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Imran Khan cancels India trip over Rushdie

i thought imran didnt want to go there because rushdie was moving from UK to india, wrong title
Hypocrisy at it's best.

He would rather send his Senior VP to support self professed murderers at Difa e Pakistan rallies and speak on his behalf. Yet he would boycott an event where a person who hasn't done any physical harm to Muslim's or humanity in general would speak. Not that I'm a Rushdie fan.

Not many of his supporters would know that Imran Khan was very close to Salman Rushdie during his UNI years in UK. This is all just a political stunt/gimmick. His silent support to Mullahs and enemies of Pakistan is clearly evident for everyone to see.
Hypocrisy at it's best.

He would rather send his Senior VP to support self professed murderers at Difa e Pakistan rallies and speak on his behalf. Yet he would boycott an event where a person who hasn't done any physical harm to Muslim's or humanity in general would speak.

Not many of his supporters would know that Imran Khan was very close to Salman Rushdie during his UNI years in UK. This is all just a political stunt/gimmick. His silent support to Mullahs and enemies of Pakistan is clearly evident for everyone to see.

in uni yrs maybe rushdie weasnt the barbarian he is now :lol:
I understand IK boycotting it. He is a politician, and it's a purely political move which may or may not have anything to do with his personal opinion on the man.

But speaking for myself, if I was given the same opportunity and Rushdie sahib was gonna be there, I'd just go ahead with it. Why? Why not? Does Rushdie's work affect my faith, and my love for my religion? Nope. Do I care about what he wrote in his Satanic Verses? Nope. Rushdie isn't even a muslim (may be ex-muslim but he isn't a muslim and hasnt been for a long time, and wasnt at the time of writing the book), so why should I care about his views on Islam? Mera aur meray khuda ka apna relationship hai, I don't need to prove to people how "Islamic" I am by boycotting something because some retard lunatic is there too.

But yeah, purely political move from IK's part. I don't blame him.

i agree. there r so many pple who talk crap about islam and muslims...its upto each individual to personally boycott. lets not give it importance! but the death threats, etc. are uncalled for. if he has offended Muslims and angered Allah its between him and the Almighty which shall be taken care of on judgement day... isnt that what we are supposed believe!
i read that imran khan used to be supporter of rushdie.its all political games and IK is slowly learning to play it.
so no need to come Mr khan,it does not affect at all:) and it could make your life miserable in your own country.:P

How would that be?
I understand IK boycotting it. He is a politician, and it's a purely political move which may or may not have anything to do with his personal opinion on the man.

But speaking for myself, if I was given the same opportunity and Rushdie sahib was gonna be there, I'd just go ahead with it. Why? Why not? Does Rushdie's work affect my faith, and my love for my religion? Nope. Do I care about what he wrote in his Satanic Verses? Nope. Rushdie isn't even a muslim (may be ex-muslim but he isn't a muslim and hasnt been for a long time, and wasnt at the time of writing the book), so why should I care about his views on Islam? Mera aur meray khuda ka apna relationship hai, I don't need to prove to people how "Islamic" I am by boycotting something because some retard lunatic is there too.

But yeah, purely political move from IK's part. I don't blame him.

Yeah but personal convictions can come in the way too. Think about it, you'd be helping to contribute to the success of an event that would ultimately PAY Salman Rushdie.

Say Rushdie may have a deal that he gets 10% of the ticket revenues collected. Because you are such a big star, a couple millions got generated because of you and that adds to Rushdie's bottom line too.

Now he uses that money and is able to spread an anti-Islam message better all because you helped him make money. Why did you do that?
now you know how much do we care for the muslims in our country .

well it was in the interest of avoiding communal unrest. the authorities just saw the signals and were smart about it

and im not one of those that claims that Muslims are totally mistreated in india...ive heard of many injustices against them (despite being a large minority)...i know that anti-Islam sentiment is well disguised but fairly existing throughout the country.... but in line with my views on this:

that is your internal affair....the same way any mistreatment of minorities in Pakistan is our own internal affair

so dont try to turn it around and use my own point against me :coffee:
Hypocrisy at it's best.

He would rather send his Senior VP to support self professed murderers at Difa e Pakistan rallies and speak on his behalf. Yet he would boycott an event where a person who hasn't done any physical harm to Muslim's or humanity in general would speak. Not that I'm a Rushdie fan.

Not many of his supporters would know that Imran Khan was very close to Salman Rushdie during his UNI years in UK. This is all just a political stunt/gimmick. His silent support to Mullahs and enemies of Pakistan is clearly evident for everyone to see.

So the Difa -e- Council electoral alliance is a personal decision, but being offended by Rushdie is a political decision?

Come on man, lets not always be thallay lagi hui qaum. You can defy the western trends once in a while.
Mullah Imran Khan is scared of Sir Salman Rushdie. Freedom of expression and speech wins....
whats with all these indians on these forums and comment sections of A, B an C news outlet labelling IK as a Mullah?

some kind of psychological complexes are going on across the border which will have to be diagnosed by the local doctor, pir sahib or astrologist.
So the Difa -e- Council electoral alliance is a personal decision, but being offended by Rushdie is a political decision?

Come on man, lets not always be thallay lagi hui qaum. You can defy the western trends once in a while.

Political or personal what difference does it make? absolutely none. The fact remains HE chose to boycott this event and on the other side HE supports self proclaimed fanatic murderers and criminals of this country. Those criminals are involved in anti-state activities against Pakistan.

Libelous comment that you won't be able to back up.

Isn't this proof?
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