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Indian forces alert surprises Pakistan.

Antony asks armed forces to be on alert after Kabul attacks

NEW DELHI: Defence minister A K Antony on Monday asked the armed forces to be vigilant in light of the bomb attacks in Kabul on Sunday. Addressing the Army commanders' conference, Antony said the armed forces should "take all appropriate steps'' in view of the developments in Afghanistan in the last couple of days.

"India remains steadfast in its commitment to provide support and assistance to Afghanistan so that it evolves into a stable country, strengthened by pluralism and free from external interference,'' he said.

Noting the volatile situation in India's neighbourhood, Antony said, "Our defence forces and all other security agencies must remain prepared to tackle the entire range of security challenges."

Foreign minister S M Krishna too expressed "profound concern" over the situation to President Hamid Karzai. In a statement uploaded on Youtube, Krishna said India believed that Afghanistan will have to sort out its issues among themselves in a civilized manner without resorting to mindless violence and that it was India's open desire that normalcy be restored in Kabul and the entire country.

"I condemn the outbreak of violence in Afghanistan and would like to convey India's profound concerns to President Karzai and people of Afghanistan. And Afghanistan will try to move ahead and develop itself as a flourishing nation," he said.

"Balancing the imperatives of engaging globally with other powers and maintaining autonomy in decision-making is one of the most important challenges of our times... Cross-border linkages of terror organizations, arms and drugs trafficking and illegal migration are major areas of concern,'' he added.

Taliban militants launched a coordinated suicide attack on Sunday in Kabul targeting the diplomatic area, Nato bases and Parliament at seven locations. They also targeted three other eastern cities in which 51 people were killed including 36 insurgents, eight Afghan security guards and three civilians. Afghan forces finally regained control on Monday over parts of Kabul, killing all the Taliban militants who had unleashed 18 hours of brazen attack.

Antony asks armed forces to be on alert after Kabul attacks - The Times of India

Indian embassy was not under attack... So why India`s armed forces on high alert ??

meeting all three chiefs ?? what`s going on??
the success was a mojor one bcz it was not under the control of the army nor the rangers the police had control and knowing how laid back our police are no shockers there...... but i even doubt the stay low part with what happened in kabul the taliban moral would be sky high and they would be using these men against the nato

I dont agree with the police/army theory here.. Mehran base was certainly not under police control when these same buggers came in there and blew up 2 orions..
I dont agree with the police/army theory here.. Mehran base was certainly not under police control when these same buggers came in there and blew up 2 orions..

not same they were very very well trained not an excuse but never the less this jail break had the advantage of numbers they came when the jail had about 50 police men since most didnt come so hundreds with weapons storming the place thats why it was a huge success they had no problems faced

listen i answered you this topic is not about mehran base i dont want to start an off topic discussion which can very easily turn into a flame thread a good talk is going let it stay that way
Ah! Conspiracies galore - a habit of Pakistani journalists trying to prove their non existent 'analytical' skills!

The conference is a regular affair and not a briefing for an assault on Pakistan! Jeeez!

The Agni launch had been planned years ago and it is part of the launch phase testing which is going according to schedule.

The defence minister has only gone according to script by saying that the armed Forces should be vigilant especially after the terrorist attack on Kabul. This does not mean that the Army has been asked to be ready to launch its strike corps into Pakistan!

Gimme a break! This hyperventilating by some Pakistani journos is comical. This is sensationalism at its best!

Agni V means nothing to us as our missiles are capable of reaching all the corners of India.
Oh yeah! Blah, blah, and more blah! That's the gazillionth time I've heard that gem! We know you can destroy every inch of India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari 10 times over. So? Do I have to be afraid? Of course! Shiver me timbers! I'm packin' ma gags and a headin' fer them ice floes on the North Pole!!

the success was a mojor one bcz it was not under the control of the army nor the rangers the police had control and knowing how laid back our police are no shockers there...... but i even doubt the stay low part with what happened in kabul the taliban moral would be sky high and they would be using these men against the nato

These escapees will eventually make their way into Pakistan, the whole incident is hazy - smacks of an internal support group - there was nothing to no retaliation to the 2 hour siege, so no guesses on who is involved and on why they have been freed so no guesses on where they will eventually end up - inside Pakistan or heeding to their benefactors words inside India, so logically makes sense to be vigilant for India.
that would be dangerous as it would have to cross India first and sometimes missiles land short of their target.
Agni V is a near ICBM , the flight path will be different, it reaches very high altitude before hitting its target . We will make sure that he missile will leave its atmosphere on Bay of Bengal and reentry will take place after crossing border .:lol:
The missile will be giving acknowledgement to us and we can blast it any time if we feel its out of control just like what we did in GSLV launch on 25th Dec 2010 .
watch the video from 2.40
By the time Agni V is operational we will have an active missile shield .
Still you think any possibility of Agni V landing in India?
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strange neighbours......even seasoned psychoanalysts would never be able to uncover the rationale (if any) behind their thinking

our forces will also remain on alert; and when PM Singh expresses interest to improve ties with Pakistan, launching inter-continental missiles sends the wrong message (one which we ought to respond to in kind)
Good news for the slumdogs and for China, billions of US dollar from India are being poured into weapons procurement from the US and Israel. More resources are being diverted and all weapons are targeted against China as ordered by the street defecaters' new colonial masters-the US war crimimals. If the virtual war against China never comes then India would find itself with billions of weapons just as the USSR had found itself with a collapse economy, India is pursuing on the same path as the USSR. China just hopes India would find itself with a huge powerful army but with a collapse economy. No 1 in weapons procurement and imports but the 100th world economy.
The article is from Pakistan Observer
Whose articles are known for its troll quotients

Good news for the slumdogs and for China, billions of US dollar from India are being poured into weapons procurement from the US and Israel. More resources are being diverted and all weapons are targeted against China as ordered by the street defecaters' new colonial masters-the US war crimimals. If the virtual war against China never comes then India would find itself with billions of weapons just as the USSR had found itself with a collapse economy, India is pursuing on the same path as the USSR. China just hopes India would find itself with a huge powerful army but with a collapse economy. No 1 in weapons procurement and imports but the 100th world economy.

we need to call Zaid Hamid to lick up your word vomit
It is true that the indian state cannot be trusted, her fascist nature does not allow it do so.
Guys why you people are wasting your time on such BS article !!

PakObserver BS as usual !!

Any terror Activities in Neighbourhood does concern our security and Possess a threat and hence Antony asked the Army to be on Alert,what's big deal in that

It is true that the indian state cannot be trusted, her fascist nature does not allow it do so.

Just the next day we test A5 [That's day after tomorrow] - we are Planning to Launch each Missile of Agni Series on Pak Land - so Beware :lol:

Who is asking you to Trust us ?
Whats funny is that Pakistanis are asking Indians to explain a Pakistani article.

In any case why Indian forces being on alert should surprise Pakistan, when Pakistan themselves keep saying they have no handle on their non state actors. What should surprise them is how Osama lived there for a decade... now thats something... Indian forces on alert is regular.

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