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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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both of them are bogus family tree's invented by Safavid!

Arabs are against Pakistan?!!

Only Iran is with Pakistan - anyone other claim is unholy to the core.

Funny a while back Iranian members denied having any social affiliations with Pakistan or knowing anything about it and treated it as a remote outback but since sanctions have started to bite they are singing songs of friendship on PDF and in the media..goes to show their duplicitous nature.

I am sure someone can dig out old posts!

both of them are bogus family tree's invented by Safavid!

Hahaha tera hi intezar ker raha tha mein. :D

And it has nothing to do with safavids.

Just to make your heart believe that we are not syed you make these stories. :enjoy:
both of them are bogus family tree's invented by Safavid!

Only Iran is with Pakistan - anyone other claim is unholy to the core.

Funny a while back Iranian members denied having any social affiliations with Pakistan or knowing anything about it and treated it as a remote outback but since sanctions have started to bite they are singing songs of friendship on PDF and in the media..goes to show their duplicitous nature.

I am sure someone can dig out old posts!


What are your views about Afghanistan.
both of them are bogus family tree's invented by Safavid!

Only Iran is with Pakistan - anyone other claim is unholy to the core.

Funny a while back Iranian members denied having any social affiliations with Pakistan or knowing anything about it and treated it as a remote outback but since sanctions have started to bite they are singing songs of friendship on PDF and in the media..goes to show their duplicitous nature.

I am sure someone can dig out old posts!


Do you know how to play diplomacy? I know you are the kind of guy that favours Arabs over Persians. I ask you what your real interest is. Looking at your flag, it appears to me that you are indeed a Pakistani. Really if i were you i would absorb the good things from both sides. If Arabs give us Oil you should be happy. If Iranians give us Gas and electricity, then you should show the same kind of respect. If you continue to become ignorant then oh well you are not loyal to the nation displayed as your flag.
Well you are the ones who troll and insult us in every way in our lives non-stop. Do you see me turning Anti-Pakistani and Pro-India here?? No not at all. I realize that Pakistan is our strategic ally in the world. Not the US not China.

Do you know that the only foreign military commanders Saudimsoldiers are allowed to salute are Pakistanis?? King Solomon was S-19 in the past he even told back then that "Arabs are unclean and they smell" and that is your friend by the way. He was never Pro-Palestinian to begin with.

And please do tell how do we behave?? We insult other countries and nations and make fun of them and stereotype them constantly? Do we dig the Internet left amd right for any possible negative articles I might find anywhere to post it here? Did I EVER claim to be superior to others and showed arrogance in any way shape or form?? Please do tell me how do I behave?? And look in the mirror while you are at it.

Mossa this is simply untrue. I have gone out of my way to say on a number of occasions that I dislike your leadership but that does not mean that you should equate that as insulting Arabs. Your failure to differentiate does cause issues. I have been as critical of Zardari and the traitor leaders sitting in Islamabad but that does not mean I hate Pakistanis
I hope Pakistan deals in the severest terms with these fascist Saudi funded terrorist Mullahs, when the time is proper. In the meanwhile, let our Arab "buddies" enjoy their pipe-dream! :)

KS how do you reconcile in your mind the dislike of Saudi and the like of Israel when they appear to be complicit in places like Syria

Did he mean the Punjabi word "Rab".

That is the reason it would be appropriate for you to stay of this thread. he did not say Rab as in Punjabi he said A-Rab as in Arab
Mossa this is simply untrue. I have gone out of my way to say on a number of occasions that I dislike your leadership but that does not mean that you should equate that as insulting Arabs. Your failure to differentiate does cause issues. I have been as critical of Zardari and the traitor leaders sitting in Islamabad but that does not mean I hate Pakistanis

It's very simple, you like anti-Arab racist rants, and you yourself have racist posts against Arabs, you took advantage of Ibn Alwalid behavior to trash Saudis (the people). You always talk about dictatorship in Arab countries but never in Iran. When Iran produce a pen you salute and praise them, but when KSA produce an aircraft engine you start bashing them. My proof that consider Arabs the first and only enemy of Israel, is your friend who was anti-Zionism just like yourself, but turned to be an ultra pro-Israel and ultra anti-Arabs but he stills a pro-Iran though in intention to piss us off :lol:. This shows that Arabs don't work with Israel and they are the only true people who work against it. You are just following his footprints, which proves more and more who is the wrong and right side here.
Oh save me...save me, oh great one ! Please...I beg thee for protection from this accursed Saudi funded Mullahs :


And their agents :


Butty man we must stay vigilant of these types lol

There is no non arab muslim countries. We dont tolerate these terms. Inside the Islam there is only one identity and that is muslim. We are a ummah and we must stay united and not devided.

However your heart may be in the right place we have to be pragmatic. We can not deny that what you state is simply not true

Ok, I admit it. I was really tough with anti-Saudis, that's because they were trolls and sometimes insulting. I don't apologize but I will try to behave, how can I put this without hurting my ego,
oh yes... less dumb. It seems that my overreaction have driven people who were merely anti-Al Saud to turn into ultra anti Arab-Muslims and ultra pro-Zionism-Masonic. So, it didn't work and came with dire negative results. I foolishly thought I was convincing them in this way. Well, I will try to be more understanding from now and then.

That was why I was suggesting you needed PR. You are or have been converting friends into enemies
So, it wasn't because of this?
Sharon visits Al-Aqsa Mosque
On September 28, the Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon together with a Likud party delegation surrounded by hundreds of Israeli riot police, visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Al-Aqsa Mosque is part of the compound and is widely considered the third holiest site in Islam.


Having looked at your posts in regards to Syria which have been biased and some of your mates have actually posted vids of crimes in mexico and tried to pass them of as happening in Syria I simply do not trust anything you state. I think we on the forum should I will in any event invite some Palestinians onto the forum so they can speak for themselves, for far too long we have listened to your rants about Zionism and Israel and believed the likes of you. Yet if what you say about Zionism and Israel is or was true and it is evil why do you not ask your tin pot dictators to stop allying with Israel and America.

"In 2000-2001 Israel offered Palestinians a state but they refused and started Intifada which caused over 1000 killed Israelis."

Israelis must be the people most ignorant of their own history.

As BlackEagle said, the Intifada started when Ariel Sharon -- the anti-Palestinian warmonger and enabler of the Sabra and Shatilla massacre -- visited a Palestinian sacred place, no doubt as a provocation. Moreover, as recognized Uri Avnery, an Israeli Jew who fought for the anti-Palestinian terrorist group Irgun Stern, the Intifada only turned violent when Israel tried to quell Palestinian peaceful protests by targeting the protest leaders for assassination (the first Intifada also had a similar origin).

As for the supposed rejection by Arafat of Barak's offer, this is what Israeli historian Avi Shlaim wrote:

I think it is unfair that we do not have any Palestinians to have their say. I would love Ptex and a few Israeli members have a debate with a few Palestinians and put their points forward and maybe we can learn and make a more informed decision. I will send some email to Palestinians inviting them to the site. Reason I say this is taking the example of the Syrian crisis I have seen some members put on videos of people being murdered and killed in Mexico and tried to pass them off as what is going on in Syria.

Ptex do you have any Palestinians and or Israeli Arabs mates? Perhaps you could ask them to come on here??

Thats nonsense. You can buy house wherever u want. Take a loan in bank and buy. No one helped me to buy my little flat.

And again nonsense. Schools are funded by municipal tax. Simply Jews pay lots of taxes and Arabs not. Also rich Jewish neihborhoods pay much more municipal taxes than poor, thats why schools in rich are better.

Haredim are poorest part of Israeli society. You only prove my point.

Muslim clerics get salary from the state, Arabs with lots of children get same money as Jews from lots of children. For many Haredi and bedouin families thats major source of income.

Never heard but in democratic country everyone can consider anything.

We know history well:

PA Minister of Communications: Intifada already planned when Arafat returned from Camp David - YouTube

Israel is not only for Jews. Arabic is official language in Israel.


Thanks Ptex. I normally fight with you. maybe this will prove more productive and educational

Saudi arabia doesn't have a relations with israel either directly or indirectly/via america as you claim. She doesn't recognize israel and never will till they fulfill 1967 agreement.having relations with the US running after our interests doesn't mean having relations with israel. saudi arabia is basically lobbying in the US as israel is doing.
if you wanna seek relations with israel we don't hold you back go with it but don't drag saudi arabia in every talk. :butcher:

Did I ask you?? Did I invite you here to tell us what Pakistanis can or cannot do. Go read the OP.
Having looked at your posts in regards to Syria which have been biased and some of your mates have actually posted vids of crimes in mexico and tried to pass them of as happening in Syria I simply do not trust anything you state. I think we on the forum should I will in any event invite some Palestinians onto the forum so they can speak for themselves, for far too long we have listened to your rants about Zionism and Israel and believed the likes of you. Yet if what you say about Zionism and Israel is or was true and it is evil why do you not ask your tin pot dictators to stop allying with Israel and America.

Here is my real Aryan-B friend. So, you admit I am anti Zionism? That's what I am asking for. Aryan-B, plz get off our backs, this is a freaking forum, we are just having fun and learning. I wasn't that serious in my post #310. Off course, I would prefer you being an anti Arab as a pro-Israel rather than as a pro-Islam brotherhood. Just say whatever you want without bothering us with your personal views. It's your choice, and we don't care.
both of them are bogus family tree's invented by Safavid!

Only Iran is with Pakistan - anyone other claim is unholy to the core.

Funny a while back Iranian members denied having any social affiliations with Pakistan or knowing anything about it and treated it as a remote outback but since sanctions have started to bite they are singing songs of friendship on PDF and in the media..goes to show their duplicitous nature.

I am sure someone can dig out old posts!


Your posts are transparent. I have seen enough garbage from you. Your position is inconsistent. I have noticed you make anti Iranian posts and then as if to show you are neutral you have made anti Arab statements. The point is them you can go to other members and portray yourself as a true Pakistani as you are loyal to no one other than Pakistan.

Let me let you into a secret I want being Pakistani to mean us loving Iranians, Loving Arabs Loving all the people of the world.

Whereas you want to be Pakistani to mean fill the world with hatred venom and think that hating all means you are to loyal.

Sorry mate its the height of stupidity. Now crawl back under a stone and create another petition??

Do you know how to play diplomacy? I know you are the kind of guy that favours Arabs over Persians. I ask you what your real interest is. Looking at your flag, it appears to me that you are indeed a Pakistani. Really if i were you i would absorb the good things from both sides. If Arabs give us Oil you should be happy. If Iranians give us Gas and electricity, then you should show the same kind of respect. If you continue to become ignorant then oh well you are not loyal to the nation displayed as your flag.

Mate the guy is on another planet. He has no ideology and or principles. He constantly litters the place with his sectarianism and hatred on the forum
Your posts are transparent. I have seen enough garbage from you. Your position is inconsistent. I have noticed you make anti Iranian posts and then as if to show you are neutral you have made anti Arab statements. The point is them you can go to other members and portray yourself as a true Pakistani as you are loyal to no one other than Pakistan.

Let me let you into a secret I want being Pakistani to mean us loving Iranians, Loving Arabs Loving all the people of the world.

Whereas you want to be Pakistani to mean fill the world with hatred venom and think that hating all means you are to loyal.

Sorry mate its the height of stupidity. Now crawl back under a stone and create another petition??

OMG! no offence, but that's you!:sick:
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