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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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Hamas official: We expected more support from Iran​

Prominent Hamas political bureau member Moussa Abu Marzouk says that Hamas expected more support and participation from Iran in the terror group’s ongoing war with Israel.

In an interview with the Turkish Arabic-language news outlet TRT, Abu Marzouk says that there is “no coordination [with Iran], only talks.”

This is in spite of a long-standing strategy of “unifying the battlefields” between Palestinian factions and Hezbollah in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon under Iranian coordination.

Actions of Palestinians are terrible and You have started a war that has made me watch this child slaughter for over a month. You are totally incompetent at fighting a much more powerful enemy. Cant even blow up a tank and everyone in my family is crying because they will kill another 10,000 of you mostly children, and for what? A patch of land that 57 muslim countries can give you and not even notice. Somalia probably has 5,000 km of pristine coastline better than Gaza and you should be able to have some land somewhere until muslims are powerful enough to kick those bastards out of there. Probably in about 40 years.

So yeah, I am scared of war because it's catastrophic for your people. People leading you are fools and clearly unable to do very much properly.

All they have achieved is make jew hating more public, but everyone already hated them anyway. Either because of the bible or because they have all the money or for whatever reason.
So because you are so scared of war and for Hezbollah to fight, and Hezbollah itself is scared like you, despite telling us you guys are champions of Palestine and Jihad, then Palestinians now should leave to Somalia and wait 40 years ? Unbelievable how cowardly your resistance axis is.

Unlike you who is vary brave at the expense of your own people from the comfort of your home . When many PalestinaIns now do not have a home . All because of the stupidity and cruelty of people like you.

Palestinains could have a country 75 years ago , they could have had a country 20 years ago if Hamas did not start blowing up buses full of people.

In 48 your leadersheip was kicked to Jordan , than they caused trouble in Jourdan and the got kicked into Lebanon , where they ruined the country brought it to civil war and where kicked to Tunis , and now Your leadership is about to be kicked from Gaza.

Ever stopped thinking maybe you are doing something wrong ?

I mean , we Jewish people where given prophecy about our long exile for 2000 years , we knew it was coming. But you ? this was not destined to you .

What ? you want to become Jewish ? ? ?


Biden says Hamas committed war crime with headquarters under hospital

agreed Saudi is just worse than Israel
Saudi Arabia caused famine in Yemen, targeting civilian infrastructure. UN accused them of complete disregard of human life. They are responsible for genocide in Yemen. Probably in Darfur too. These guys acquired power by massacring people in Makkah and Medinah, then prefixed their name onto Arabia. So, what kind of attitude can be expected from such kind.
There was never any bunker or any kind of military infrastructure at Al-Shifa or any other hospital in Gaza or any part of Occupied Palestine. The simple fact is that the Zionist animals despite thousands of tons of US bloodstained weapons are just creating a holocaust in Gaza. Perhaps, the only real live streamed holocaust in history so far, sadly. The Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudis and UAE puppet regimes as much a party to these sub-human war crimes as the Zionist savages or US warmongers. $11 billion in modern weapons for cowardly Zionist animals to slaughter a few hundred lightly armed Palestinian Freedom Fighters. These Zionist savages and their western hatefilled sponsors are the lowest form of cowards in the history of humanity.

US Is Quietly Sending Israel More Ammunition, Missiles​

  • Supplying shells for Apache gunships, bunker-buster munitions
  • Arms arrive on a ‘near-daily basis,’ Defense Department says

🔶 The Pentagon has quietly ramped up military aid to Israel, delivering on requests that include more laser-guided missiles for its Apache gunship fleet, as well as 155mm shells, night-vision devices, bunker-buster munitions and new army vehicles, according to an internal Defense Department list. The weapons pipeline to Israel is extending beyond the well-publicized provision of Iron Dome interceptors and Boeing Co. smart bombs.

🔶 The arms are already being shipped or the Defense Department is working to make them available from stockpiles in the US and Europe, according to the document reviewed by Bloomberg News. As of late October, for example, all 36,000 rounds of 30mm cannon ammunition, 1,800 of the requested M141 bunker-buster munitions and at least 3,500 night-vision devices were delivered, the tally shows.

🔶 Israel has also requested more than 57,000 155mm High Explosive artillery shells and 20,000 M4A1 rifles, as many as 5,000 PVS-14 night vision devices, 3,000 M141 hand-held bunker-buster munitions that US Central Command is supplying, 400 120mm mortars and 75 of the Army and Marine Corps’ new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, which is replacing the Hummer. According to the tally, the US has also donated its inventory of 312 Tamir missile interceptors. The Army’s two Iron Dome batteries are traveling to Israel by sealift.

🔶 The weapons shipments include a reverse trip for 155mm shells. The 57,000 had been sent from US stocks in Israel to US European Command locations to restock munitions that were sent to Ukraine for its fight against Russia’s invasion. Now the restocked munitions are being sent back to Israel for its use in the conflict with Hamas, according to a congressional aide and US officials.

🔶 Israel has also requested 200 armor-piercing Switchblade 600 dive-bombing drones made by AeroVironment Inc. Ukraine has bought the drones directly from the company. The US Army doesn’t have any Switchblade 600s in its inventory. It’s unclear whether AeroVironment has the drones in stock or would need to build them. An AeroVironment spokesperson declined to comment.

The shameless Arab and Muslim collective knows no bottom. Even the South American countries have confronted Israel with harsh statements whereas pretty much all arabs and OIC are shuttling around conferences like paid women.

There are segments shameless:
1. The poor countries whose top leaders (may be 0.5% of the population) and military have gotten addicted to aid and military relationships. There is some economic benefit that flows to their countries from their alignment and they have become addicted to it. Their own mismanagement and population growth has no way of surviving without the aid: Jordan, Saudi Arabia

2. The ultra wealthy countries that will do everything in power to stay in power and make any deal For their own self-survival. This is the GCC world. All the wealth in the world and all they can use it for to host conferences. Oh and Emirates said it doesn’t fly to Tel Aviv till Nov 30th. So I am being unfair, they do more than host conferences. They also don’t have airlines fly back and forth.

This is all of GCC: King Faisal in his grave would disown his rotten lot

That then leaves those that don’t fall into this bucket: Syria too busy murdering its own to care about what happens with the enemy that took Golan heights and militarily bends it over every month with air strikes.
Iraq’s silence baffles me, as they fit neither of the two.

That leaves us with the only nuclear power in the Muslim world: Pakistan falls into category 1 Like Egypt/Jordan. A few have compromised the country and due to mismanagement over decades its dependent on IMF.
Pakistan Mallah’s: will turn the world upside down on a made up blasphemy charge. They should go out on the streets enmass to force the Govt and military to take a harder stand. But they too must be compromised.

I have never been a fan of the Iranians but realizing how the entire opposition to Israel has been neutered, they don’t change their conviction and don’t compromise their principLes.

The Arabs are exercising the same low IQ behavior that has gotten them under European thumb since fall of the Ottoman Empire and it just continues today.

I could never figure out till now how the Arabs let them selves be dividied in early 1900s by Brit/French. But now that I have lived through this I can see this is just a more modern version

Biden says Hamas committed war crime with headquarters under hospital

Blabbered info provided by Israel without question and need for proof. He takes Israel like it is a deity and as if it has American humanitarian values. Israel is a Jewish supremacist state whose prime minister referenced verses of genocide from the Bible. Submitting to such an entity should be unconstitutional in the United States.
Unlike you who is vary brave at the expense of your own people from the comfort of your home . When many PalestinaIns now do not have a home . All because of the stupidity and cruelty of people like you.

Palestinains could have a country 75 years ago , they could have had a country 20 years ago if Hamas did not start blowing up buses full of people.

In 48 your leadersheip was kicked to Jordan , than they caused trouble in Jourdan and the got kicked into Lebanon , where they ruined the country brought it to civil war and where kicked to Tunis , and now Your leadership is about to be kicked from Gaza.

Ever stopped thinking maybe you are doing something wrong ?

I mean , we Jewish people where given prophecy about our long exile for 2000 years , we knew it was coming. But you ? this was not destined to you .

What ? you want to become Jewish ? ? ?


Another cute cut and paste propaganda you have.

This is interesting though.

In 48 your leadersheip was kicked to Jordan , than they caused trouble in Jourdan and the got kicked into Lebanon , where they ruined the country brought it to civil war and where kicked to Tunis , and now Your leadership is about to be kicked from Gaza.

Ever stopped thinking maybe you are doing something wrong ?

You mention a leadership was kicked out of 3 or 4 countries.

The Jewish people have been kicked out how many hundreds of times?


You still need to condemn Israel for using child human shields they call settlers.

You still need to condemn Israel for killing their own civilians at the festival. Israel has killed more Israeli citizens than Hamas.

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