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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

@LeGenD This guy just cursed my mother,he said "**** your mother" blah blah,he said a lot more profanities about my mother and after a lot of mother insults and he ended up with a "son of a whore".

Just letting you know.
In any news papers or book , your country Serbia was called Servia till 1916,when you asked the allies to change to Serbia.
You ain't a Greek, just sneaky little ex serf or Servian , this is not an insult , just simple stating the facts. You are a Greek and yet you don't know where Rhodos is. Probably you are a waiter from Southern Serbia aka Bulgarian. In 2 sentences you can make 5 grammatical mistakes
Aaah but going door to door and exterminating entire families is ok? No problem there? All good?
But it’s ok to just be locked up in a concentration camp, constantly bombed, have all of your families murdered and see these Zionists steal your neighbors homes for YEARS and not do anything?

The problem with you is that despite the fact that you superficially say you sympathize with the Palestinians, deep down you think they are only worth sympathizing with when they are an eternally harmless victim.

I don’t condone any killing of civilians but this anger is inevitable when a people have been dehumanized, brutalized and abused for so long. Israel and the Zionist scum created hell on earth for the Palestinians and you think a happy, positive outcome is possible???
Aaah but going door to door and exterminating entire families is ok? No problem there? All good?

You think that you're Aristotle and everyone else is a Cretin. How long will you keep fooling people? You keep claiming to be neutral but I see that you have an almost 100% record of making Islamophobic comments.
international reputation
Wa sa7bi nobody caaaaares about it. kuffars will never be pleased with a muslim and UNCALL him a terrorist until he turns his back on islam. That pressure worked on kuffars like / arab leaders / erdogan / aliev / qadirov...
But the Mujahedeen dont care about it. They smash that pressure like khabib does to his enemies bc they have balls big ones And strong faith to keep them steedy. They have means of survival independently using ingeneering and innovative solutions . They only care about their devine reputation. They have a moral code. True one not for the cameras.
**** the UN and all the world whos a slave to the Jews as a matter of fact.
I have Manhood honor and dignity so Im gonna fight my jewish enemy and I dont care what Elon or Mark or the other media gouls say about it.
Just saw a video where a Hamas terrorist executes an injured civilian at the music festival.

You’re not fighting oppression when you attack a music festival. Thats just a target of opportunity. That’s pure terrorism.
Literally just saw a IDF soldier executing a Palestinians civilian.

You're not fighting a self defense War when you attack a civilian in his own home, that's just a matter of genocide of the local population and creating terror in their hearts.
So when are Muslims gonna get involved ?

To tell you the truth, unfortunately, I don't think that the Muslim world will get involved in time to save Gazans from the massacres being demanded by Israelis and their supporters in America and Europe. Maybe Hezbollah and Iran will help. Maybe other countries may try to minimize the damage.

However, the major consequence will happen after the Anglo-Zionists have drunk the Muslim blood they're craving to drink.

Many pro-Western puppet governments occupying Muslim countries will be overthrown. The major regime changes I can think of will be Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan and many others. The Anglo-Zionist bloodsuckers will lose control of the region. The new patriotic governments will get help from Russia and China. That's when the real fun will begin.

So, we need to be patient. Save as many lives as possible now, and wait for the right time for the end game. Victory is for Islam, inshallah.
Egypt is the only hope for Gaza.
I believe Egyptians are tge true muslims. They will save Gaza but not in a conventional manner
Take your head out of your arse.
Wa sa7bi nobody caaaaares about it. kuffars will never be pleased with a muslim and UNCALL him a terrorist until he turns his back on islam. That pressure worked on kuffars like / arab leaders / erdogan / aliev / qadirov...
But the Mujahedeen dont care about it. They smash that pressure like khabib does to his enemies bc they have balls big ones And strong faith to keep them steedy. They have means of survival independently using ingeneering and innovative solutions . They only care about their devine reputation. They have a moral code. True one not for the cameras.
**** the UN and all the world whos a slave to the Jews as a matter of fact.
I have Manhood honor and dignity so Im gonna fight my jewish enemy and I dont care what Elon or Mark or the other media gouls say about it.
Geez, u lost, kid?
Go and fight Israelis.
Best, with clear visible sign, so they can see that u aren't a cowardly partisan.
They're doing airstrikes all over civilian homes everywhere on Gaza. Muslims need to now take a different stance with Jews. It's time to treat them as the Nazi savages they are and kick their asses.

Hundreds of Palestinians killed in the last 10 minutes of airstrikes all over neighborhoods. No military objective at all.

So when are Muslims gonna get involved ?

No one except Iran and Syria will get involved.

Turks only care about the Turks. They could care less about other Muslims, specifically they hate Arabs.

Arab kings are weak and do not want to pick a fight with the West which could result in regime changes.

South and South East Asians are far away and helpless.
Tell me my Grease Ball friend, I call you a Grease Ball out of sympathy, as you know I like Bharaties a lot. How much is shoe shinning in Dajerlig these days? I haven't been there for some time and I am going in January. Maybe I come to your area and you help me for a few days I will be generous , I promise. You would be able to buy plastic Shiva ,the best Chinese quality. Please please nowhere near a stream where mature desis are having a shit. Mature desis I will see in the local Hilton . OK? Would you be so kind to do me this favour, you can earn well too.
What do you think?
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