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Indian students in Australia suffer from Racism

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Did anyone look for help fro Pk ppl here ?

The stand of Pk does not count so whats this " spot on ' stuff ?
well i rember the aftermath of 911...many sikhs were killed...were shot.
now sikhs had nothing..absolutely nothing to do with the WoT and terror itself...but thwey were at the receiving end because of their resemblance to the talibani mujahideen fighter because of their turbans...the american punks who killed them saw these talibanis on CNN and realised that their next-door neighbor looks just the same...
GoI after these incidents wanted the G o america to educate the youth about the sikhs...it doesnt mean that we were supportive of what was being done to other communities...
havne't you heard of the controversy surrounding an indian muslim doctor (haneef i guess) who was detained in australia on false terror charges...it led to a diplomatic offensive against the australians.
Well if some of Indians/Pakistanis are with such attitude in Australia doesn't mean the whole Pakistani/Indian community is to be blamed..and such incidents takes place the fact is aussies by nature are racist nation..i've studied them whether its cricket whether its about asian communities in Australia they target always Asian community..Aussies are nothing but second generation british ill-mannered breed..i wonder why are these aussies not beaten in Indonesia and Philippines when they go on trip to molest kids and women as know well in the world to be the only nation to play around with lil under age kids..wonder why asians don't beat them there..(WHO aussie worker caught with under age kid semi naked in a car) yet he got away with it!
Bitter or Bad but i know these are some truth:

1. as we indians go abroad, we hardly mix up with the locals , respect what they think is good or bad, hardly eat the things they eat or share their views.

2. yes we still whistle the girls and keep staring at women in such a bad maner that we forget the fact that the opposite sex is simply not a sex machine.

3. We shout at something where it is really not needed and can be resolved even if we didn't shout.

4. Some of us abuse women in publiuc places. There has been incidents in australia of sexual assaults by indian visitors on local girls.

5. When just 2 of us are supposed to rent a flat, 4 or 5 of us move in and start sharing to save a few bucks as if we are supposed to build a Taj Mahal back home. Not to talk about the mess we make of the owners kitchen that the next person moving in would never be able to use the kitchen again. We never intend to give back a rented house clean and liveble.

It is a fact that the rent of the house goes down after we have rented it. Thats one of the reasons the landlords dont want to give us a house . But we call him racist.

6. Rather than exploring a new place mixing with local people, all we do on hollidays is walk down the indian street and sit in indian restaurants.

If we are to eat the same thing and live the same way, why do we move out of india at all. All these BS we do in india any way.
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Before anyone on this forum take their side remember after 911 there was a wave of anti muslim and anti Pakistan sentiments and incidents occured in the west and these are the same scums who advocate harmony among south asians insisted that they should differentiated from Pakistan and muslims.

Good point. They're a spineless bunch a lot of the Indians that I see. Very double-faced, I guess Nixon and Kissinger were right - they'll try worm their way in while ensuring they do not usurp the power of their hierarchically superior lighter skinned masters. Here's one example

"Even artists like Meera Syal who normally rides on 'Asian' bandwagon, said: “I hate the term 'Asian' too.” She relates that a “lot of Indian people in Manchester were saying, 'Hang on, it's not us, it's the Muslims. The Hindus are actually very good. We're behaving ourselves.” (Sunday Telegraph, interview with David Thomas, July 15)."

Here's another

Some of the Hindu leaders in Bradford have gone out of their way to dissociate themselves as “Asians” saying they were Hindus and those involved in the disturbances were Muslims. A spokesman for the World Council of Hindus Hashmukh Shah blamed the Muslim youth's actions on mosques. “They are less religious centres, more like training grounds for the Taliban.” (Daily Telegraph July 9).


Racists from the British National Party have joined forces with extremists from the Sikh and Hindu communities in an anti-Islamic campaign that has been blamed for stirring up racial violence.
Hindu and Sikh extremists in link with BNP | UK news | The Observer

Doesnt end there, of course This one was pretty funny at 3:43 with "Dave", the Indian :D

I'm actually trying to work out what "Dave's" point is?

Moral of the story. If you're ever feeling down and the world is against you, never seek solace in the form of an Indian whoever you be. Loyalty is out the window with these guys.
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Good point. They're a spineless bunch a lot of the Indians that I see. Very double-faced, I guess Nixon and Kissinger were right - they'll try worm their way in while ensuring they do not usurp the power of their hierarchically superior lighter skinned masters.
do you actually have anything to prove/any point to make by saying that or did you just have another bad day at the office?
quoting kissinger is lame RR

"Even artists like Meera Syal who normally rides on 'Asian' bandwagon, said: “I hate the term 'Asian' too.” She relates that a “lot of Indian people in Manchester were saying, 'Hang on, it's not us, it's the Muslims. The Hindus are actually very good. We're behaving ourselves.” (Sunday Telegraph, interview with David Thomas, July 15)."
there have been anti-muslim clashes in london...haven't you heard the muslim claims of east london being out of bounds for the english authorities?do you expect a hindu/sikhs support in that?
Here's another

Some of the Hindu leaders in Bradford have gone out of their way to dissociate themselves as “Asians” saying they were Hindus and those involved in the disturbances were Muslims. A spokesman for the World Council of Hindus Hashmukh Shah blamed the Muslim youth's actions on mosques. “They are less religious centres, more like training grounds for the Taliban.” (Daily Telegraph July 9).
i dont want to seem islamophobic...but after the london blasts...and the proven involvement of muslims in that...the Brits are skeptical of the brown people...the hindus/sikhs have no problems with the Brits...if they are not racist...and the london train attacks were not because a certain group of brown men were racially abused by the brits...!

Racists from the British National Party have joined forces with extremists from the Sikh and Hindu communities in an anti-Islamic campaign that has been blamed for stirring up racial violence.
Hindu and Sikh extremists in link with BNP | UK news | The Observer
racial violence...you expect me to belive that the indians support racial violence?
oh why wouldn't we?afterall the britons and indians stand for the 'Brown' race....Gordon Brown take his surname a tad-bit seriously...

Moral of the story. If you're ever feeling down and the world is against you, never seek solace in the form of an Indian whoever you be. Loyalty is out the window with these guys.

let me help clear the doubts RR...
we dont support any jihad of any sort....we are definitely against bombing public and civic property and the killing of innocents..suicide bombers are viewed as schizophrenics...and we dont idolize Osama

read the title RR...racial attacks...it refers to an attack on a person solely because of him being from a different race...on his face value...skin colour..most people dont support it...do you?
Paritosh, you're missing the points.

let me help clear the doubts RR...
we dont support any jihad of any sort....we are definitely against bombing public and civic property and the killing of innocents..suicide bombers are viewed as schizophrenics...and we dont idolize Osama

This is a generalization, much like what the Australians do of you, the Indians. Hence the beatings, which I'll just have to support, due to your own generalizations.

there have been anti-muslim clashes in london...haven't you heard the muslim claims of east london being out of bounds for the english authorities?do you expect a hindu/sikhs support in that?

Good God. You should actually go to the UK. London, East London as you mention, is full of Bangladeshis, and there haven't been anti Muslim clashes anywhere in the UK as far as i know. The last race riot in the UK was in 2000 and that was a bunch of dumb kids. UK isn't as bad as you lot think, at least that's my experience.

I would not expect Hindus or Sikhs to support any place being out of bounds to anyone, but this isn't what they were supporting. They were supporting specifically, and I'll paraphrase, "young Muslim boys are converting our women". That was the reason why Hindu and Sikh leaders were joining hands with racists who would, as a matter of fact, not only deport them, but commit far greater violence on, and are considered further out of the "white" league than most Muslims (the Muslims are a convenient example to mix their anti white slogans with in the current climate).

"The man who agreed to be identified only as "Mr Singh" for fear of reprisals told the BBC's social affairs reporter Barnie Choudhury that he wanted to highlight how Muslim fundamentalists were targeting young Sikh and Hindus for conversion to Islam."

That appears to be the reason. Nothing wrong with a bit of proselytizing, so long as they convert freely. The last person to target me was an Indian Christian that invited me to Church.
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i would tell our indian friend welcome to our world. where everybody looks at you with suspicion and there is always the odd beating.
i agree with roadrunner here when it comes to anti muslim and anti pakistan bias in the west our indian friends are not far behind the radical christian fundamentalist hate mongers or racist neo nazi freaks
Before anyone on this forum take their side remember after 911 there was a wave of anti muslim and anti Pakistan sentiments and incidents occured in the west and these are the same scums who advocate harmony among south asians insisted that they should differentiated from Pakistan and muslims.
Agreed! Check this comment from an India..this is what the bigoted indians think
I think that there is identity crisis also for Indians in USA.They as a whole are taken as Asians and to the people of USA,Asians means Pakistanis,Irainians,Iraqis,Afganistanis,Arabs,Bangladeshis.They all ressemble in features.In my opnion,Indians must emphasize on their Indian identiy and show proper contempt to the Asian identity thrust upon them.Asians are seen with contempt because of their Islamic Militancy-including their acts in Glassgow Airport,WTO,Spain,India etc. source
They get what they deserve!
Here another Gem i found
ISI may be involved by Raj on 15 Jan 2009

ISI may be involved.They might have recruited commandos of Black Americans.
Oh boy I just can't stop laughing.ISI has a huge network in USA too!
I have been watching this on the news lately ! & is very bad & sad why are they doing this? but again nothing to be proud our happy about but this is wat pakistani's have to face everywhere int he world now well atleast some places i hope all this BS will stop soon one day!
Paritosh, you're missing the points.

This is a generalization, much like what the Australians do of you, the Indians. Hence the beatings, which I'll just have to support, due to your own generalizations.

Good God. You should actually go to the UK. London, East London as you mention, is full of Bangladeshis, and there haven't been anti Muslim clashes anywhere in the UK as far as i know. The last race riot in the UK was in 2000 and that was a bunch of dumb kids. UK isn't as bad as you lot think, at least that's my experience.

I would not expect Hindus or Sikhs to support any place being out of bounds to anyone, but this isn't what they were supporting. They were supporting specifically, and I'll paraphrase, "young Muslim boys are converting our women". That was the reason why Hindu and Sikh leaders were joining hands with racists who would, as a matter of fact, not only deport them, but commit far greater violence on, and are considered further out of the "white" league than most Muslims (the Muslims are a convenient example to mix their anti white slogans with in the current climate).

"The man who agreed to be identified only as "Mr Singh" for fear of reprisals told the BBC's social affairs reporter Barnie Choudhury that he wanted to highlight how Muslim fundamentalists were targeting young Sikh and Hindus for conversion to Islam."
BBC News | UK | Sikh admits to BNP talks

That appears to be the reason. Nothing wrong with a bit of proselytizing, so long as they convert freely. The last person to target me was an Indian Christian that invited me to Church.

the question is...would you support racial violence?
not sure why the pakistanis here are showing so much glee here. Lets say indians distanced themselves from backlashes due to what some islamists did in the west. Whats the harm in that? Do pakistanis here like to show they are the same as taliban? If some hindu group blew up bombs in london folks because some cows were killed here would you guys be joining hand in hand with them? When did it last happen?

But quite appalling to see that being used as a justification why indians deserved this. Ok like it or not even if Indians get more racially abused no way we are going to like to be considered part of your islamist bunch creating a ruckus everywhere. so there. be happy when indians get racially abused.
Moral of the story. If you're ever feeling down and the world is against you, never seek solace in the form of an Indian whoever you be. Loyalty is out the window with these guys.

These dam double faced Indians sell outs!!!! For once I agree with you roadrunner.

Oh, also how come when a cop stops a pakistanie in America, and if asked for his nationality he mentions as Indian. I wonder. I know lot of you will argue with me on this point, but there is no justification as seeing it with ones eyes.
Hey i know i am of Indian origin but it is sad what happens here. The news doesn’t tell the whole story. There are a lot of “students” here that are here to work more than to study. When you go out most of the time they are drunk and whistling at many girls outside the clubs on the streets etc. I was with my girlfriend at Chapel Street on Friday night and there was a bunch that were trying to hit on her and yelling stuff to me. The thing about it is that they hang out in groups of 6 to 10 so girls don’t feel safe out alone anymore which was not the case 4-5 years ago. That night it was me my girlfriend and two of her friends. I could have gotten in a fight but was outnumbered and not drunk enough. What saddens me the most is that they are mostly Punjabis from the pind that give the rest of us a bad name too! I have had a few people complain to me about it as if i can do anything about it but it is becoming embarrassing that you are out with your friends and things like this happen and you kind of feal like its your fault and somehow you are a part of it.

I've noticed that too about Indians, especially about Indian Punjabis, that they drink way too much alcohol and then they have no control over their behaviors and when they are outside, the locals will think all people from their country must be the same.
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not sure why the pakistanis here are showing so much glee here. Lets say indians distanced themselves from backlashes due to what some islamists did in the west. Whats the harm in that? Do pakistanis here like to show they are the same as taliban? If some hindu group blew up bombs in london folks because some cows were killed here would you guys be joining hand in hand with them? When did it last happen?

But quite appalling to see that being used as a justification why indians deserved this. Ok like it or not even if Indians get more racially abused no way we are going to like to be considered part of your islamist bunch creating a ruckus everywhere. so there. be happy when indians get racially abused.

I think u been really eating alot of sleeping pills since it matches your name or dont know wat u on most of us are actually feeling bad that this is happeng with indians end of the day if thats the way you feel about us then you need to change your way of thinking and speech learn to be peaceful and be thankful for wat one is saying and offering !you are more less not even putting your own kind down by saying it ok that this is going on furthermore showing haterd towards Pakistanis dont ever lable us for your silly thoughts ! its bad wats going on and i feel bad my close friends also indians !! if u have say about with a member then state your thoughts to him or her not all of Pakistanis :crazy: :angry: :tdown:
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