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HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)

Article basically blames Pakistan for Nato being inept. Pakistan can take care of its backyard just leave and watch us make the New Silk Road ourselves.
The problem for Pakistan is very few friends in the Administration as well as up the Hill ; I very much fear the consequences of a possible confrontation once the election season of 2012 is over and Obama (possibly) is reelected. In 2008, we saw the Drone Wars taken to new heights after his election. In 2012, we might see them moved into Quetta or Peshawar to take out shuras there. The ball will then land on Pakistan's court. If they manage to take down a few drones, then we will see them coming by the dozens. What will Pakistan do then ? What if the shining armor in Pakistan's armory, the F-16s get taken down ? There are a lot of strategic planning to be done in that direction, and sadly for Pakistan, it is "Every which way but Lose".

You been watching too much Startrek, come back to reality.

American could barely hold on to Afghanistan and Iraq, how can they even dream of holding onto Pakistan?
The US has been a total failure in Afghanistan because it failed to understand the Afghan-Pakistan CALCULAS right from day one. After spending a Trillion Dollars and Thousands deaths and casualties, the Afghan situation is no different than a month after 9/11.
When the US and its NATO allies leave the Taliban will be back. What a joke ...
Article basically blames Pakistan for Nato being inept. Pakistan can take care of its backyard just leave and watch us make the New Silk Road ourselves.
In the past 64 years, Pakistan could not make a democratic government function for its full tenure or make adequate dams (Kalabagh etc.) for solving its water woes, and somehow we can believe that they can integrate internationally when a Superpower is at play in its backyard.
The problem for Pakistan is very few friends in the Administration as well as up the Hill ; I very much fear the consequences of a possible confrontation once the election season of 2012 is over and Obama (possibly) is reelected. In 2008, we saw the Drone Wars taken to new heights after his election. In 2012, we might see them moved into Quetta or Peshawar to take out shuras there. The ball will then land on Pakistan's court. If they manage to take down a few drones, then we will see them coming by the dozens. What will Pakistan do then ? What if the shining armor in Pakistan's armory, the F-16s get taken down ? There are a lot of strategic planning to be done in that direction, and sadly for Pakistan, it is "Every which way but Lose".

LOL if F16s start going down WW3 will officially begin hell it might begin before that if the **** with Iran gets out of control.
just opposite this article answer should be

Actually we got slapped from talibans and can't even capable to do anything xpect destablizing Pakistan from Afghanistan and call all kuta bila enemy of Pakistan into Afghanistan... still not capable to handle Pakistan and Afghanistan both... after 11 years, still taliban f**** us so hard aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! lol:usflag:
Now, Pakistan should be confronted with a clear and harsh update of that choice: If you defy the international community, you will be turned into a sanctioned pariah, á la Iran, in which case your country will lose ground economically and militarily to archrival India. Alternatively, if you repudiate violent extremists, you will be rewarded with more economic assistance and a voice in the region’s future, such as Clinton’s New Silk Road, which seeks to turn central Asia into a commercial hub once again.

1. International community? I never knew America, Israel and India made up the international community.

2. Give it up folks, you're not getting your hands on our nukes which you're working ever so hard to neutralize.

3. F*** Clinton and her New Silk Road, we don't care

4. Even if terrorists are supported or eradicated - it's not going to change the perspective America has and their foreign policy against Pakistan

5. Enemy of Pakistan is considered an Enemy of Iran, Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia. Come at us folks.
You been watching too much Startrek, come back to reality.

American could barely hold on to Afghanistan and Iraq, how can they even dream of holding onto Pakistan?
U have been watching too much of Baghdad Bob's videos there :lol: ; The US quest of going into Iraq was militarily a success. The post-war reconstruction and political reconciliation though faltering initially, later gained rapid ground. The best lesson that the US learnt in Iraq was the COIN strategy that can put the Pakistani efforts against the Taliban in SW into shame (as also the Indian effort in Kashmir). A country which puts in a budget of the next 15 countries put together puts in the best efforts for contingency management as well as learn newer strategies in war-time. It holds so many aces up its sleeve that it can afford to falter a finite number of times, but Pakistan does not have that luxury. This is not scare-mongering or otherwise, but the true ground realities of Pakistan.
americans stayed eleven years to fight taleban - who are fighting for very terrestrial goals after all the arabs left afghanistan - and to undermine pakistan. both are conventional geopolitical objectives that can be fought with conventional means and subject to international conventions governing military activities.

it is americans themselves who created this extralegality, not just against talebans but against all those it chose to fight. in the end, they have to be put down like rabid dogs and like jews and turkics, all of which live outside human and state laws.
The main enemy in WOT is the stateless bands of terrorists who cannot be faught with any conventions of modern war.Taliban is a mere subset of the bigger threat.And they are not much different either..They follow the same terror tactics and does not approve of any international conventions governing military activities-the basic of which is demarcation between combatants and non combatants.They dont wear uniforms,they openly admit targeting non combatants and much more..Can we ever expect taliban courtmartialling war crimes of their soldiers who commit atricities the way US do..?Yet US is following international conventions as much as possible in fighting the enemy who is not uniformed and does not approve international norms of war.
LOL the Americans tried everything in the book, let's see if this so called tough talking works. The US must be dreaming if they think that PA/ISI will give up on its strategic assets. Giving it up is giving up Pakistan's control of Afghanistan and allowing its enemies - namely US and India to have a free run in Afg. Giving it up and acting against these "non state actors" is giving up Pakistan' ability to wage proxy wars against India. They cannot give up the infrastructure built up through all these years with a lot of effort, money and blood shed.
Well these reports will not help. If US believes them they have to action on it. I do not think talking with Pakistan will help, if you believe it and serious about it take some steps. I think they are waiting for NATO forces to get out before taking any strong action. The day NATO is out of Afghanistan, I will not be surprised the tune from US will change.
LOL if F16s start going down WW3 will officially begin hell it might begin before that if the **** with Iran gets out of control.

Problem with Indians is that they do not realize the potential of an enemy, any enemy that faces certain death. It would be a scary future for a few world powers if we are forced out of options and perhaps that is the reason that the US is still so reserved, sort of, in her dealings with Pakistan.
Well, to be very precise and straigh forward, Dear US of A and the "international community", you can kiss our ***.:tup:
Problem with Indians is that they do not realize the potential of an enemy, any enemy that faces certain death. It would be a scary future for a few world powers if we are forced out of options and perhaps that is the reason that the US is still so reserved, sort of, in her dealings with Pakistan.

I think Indians are well aware of the risk, the greatest fear for India is a radicalized or talibanised Pakistan. Such a state which considers India its sworn enemy and which possesses nukes and missiles to attack India. A gun to the head approach and if we are harmed we take down our neighbor with us is a clever ploy adopted by Pakistan.
Problem with Indians is that they do not realize the potential of an enemy, any enemy that faces certain death. It would be a scary future for a few world powers if we are forced out of options and perhaps that is the reason that the US is still so reserved, sort of, in her dealings with Pakistan.

Exactly when the **** hits the pan and Pakistan gets pushed into a corner somethings gonna give or else Pakistan would've been made into a colony a long time ago and then they forget the China warning that was issued some time ago.
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