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India is sitting on Half Trillion $$ in Foreign exchange Reserves Tonight

Maybe that why Pak lost 6000 soldiers in 48 war. Around 4900 more losses than India.
Again Pak lost 800 more men than India in 65 war.
Yet in both wars Pak was unable to have a decisive victory. So doesn't seem to be a very sound strategy, does it?
Probably thats why, Pak generals decided to drop the strategy and surrender 93000 troops in 1971. So fear of death might have creeped back in them buddy.

Muslims of today dont have faith like in the past. In the past 313 poorly armed would beat 1000 well armed. Go and read history, thousands would beat hundreds of thousands. Multiple empires defeated at same time. How do u think they achieved such feats. Doesnt mean training and equipment is not important, but we can use our lives as force multipliers.
Now i cant argue with a person who thinks 48 was not a decisive victory. Had the British controlled Pakistan army at the time not stopped the lashkars, they would have reached Delhi. Still half of area was taken by a new country way way smaller than india. I wonder what is defeat for u? The only victory india ever had was 71 that too was bengali victory and not indian.
I wonder though why u didnt mention 27/2, that was a decisive indian victory right? Vir chakra and all that.
Just another bharti bull crap.
In times of this utter diplomatic defeat globally and humiliation faced by China and Nepal such threads serve as a heal on bharti wounds.
@sputnik dear sir , you are quite wrong. The foreign exchange reserves are mostly accessible.
their was a time when the maximum foreign exchange u could carry out of India was 5000 $ . Its 250000 now for a financial year. You are supposed to deposit the leftover foreign exchange, on returning . This deposit goes into the rbi reserves. The fdi in the share market is the only hot money that rbi does not regulate.

As I said this is value of your assets invested by your central Bank. Yes, it is accessible but it is not touched as and When. For Eg. If India had bought US T-bills having interest rate of roughly 2.5% in US Dollar Terms, in fact this was the case few years back when Feds starting tightening, Then RBI will not touch that for next atleast 10 years NO matter what... better was is to get Loan from other agencies like world bank etc at better terms by showing those assets on your books. And this is infact done by almost everyone.
The foreign exchange increased by another 6.6 b usd in the last week to 407 b . Though the rbi is still maintaining the usd at a lower valuation of 75.5 to the dollar. Making everyday items like fuel unnecessarily expensive for the common man.
I don't understand the logic at all. We are not a export dependent economy, why forcibly keep the rupees valuation low ?


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