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India's 700,000 Army for Kashmir Occupation, while Pakistan Freely recruits from Azad Kashmir!

Nope they were taken out for being against Indian rule in Kashmir
Then you Know nothing about Kashmir State kashmir is much Worse than Pakistan in terms of Extremism it a time bomb
Hari Singh did decide the fate and legally acceded to dominion of India.

Show me accession letter, if at all it exists, lol. Where is the proof?

The so called Accession letter does not exist, it is fraudulent and even if it exists, it has no basis, when 99% Kashmir muslims wanted to join Pakistan, and only Pakistan. OKAY Let's put the issue at rest by doing a Kashmir referendum, a plebiscite, lets hear what kashmiris want to say. we have no issue, India keeps bleeding for another 100 years.
Again back to square one.

We promised to a rationale society of 1947 and a province of J&K, GB, Laddakh which is free of Pakistan and any external influence.

Time has changed, so as our plan.

So...Instead of running and saying Kashmir India's internal matter nonsense......Make confidence building measures with Pakistan on Kashmir so that we can without any hesitation remove our troops from Kashmir and then u can continue plebiscite......
Its illegal to challenge Bashar Al Assad in Syria but many states support it right?
Why because he is a brutal dictator and other than Alawites no one listens to him it was same situation in pre partition Kashmir only Hindus and Sikhs supported dograsdogras

Has UN mandated an action against Assad? If not, those who are acting against him are wrong.

First decide are we discussing Kashmir or Balochistan?

Just like we are not discussing Syria here but you are referencing to justify your claim, I can surely use Kalat example to pass on my argument. Isn't it?

Show me accession letter, if at all it exists, lol. Where is the proof?

The so called Accession letter does not exist, it is fraudulent and even if it exists, it has no basis, when 99% Kashmir muslims wanted to join Pakistan, and only Pakistan. OKAY Let's put the issue at rest by doing a Kashmir referendum, a plebiscite, lets hear what kashmiris want to say. we have no issue, India keeps bleeding for another 100 years.

Just because you say so. :lol:

It has the basis because it is legal as per Indian Independence Act 1947. If that act is not legal, the creation of Pakistan become illegal. So think before you argue.

I can sense I wont get any more legal, verifiable and tangible argument from you anymore.

So lets disconnect.

Thank You.

Make confidence building measures with Pakistan on Kashmir so that we can without any hesitation remove our troops from Kashmir and then u can continue plebiscite......

That's impossible and you know that. :lol:

If such relations could ever be achieved, believe me neither you, nor me and nor kashmiris would bother about plebiscite and be happy wherever they are.

The amount of distrust cause the partition, we will always be skeptical about each other.

Sad but true.
U r running away from Kashmir issue...Whenever Pakistan tries to approach Kashmir issue with Indians. They ran away from it.....U expect us to move out our forces so that you can move in and start brutalizing Azad Kashmir just like you are oppressing Kashmiris in Indian occupied Kashmir....To make Pakistani forces out, we will have agreement of some sort of understanding. We just can't move our forces out of Kashmir without any prior agreement with India.....And...India is not at all serious regarding Kashmir....So How we can take unilaterally our forces out of KASHMIR?

Yes...you are having peace.....Peace of Graveyard...

No matter how u spin it....Kashmiris are highly educated folks. They are being radicalized due to your oppression, not their fault. If you will see your mother and sister getting raped and touched, you will go mad to who ever does that....you call them religious fanatics? Don't know about them but I can tell you who are religious fanatics and where they are ruling......The religious fanatics are ruling India's capital New Delhi......

Who are RSS? Sanghis? Bakhts? the ones who r ruling India. What is their background?

U really sucks at your propaganda

They are not religious fanatics....thats why those poor chaps are protesting, practicing their democratic right to demand freedom....

It was illusion until I saw Kashmiris on streets and asking India to demand freedom and plebiscite...

Don't know about that but you propaganda will not sell here. U are trying to portray all Kashmiris are fine with you except Wahabis......which is hell not true.....

Agreed...You should appriciate us that we not bombing our own citizens like Pakistan allows US and West to bomb their own citizen in Western Border...We do not kill by using fighter jets like you killed leaders in Balochistan...If we could have followed so many things that Pakistan is doing for its own separatist movement, history of Kashmir valley could have been different...

So just in a rational mind think for a moment, who is insane here, a nation who bombs and allow foreign power to use drones to strike its own citizens or a country that allows dissidents to express their opinion on the street although it means getting separated from my country...
Just because you say so. :lol:

It has the basis because it is legal as per Indian Independence Act 1947. If that act is not legal, the creation of Pakistan become illegal. So think before you argue.

I can sense I wont get any more legal, verifiable and tangible argument from you anymore.

So lets disconnect.

Thank You.

Read it when you are not desperate, this is what it says, the accession letter first is either lost, doesnot exist, or fraudlent.


Renowned journalist Alastair Lamb regards the Instrument of Accession, ‘signed’ by the maharajah of Kashmir on October 26, 1947, as fraudulent (Kashmir – A disputed legacy 1846-1990). She argues that the maharajah was travelling by road to Jammu (a distance of over 350 km). How could he sign the instrument while being on the run for safety of his life? There is no evidence of any contact between him and the Indian emissaries on October 26, 1947.

Actually, it was on October 27, 1947 that the maharajah was informed by MC Mahajan and VP Menon (who had flown into Srinagar) that an Instrument of Accession is being fabricated in New Delhi. Obviously, the maharajah could not have signed the instrument earlier than October 27, 1947. The instrument remains null and void, even if the maharajah had actually signed it. The reason, as pointed out by Alastair is that the `signatures’ were obtained under coercion. Under law, any undertaking secured through coercion or duress is null and void. She points out Indian troops had already arrived at and secured Srinagar airfield during the middle of October 1947. On October 26, 1947, a further airlift of thousands of Indian troops to Kashmir took place. She questions: “Would the maharajah have signed the Instrument of Accession, had the Indian troops not been on Kashmiri soil?”

It is eerie to note that India has never shown the original `Instrument’ in any international forum. If India was truthful, it should have the temerity to present the document to Pakistan or to the UN. Isn’t it funny that, in the summer of 1995, the Indian authorities reported the original document as lost or stolen? This fact further beclouds authenticity of the document. India took the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948 under article 35 of Chapter VI which outlines the means for a peaceful settlement of disputes. India avoiding presenting the Kashmir case under the UN Chapter VII which relates to acts of aggression. Obviously, it did so because it knew that the Kashmir was a disputed state. And, issue of its integration with India or Pakistan remained to be resolved. Simla accord also preserves sanctity of UN resolutions.

Fact is UN should ban India, it has flouted broken, the UN resoultions. India is a rogue state.
Read it when you are not desperate, this is what it says, the accession letter first is either lost, doesnot exist, or fraudlent.


Renowned journalist Alastair Lamb regards the Instrument of Accession, ‘signed’ by the maharajah of Kashmir on October 26, 1947, as fraudulent (Kashmir – A disputed legacy 1846-1990). She argues that the maharajah was travelling by road to Jammu (a distance of over 350 km). How could he sign the instrument while being on the run for safety of his life? There is no evidence of any contact between him and the Indian emissaries on October 26, 1947.

Actually, it was on October 27, 1947 that the maharajah was informed by MC Mahajan and VP Menon (who had flown into Srinagar) that an Instrument of Accession is being fabricated in New Delhi. Obviously, the maharajah could not have signed the instrument earlier than October 27, 1947. The instrument remains null and void, even if the maharajah had actually signed it. The reason, as pointed out by Alastair is that the `signatures’ were obtained under coercion. Under law, any undertaking secured through coercion or duress is null and void. She points out Indian troops had already arrived at and secured Srinagar airfield during the middle of October 1947. On October 26, 1947, a further airlift of thousands of Indian troops to Kashmir took place. She questions: “Would the maharajah have signed the Instrument of Accession, had the Indian troops not been on Kashmiri soil?”

It is eerie to note that India has never shown the original `Instrument’ in any international forum. If India was truthful, it should have the temerity to present the document to Pakistan or to the UN. Isn’t it funny that, in the summer of 1995, the Indian authorities reported the original document as lost or stolen? This fact further beclouds authenticity of the document. India took the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948 under article 35 of Chapter VI which outlines the means for a peaceful settlement of disputes. India avoiding presenting the Kashmir case under the UN Chapter VII which relates to acts of aggression. Obviously, it did so because it knew that the Kashmir was a disputed state. And, issue of its integration with India or Pakistan remained to be resolved. Simla accord also preserves sanctity of UN resolutions.

Fact is UN should ban India, it has flouted broken, the UN resoultions. India is a rogue state.

Cross posting my own post again -

When did journalist becomes the jury? The letter of accession and its validity was never contested and considered valid in every argument conducted ever in any forum.

Can you quote me any UN reading where the instrument of accession is counted invalid and fake? If that was true, you know India would simply be asked to leave hell out of kashmir and Kashmir would have been declared free, with Maharaja given the right again to chose? :lol:

Hence I shall not put my efforts in discussing something based on hearsay. We have enough proven content to ponder on.

Thank you
That's why your argument falls flat on ears of international community.

Quote me when these organisations are counted as terrorist one ever in UNSC/UN/US/EU or even in Pakistan. Are they declared terror group even by your own country?

Why you have to argument like this?

lol, leave Pakistan aside calling RSS etc terror group, your own country men and America has labelled Hindu Groups as terrorist organisations:

RSS India's number 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer

KOLKATA: Claiming that the activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have been indicted in at least 13 terror cases across India, former Maharashtra inspector general of police S M Mushrif on Thursday described the BJP's ideological mentor as India's number one terrorist organisation.

"RSS activists have been chargesheeted in at least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been used. If organisations like Bajrang Dal are taken into the account, then the number of such cases goes up to 17," Mushrif said at an event in Kolkata.

"The RSS is India's number one terrorist organisation, there is no doubt on this," said Mushrif, referring to the 2007 Mecca Masjid bombing in Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon blasts in Maharashtra and the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings among others.

Mushrif, however, asserted that "saffron terror" had no bearing on which party was in power.

"The RSS as a terror organisation has nothing to do with political power. It is immaterial which party is in power. It is the system that is working, it's the Brahminical system. And when I say Brahminical, it doesn't mean the Brahmin, it's the mentality, the attitude to dominate and oppress," he said.

However, Mushrif was not in agreement with the view that intolerance was rising in recent times. "Intolerance has been going on for a long time. There have been many severe bigger incidents earlier, I don't understand why it is being highlighted now,"
he asked.

Reiterating his claims that the Intelligence Bureau (IB) masterminded the killing of Hemant Karkare, who was probing the involvement of Hindu radicals in terror acts, during the Mumbai terror attack in 2008, Mushrif called for a people's movement to establish the truth behind the killing of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad chief.

"There is clinching evidence about the IB's involvement but all efforts to establish that have been defeated. Our efforts to call for an independent probe have always been defeated. Unless there is a massive public movement, this will never be established," said Mushrif, who made the sensational claims in his book "Who Killed Karkare".

Mushrif, along with national award winning music director and former Trinamool Lok Sabha member Kabir Suman, was speaking at an event to commemorate Karkare's martyrdom.


America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World

in National 8 Comments

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it “a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation.”

Terrorism Watch & Warning provides intelligence, research, analysis, watch and warning on international terrorism and domestic terrorism related issues; and is operated by OODA Group LLC that helps clients identify, manage, and respond to global risks and uncertainties while exploring emerging opportunities and developing robust and adaptive strategies for the future.

Although the company had included RSS in its ‘Threat Group’ in April 2014, the post seems to have been modified after the BJP led government assumed power at the Centre. Apart from the RSS, Terrorism Watch has also put Naxalites, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) among others in the category of ‘Threat Group’.

The websites describes: “The RSS is a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation. The group is considered the radical ideological parent group of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the Indian Peoples Party (BJP).”

“The RSS is a Hindu nationalist movement, a right wing group that was founded in 1925. Their philosophy, called Hindutva, was termed fascist by Communists, and their main demand of the central government was that it stop appeasing Muslims,” the description continues, adding, “Hindutva has been translated to mean variously: Hindu pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism, chauvinism, or fascism. The group self-justifies by ‘asserting the natural rights’.”

In its ‘Intel analysis,’ it further adds, “The RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an ex-RSS member, Nathuram Godse. The ban was lifted the following year. Since then, the group has gained popularity. It later began the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), widely considered the political arm of the RSS, which now heads the central government of India.”


Describing violence as ‘Group Activities’ for the RSS, the site further says, “Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. Hindutva has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots. The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the Hindu community around the philosophy of Hindutva.”

The Terrorism Watch & Warning database contains over 1,00,000 Open source intelligence (OSINT) excerpts from 1999 to present on terrorism and security related issues, attack database of over 10,000 attacks, original terrorism analysis, terrorism document repository, Homeland Security Fact Sheets and profiles over 500 Terrorist/Threat Groups.

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Agreed...You should appriciate us that we not bombing our own citizens like Pakistan allows US and West to bomb their own citizen in Western Border...We do not kill by using fighter jets like you killed leaders in Balochistan...If we could have followed so many things that Pakistan is doing for its own separatist movement, history of Kashmir valley could have been different...

So just in a rational mind think for a moment, who is insane here, a nation who bombs and allow foreign power to use drones to strike its own citizens or a country that allows dissidents to express their opinion on the street although it means getting separated from my country...

U r bringing non issue here....I can say IAF bombed north and north east of India to crush Christian Insurgency....We are bombing Taliban, against whom whole world is fighting....

lol, leave Pakistan aside calling RSS etc terror group, your own country men and America has labelled Hindu Groups as terrorist organisations:

RSS India's number 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer

KOLKATA: Claiming that the activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have been indicted in at least 13 terror cases across India, former Maharashtra inspector general of police S M Mushrif on Thursday described the BJP's ideological mentor as India's number one terrorist organisation.

"RSS activists have been chargesheeted in at least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been used. If organisations like Bajrang Dal are taken into the account, then the number of such cases goes up to 17," Mushrif said at an event in Kolkata.

"The RSS is India's number one terrorist organisation, there is no doubt on this," said Mushrif, referring to the 2007 Mecca Masjid bombing in Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon blasts in Maharashtra and the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings among others.

Mushrif, however, asserted that "saffron terror" had no bearing on which party was in power.

"The RSS as a terror organisation has nothing to do with political power. It is immaterial which party is in power. It is the system that is working, it's the Brahminical system. And when I say Brahminical, it doesn't mean the Brahmin, it's the mentality, the attitude to dominate and oppress," he said.
However, Mushrif was not in agreement with the view that intolerance was rising in recent times. "Intolerance has been going on for a long time. There have been many severe bigger incidents earlier, I don't understand why it is being highlighted now," he asked.

Reiterating his claims that the Intelligence Bureau (IB) masterminded the killing of Hemant Karkare, who was probing the involvement of Hindu radicals in terror acts, during the Mumbai terror attack in 2008, Mushrif called for a people's movement to establish the truth behind the killing of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad chief.

"There is clinching evidence about the IB's involvement but all efforts to establish that have been defeated. Our efforts to call for an independent probe have always been defeated. Unless there is a massive public movement, this will never be established," said Mushrif, who made the sensational claims in his book "Who Killed Karkare".

Mushrif, along with national award winning music director and former Trinamool Lok Sabha member Kabir Suman, was speaking at an event to commemorate Karkare's martyrdom.


America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World

in National 8 Comments

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it “a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation.”

Terrorism Watch & Warning provides intelligence, research, analysis, watch and warning on international terrorism and domestic terrorism related issues; and is operated by OODA Group LLC that helps clients identify, manage, and respond to global risks and uncertainties while exploring emerging opportunities and developing robust and adaptive strategies for the future.

Although the company had included RSS in its ‘Threat Group’ in April 2014, the post seems to have been modified after the BJP led government assumed power at the Centre. Apart from the RSS, Terrorism Watch has also put Naxalites, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) among others in the category of ‘Threat Group’.

The websites describes: “The RSS is a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation. The group is considered the radical ideological parent group of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the Indian Peoples Party (BJP).”

“The RSS is a Hindu nationalist movement, a right wing group that was founded in 1925. Their philosophy, called Hindutva, was termed fascist by Communists, and their main demand of the central government was that it stop appeasing Muslims,” the description continues, adding, “Hindutva has been translated to mean variously: Hindu pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism, chauvinism, or fascism. The group self-justifies by ‘asserting the natural rights’.”

In its ‘Intel analysis,’ it further adds, “The RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an ex-RSS member, Nathuram Godse. The ban was lifted the following year. Since then, the group has gained popularity. It later began the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), widely considered the political arm of the RSS, which now heads the central government of India.”


Describing violence as ‘Group Activities’ for the RSS, the site further says, “Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. Hindutva has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots. The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the Hindu community around the philosophy of Hindutva.”

The Terrorism Watch & Warning database contains over 1,00,000 Open source intelligence (OSINT) excerpts from 1999 to present on terrorism and security related issues, attack database of over 10,000 attacks, original terrorism analysis, terrorism document repository, Homeland Security Fact Sheets and profiles over 500 Terrorist/Threat Groups.


You are getting funnier by each post. :lol:

About your first link: RSS is political entity (not technically but in reality it is) and thus subject to individual criticism. The person you quoted has no judicial or legal authority to say so. So his accusations can only be lebeled as his personal opinion.

About your second link: So funny that a private institute of US has said something and you come up jumping with joy as if US state has declared RSS as terror organisation.

That's impossible and you know that. :lol:

If such relations could ever be achieved, believe me neither you, nor me and nor kashmiris would bother about plebiscite and be happy wherever they are.

The amount of distrust cause the partition, we will always be skeptical about each other.

Sad but true.

You are getting funnier by each post. :lol:

About your first link: RSS is political entity (not technically but in reality it is) and thus subject to individual criticism. The person you quoted has no judicial or legal authority to say so. So his accusations can only be lebeled as his personal opinion.

About your second link: So funny that a private institute of US has said something and you come up jumping with joy as if US state has declared RSS as terror organisation.


FIRST: The Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) is not a political outfit. As per your Vajpayee ji 'It is a cultural and social organisation and I do not think objection should be raised on anybody joining it, said Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.

RSS political or not, doesnot matter, like in Pakistan MQM political or not, doesnot matter, RSS is a Hindutva terror group. RSS killed the officer who was investigating the Samjota Express, which killed many innocent Pakistanis. RSS terror is everywhere, RSS lives on Hindu sponsored terror, even Sikhs call RSS, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena has certified terror groups.

The Police officer is not a individual infact a Mumbai state Police Office responsible , who labels Indias biggest terror group as The RSS, the India's number one terrorist organisation, there is no doubt on this," said Mushrif, referring to the 2007 Mecca Masjid bombing in Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon blasts in Maharashtra and the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings among others.

SECOND: The Terrorism Watch & Warning database contains over 1,00,000 Open source intelligence (OSINT) excerpts from 1999 to present on terrorism and security related issues, attack database of over 10,000 attacks, original terrorism analysis, terrorism document repository, Homeland Security Fact Sheets and profiles over 500 Terrorist/Threat Groups. These are US government sponsored and endorsed think tanks. RSS assasinated Gandhi and has been involved in terrorist activities for 100 years even before India became independent.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/terrorist-rss.77802/#ixzz4ITPriRnT

I feel you are the banned member @starwars.
@waz @Horus

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