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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Let's now see how you disregard everything said by Hamas officials during this conflict.

Hamas official calls for stronger intervention by regional allies in its war with Israel

A senior Hamas official has told The Associated Press that the Palestinian militant group had expected stronger intervention from Hezbollah in its war with Israel

BEIRUT -- A senior Hamas official told The Associated Press on Thursday that the Palestinian militant group had expected stronger intervention from Hezbollah in its war with Israel, in a rare public appeal to its allies in the region.

Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas' decision-making political bureau, said in an interview that “we need more” from allies, including Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, in light of an Israeli air campaign that Palestinian health officials say has killed more than 7,000 people, mostly civilians, in the besieged Gaza Strip.

“Hezbollah now is working against the occupation,” Hamad said at the Hamas office in Beirut Thursday. “We appreciate this. But … we need more in order to stop the aggression on Gaza … We expect more.”

Relationship exists but it has limitations.

Hamas was not a proxy of Iran and was independent. Hamas stood with Syrian rebels.

Iran expected Hamas to do more for Islamic Jihad last year.

Also to do more for Assad.

Also to promise to fight Israel if Israel attacks Iran. Hamas said we will not enter Iran-Israel war.

Yet Yemen and Syria and Lebanon are making 90 percent of Israeli planes and army busy. Yemen got no help from Hamas.
So because you are so scared of war and for Hezbollah to fight, and Hezbollah itself is scared like you, despite telling us you guys are champions of Palestine and Jihad, then Palestinians now should leave to Somalia and wait 40 years ? Unbelievable how cowardly your resistance axis is.

Unlike you who is vary brave at the expense of your own people from the comfort of your home , when many PalestinaIns now do not have a home . All because of the stupidity and cruelty of people like you.

Palestinains could have had a country 75 years ago , they could have had a country 20 years ago if Hamas did not start blowing up buses full of people.

In 48 your leadersheip was kicked to Jordan , than they caused trouble in Jourdan and the got kicked into Lebanon , where they ruined the country brought it to civil war and where kicked to Tunis , and now Your leadership is about to be kicked from Gaza.

Ever stopped thinking maybe you are doing something wrong ?

I mean , we Jewish people where given prophecy about our long exile for 2000 years , we know it was coming. But you ? this was not destined to you .

What ? you want to become Jewish ? ? ?

Relationship exists but it has limitations.

Hamas was not a proxy of Iran and was independent. Hamas stood with Syrian rebels.

Iran expected Hamas to do more for Islamic Jihad last year.

Also to do more for Assad.

Also to promise to fight Israel if Israel attacks Iran. Hamas said we will not enter that war.

Correct. Hamas was never a proxy of Iran.





Relationship exists but it has limitations.

Hamas was not a proxy of Iran and was independent. Hamas stood with Syrian rebels.

Iran expected Hamas to do more for Islamic Jihad last year.

Also to do more for Assad.

Also to promise to fight Israel if Israel attacks Iran. Hamas said we will not enter Iran-Israel war.

Yet Yemen and Syria and Lebanon are making 90 percent of Israeli planes and army busy. Yemen got no help from Hamas.

Iran and Hezbollah are just scared. Don't know why you're looking to deep into it. They're tough on weak people like the rest of the regimes in this region.

Syria fired a couple useless rockets on empty field since 42 days of war.

Yemen is just doing symbolic attacks on order of Iran to help Hezbollah navigate through the embarrassment of not taking action.

Hezbollah didn't even fire rockets into northern Israel yet. They're firing anti-tank missiles at columns and pillars and even Lebanese are making fun of it :


Correct. Hamas was never a proxy of Iran.





Iran and Hezbollah are just scared. Don't know why you're looking to deep into it. They're tough on weak people like the rest of the regimes in this region.

Syria fired a couple useless rockets on empty field since 42 days of war.

Yemen is just doing symbolic attacks on order of Iran to help Hezbollah navigate through the embarrassment of not taking action.

Hezbollah didn't even fire rockets into northern Israel yet. They're firing anti-tank missiles at columns and pillars and even Lebanese are making fun of it :

Turks are protesting and asking Egypt to open Rafah

Egyptians want Turks to stop exporting oil to Israel.

Both want Iran and Hizbullah to launch all the missiles and make it all out war. As if US will not join Israel with 6000 nukes.

Blame game is dangerous when most people are really chilling on social media.
Iran expected Hamas to do more for Islamic Jihad last year.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are best friends. Actually they used to be the same group until they split off. Hamas and Islamic Jihad consensus was to not allow Iran and Israel to foil the Jerusalem operation which we see today. Only handful of Islamic Jihad commanders and Hamas commanders were aware of it. And they all knew Iran would give information to Israel right away.

Turks are protesting and asking Egypt to open Rafah

Egyptians want Turks to stop exporting oil to Israel.

Both want Iran and Hizbullah to launch all the missiles and make it all out war. As if US will not join Israel with 6000 nukes.

Blame game is dangerous when most people are really chilling on social media.

We are not talking about little kids on social media. Hezbollah can do limited rocket strikes which gonna put pressure on Israel. US is not gonna involved. If US bombs Lebanon then whole region will explode on fire. Actually before the region, Americans themselves will get out in the streets to stop fighting Israel's war.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are best friends. Actually they used to be the same group until they split off. Hamas and Islamic Jihad consensus was to not allow Iran and Israel to foil the Jerusalem operation which we see today. Only handful of Islamic Jihad commanders and Hamas commanders were aware of it. And they all knew Iran would give information to Israel right away.

We are not talking about little kids on social media. Hezbollah can do limited rocket strikes which gonna put pressure on Israel. US is not gonna involved. If US bombs Lebanon then whole region will explode on fire. Actually before the region, Americans themselves will get out in the streets to stop fighting Israel's war.

Do you expect anything from KSA, Turkey or Egypt?

If Hizbullah escalates on its own and fires stronger missiles, US navy and marine will join Israel. Unless Israel starts the escalation.
Unlike you who is vary brave at the expense of your own people from the comfort of your home , when many PalestinaIns now do not have a home . All because of the stupidity and cruelty of people like you.

Palestinains could have had a country 75 years ago , they could have had a country 20 years ago if Hamas did not start blowing up buses full of people.

In 48 your leadersheip was kicked to Jordan , than they caused trouble in Jourdan and the got kicked into Lebanon , where they ruined the country brought it to civil war and where kicked to Tunis , and now Your leadership is about to be kicked from Gaza.

Ever stopped thinking maybe you are doing something wrong ?

I mean , we Jewish people where given prophecy about our long exile for 2000 years , we know it was coming. But you ? this was not destined to you .

What ? you want to become Jewish ? ? ?

A rabid EDL racist hooligan Pat Conndell would be ‘reference’ for Zionis clown OC.
Unlike you who is vary brave at the expense of your own people from the comfort of your home , when many PalestinaIns now do not have a home . All because of the stupidity and cruelty of people like you.

Palestinains could have had a country 75 years ago , they could have had a country 20 years ago if Hamas did not start blowing up buses full of people.

In 48 your leadersheip was kicked to Jordan , than they caused trouble in Jourdan and the got kicked into Lebanon , where they ruined the country brought it to civil war and where kicked to Tunis , and now Your leadership is about to be kicked from Gaza.

Ever stopped thinking maybe you are doing something wrong ?

I mean , we Jewish people where given prophecy about our long exile for 2000 years , we know it was coming. But you ? this was not destined to you .

What ? you want to become Jewish ? ? ?

lol What is this bullshit? Zionists stole Palestinian land. Why should Palestinians give up their land to Zionists.

Its just that USA supports Israel. If USA stopped supporting Israel, The Arab countries would eat up Israel, like a lion eats meat!
Do you expect anything from KSA, Turkey or Egypt?

If Hizbullah escalates on its own and fires stronger missiles, US navy and marine will join Israel. Unless Israel starts the escalation.

US is bluffing. They don't have authorization to attack Lebanon. Yes I expect from Turkey to cut off all ties with Israel and end Azeri oil exports to Israel.

And Egypt must allow aid and fuel into Gaza without Israeli coordination. And go on high alert in case there's a attempt to forcibly expel Palestinians from Gaza.

KSA must end normalization for itself and all of the GCC and must fund and arm Egypt ASAP. And prepare to cut oil exports.

It all depends if Israelis invade southern Gaza too. At that point there is no return something has to be done.
The amount of hatred their is for Jews goes far far beyond Palestine

The Jews have once again repeated the same mistake they have made multiple times throughout history, and that's create so much hatred for Jews that the consequences will last a generation
It is crazy but these patterns keep repeating itself throughout history. It’s almost as if some vein of toxic narcissism and obsession with social manipulation just runs in their cultural psychosis.
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