silent takeover of his country by Algerians/Moroccans/even lower south Africans.

Like you said, noone can force you to accept the customs if you obey the laws of the land, but noone told you also, there's only so many spots for such people. A finite amount.

Just to put things into perspective for you, Italian police estimates there's 300.000 Africans waiting in north Africa to cross over this summer.

You do realize that what you just said makes little to no sense, right? France is hardly being taken over by foreigners.

Also, if the migrants were refugees, then I would honestly sympathize, but a vast majority of them aren't, so no sympathy.

The world is progressing, globalization is a reality, mass immigration is a reality, the world is shrinking, and international borders are becoming more an obstacle than lines that mark nations. Once the global balance of power has completed it's shift, trust me when I say that Westerners and Europeans will be heading east to make their living; we can already see the signs of this happening. Hell, how many Europeans and Westerners live in the GCC region? Quite a number, and the only thing preventing them becoming citizens is government law there.


On a slightly different note; I find it kind of ironic that France not only has a colonial history, and is now complaining about immigrants, but feels the need to interfere in conflicts in former colonies that have nothing to do with it, because of some sort of misguided sense of obligation to them.
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